Glazing antiseptic. Antiseptics FORWOOD and "Tikkurila"

Glazing antiseptic. Antiseptics FORWOOD and "Tikkurila"
Glazing antiseptic. Antiseptics FORWOOD and "Tikkurila"

The main advantage of the glazing antiseptic is that it allows not only to increase the service life, but also to preserve the original structure of the tree. In some cases, this is a key requirement, as the surface of the wood can be very beautiful.

General Description

Glazing itself is a procedure that involves the processing of a wood surface. However, the difference is that compounds are used here that can not only increase its service life, but also give it shine and shade. In addition, they are able to muffle the texture of the treated surface, if necessary. Among home craftsmen and other people using such compositions, they are most often called glazing paints. These formulations can lead to improvements such as:

  • Glazing the house outside will help protect it from various negative atmospheric influences.
  • Glazing antiseptics are also able to protect the structure from the adverse effects of ultraviolet rays. In addition, they can significantly help in protection against sudden drops.temperature.
  • And, of course, like any other antiseptic, they protect the coating from fungi, mold, etc.
for wood products
for wood products

Difference in composition

Glazing antiseptics can be used not only for internal, but also for external work. Since there can be various negative influences on the outside, it is worth noting a few special properties that the composition should have.

  • Firstly, the composition of the glazing antiseptic, as well as paints, for interior and exterior work is different. Which makes the properties different.
  • Secondly, the main difference between external compositions and internal compositions lies in the property of moisture resistance.
  • The third important property is resistance to temperature extremes for outdoor formulations.
  • In addition, since the use will be outdoors, it is necessary that the composition is frost-resistant.
glazing antiseptic for wood
glazing antiseptic for wood

Compounds for interior work

Glazing antiseptics for outdoor work should never be used for work inside the house, as they are not environmentally friendly, and it is completely forbidden to use them in children's rooms or bedrooms. The structure of substances that can be used for interior work is environmentally friendly and does not have an unpleasant odor. As for the properties of antiseptics for wood and paints, they are as follows:

  • They are moisture resistant as well as UV resistant.
  • It is especially convenient that dust settles less on the finish of such substances, and variousdirt.
  • No smudges left after work.
  • It is very important that the composition will not fade over time.
  • They dry pretty quickly.

It is worth noting that wood preservatives of this type do an excellent job not only with fungus, mold and others, but also effectively resist microbial pests and small insects.

antiseptic glazing for the fence
antiseptic glazing for the fence

The composition of the antiseptic and its types

Among the chemicals that make up the antiseptic for wood, alkyd and modified resins can be distinguished. A variety of oils are also added, with the help of which it is possible to achieve the maximum effect on the wood. Glazing antiseptics for wood today are of two types.

The first type is diluted antiseptic. These substances are distinguished by the fact that their aqueous or organic composition is manufactured with improved environmental standards.

The second type is the degree of gloss. This category includes matte and semi-gloss compositions. Antiseptics of the satin class can be attributed to the same category. A distinctive feature of matte antiseptics is that after application to the surface, they are completely absorbed.

It is worth adding that for the most effective use of such compounds, you need to know how to use them correctly. For example, to obtain the maximum effect, it is worth applying the substance immediately after building a house. Also, the compositions are applied as thin as possible so that smudges do not form. If you want to create a layerthicker, you will have to apply it several times.

fence antiseptic
fence antiseptic

Glazing antiseptic "Tikkurila"

It is necessary to use antiseptics of this company according to the following principle.

Beam, log or any other wood product is first cleaned of dirt and fungus. If the log is new, then this stage, of course, is skipped. The next step is the application of a primer layer. To do this, you can use a substance called "Vallti Pohyuste". The properties of the antiseptic will perfectly protect the wood from fungus and insects. However, this drug is not able to protect against ultraviolet radiation, and therefore a top coat will be required. Here you should pay attention to the different products of the Tikkurila line, as they have different properties. some formulations leave a breathable layer, some create a one-piece protective film, etc.

wood preservative
wood preservative

Forwood glazing antiseptic

Before applying these compositions, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. The antiseptic is thoroughly mixed. If there is such a need, then it can be diluted with water, but add no more than 5% of the liquid of the total mass. The surface to be treated must be not only dry and clean, but also free from other compounds, if any have been applied before. The difference from the previous line is that there is no need for pre-priming the surface. When applying the material, it must be rubbed with force so that all possiblewood pores and microcracks were filled with the compound.
