How to come up with a name for an online store?

How to come up with a name for an online store?
How to come up with a name for an online store?

There are enough ideas for names for an online store on the Web. Most of them sin by repeated repetitions on a variety of web resources. And so you want, opening your own business, something unbanal and, most importantly, effective. What, for example, should be a suitable name for an online clothing store? After all, the phrase "What do you call the boat …", despite being beaten, has not lost its relevance.

The sonorous and original name of the online store should be chosen once and for all. It is not recommended to change it along the way. Let's define the main factors that require attention when choosing.

The peculiarity of online stores is that each of them has a domain. That is, the address of the site that is the "working platform". The domain is indicated in the address bar as a certain set of letters, and the name of your offspring should be chosen with this factor in mind.

How to choose?

Let's look at the main criteria to ignore when choosingnot worth it at all. And they are:

  • The name of your resource must fully fall into the target audience.
  • Exactly match the items you are going to sell.
  • Shouldn't have trouble remembering because of the complexity.
  • The factors of associativity and eloquence have not been canceled in the same way.
  • Of course, the name must be unique.
  • Don't forget the stop list.
name for online store
name for online store

What does it all mean?

Now let's decipher all of the above in a little more detail. What does it mean to reach the target audience? This is to bring your idea into line with a number of factors, including age and gender, price and social (that is, belonging to a certain group or stratum).

As for the price category, there are basically three. Low - goods of a cheap segment of the market, medium - somewhat more expensive, and high - with an emphasis on quality and prestige of the brand. Most stores, including virtual ones, are aimed at middle-class buyers.

Your task is to clearly define who exactly you will sell your product to. The name for an online store should convey a sense of its price category. So, economy-class goods will look organically under a comic playful sign, quite casual and simple. If your goal is to create an expensive and prestigious online store, you should choose a more pretentious and exclusive name.

Gender differences suggest a focus onbuyer's gender. The names of women's online stores are graceful, flirtatious, tender. Goods for men should be sold under an officially strict sign. The name for the children's online store is a comic one, evoking associations with the heroes of fairy tales.

Big and small

Let's consider the division of clients by age. There are also several categories here:

  • Teen audience (under 21).
  • Buyers of young active age (21-30 years).
  • Middle-aged customers (approximately 30 to 45 years old).

It should be understood that shopping in a virtual environment is typical mainly for the younger generation - up to 30 years old. If you sell goods to middle-aged people, your sign must be calm, dignified, harmonious. The name of an online store for youth goods may contain a colloquial phrase with elements of slang.

name for online clothing store
name for online clothing store

Other details

Taking into account the social factor is even more difficult - after all, it involves division by interests, lifestyle, preferred religion and even subcultures.

In order for the name to match the product as fully as possible, the principle of associativity is widely used. So, for many, perfumery mentally evokes an image of tenderness, underwear - sexuality. By getting the right associations in the buyer's mind, you'll take a giant leap towards your goal.

In no case should the name be too complicated. "To be too smart", you risk: the buyer simply will not be able toremember. Not to mention SEO issues.

Additional advice

Another key point is uniqueness. A big mistake is to simply copy the signs of competitors. Your case is absolutely isolated, remember this.

The peculiarity of the language is that all domain names are written in Latin. Meanwhile, it is difficult for many people to perceive foreign words. Unfortunately, this is another trap. By creating a name with a complex combination of letters, you risk ruining the idea in the bud.

What is a stop list? Try once and for all to abandon the words included in the list of long ago bored and do not cause anything but irritation. Most often, these are the best, vip, elit, shop, top prefixes that have imposed on everyone’s teeth, or the product designations gift, perfume, books, CD.

name of children's clothing store
name of children's clothing store

Looking for a name. How and where?

Here are tips to make this difficult task easier for you:

  • You can come up with the name of an online store by the name of the best-selling main product.
  • Long-dead brands are resurfacing - their signs are getting a second life.
  • Try to reach out to the namers. Who are they? Specialists who, for a fee, will compose a name for you for anything - a company, a brand, a store, and so on.
  • It's trite, but it works - to go through the well-known beautiful combinations of foreign words. Sometimes it sounds quite stylish.
  • Use real last name. So did many of the now promoted brands. As a rule, suchnames are the easiest to remember and have no problems with uniqueness. Difficulties can only be when trying to write in transliteration. Not every user will correctly type the right words in the search box. That is why not every last name, even a beautiful and sonorous one, will be appropriate as a sign for an online store.

And what else?

  • Play with the main group of goods as a surname. An example - we call a flower shop "Tsvetkoff". Although rather banal, it looks very advantageous.
  • If nothing comes to mind, resort to natural names. Take some exotic place on earth - an island, a river, a mountain - like Fiji or Malibu. Such a name always sounds impressive.
name for children's online store
name for children's online store
  • Sometimes you have to play with words creatively, sometimes even making a "accidental" typo within reason.
  • Often the name of a product (shoes, clothes, etc.) is translated into another foreign language (Spanish, Italian, French). The meaning is the same, but the sound is completely different, mysterious and enigmatic.
  • Name words are complemented with unexpected prefixes or suffixes (podarkos).

Name of online stores: list of examples

Here are the most win-win words that will work anytime, anywhere:

  • Name for an online clothing store (women's) - "Lady", "Glamour", "Lik", "Versailles", "Chic", "Beauty", "Coquette","Ecstasy", "Eve", "World of Beauty".
  • For men, the following options are suitable - "Gentleman", "Aesthete", "Big people" (for "royal" sizes).
  • The name of the children's clothing online store is "Top-top", "Baby", "Baby", "Bambi", "Pups", "Casper".
  • You can use the words "Slipper", "Step", "Top-top", "Botik" in the name of a shoe store.
  • When it comes to underwear - "Ecstasy", "Cleopatra", "Magnolia", "Eve", "Tenderness", "Temptation", "Intimacy", "Orchid".
beautiful online store name
beautiful online store name
  • For a furniture store - "Interior", "Elite", "Comfort", "Continent", "Your Home", "Empire", "Comfort", "Harmony", "Corner", "Estet".
  • For flower - "Lotus", "Gardenia", "Oasis", "Flower world (or paradise)", "Camellia", "Flora", "Edelweiss", "Fantasy", "Orchid", " Flamingo", "Florence".

More Examples of Online Store Names

  • If you are going to sell household chemicals - "Glitter", "Snow White", "Alternative", "Sorceress", "Cinderella", "Freshness", "Lotus","Clean", "Radiance", "Moydodyr", "Fairy", "Aroma".
  • For an online gift shop, the words - "Divo", "Casket", "Positive", "Present" are suitable.
  • Options for those who sell computers and office equipment - "Bit", "Omega", "Byte", "Ultra", "Hacker", "Virus", "Spectrum", "Portal", "Forum ", "Enter".
  • Selling building materials - Megastroy, Decor, Master, Eurostroy, Pyramid, Economy Builder, Master, StroyGid.

The task of coming up with a name is to successfully combine a suitable word with a convenient transliteration of it in a domain name. Another problem is that most of the existing domains are long and firmly occupied. Many seek to buy a suitable name at any cost. If you are one of them, then know that specialized agencies can provide such a service.

How to choose a domain name?

Many serious mistakes are made when choosing it by its owners. The main thing is that it matches the name of the store. Then the address of your resource will be easier to remember and drive into the search bar.

name of women's online stores
name of women's online stores

Can't you do without a name at all, limiting yourself, say, to an ip-address? At the same time, saving on a domain name!

Numbers, as a rule, do not say anything to the client and are rarely remembered. Having spent money on buying a decent domain with a sonorous, memorable and easy name, we will do a lot for our online store.

It's no secret that shorter names are easier to remember. Cybersquatters (domain name hunters) are buying up sonorous and short names with their subsequent resale for very decent money. A long title is only good when a site with an extremely narrow topic includes the main keyword in it. In this case, good SEO-promotion of the store is guaranteed for you.

On the importance of pronunciation

Even a short name should be associated with something. It cannot be just a meaningless string of letters or numbers. In extreme cases, an abbreviation from the first letters of the store name is suitable (if it consists, for example, of three or more words).

Pronunciation of the domain in the Russian version should also be unambiguous. Many Latin letters are read differently by Russian-speaking users (especially by those who are not strong in languages). In such cases, there is a risk that the name you said on the phone, when typed in the address bar, will be shamelessly distorted and will not be on your site at all.

Cyrillic in the use of a domain name is strongly discouraged. It has not yet taken root on the Internet so much that it can be reflected in various programs as a set of special characters that are devoid of any meaning.

examples of online store names
examples of online store names

In order not to break the tongue

Hard-to-pronounce names that require letter-by-letter dictation over the phone to almost everyonethe second client should also be avoided. If possible, prefer domains that do not contain hyphens or numbers. The latter should be used only when they carry a generally accepted meaning. For example, 24 (the mode of operation of your company is around the clock). In other cases, the numbers in the domain, which do not contain any semantic load, are completely redundant.

The domain name, like the name for the online store itself, must correspond to the severity of the site. Unless you plan to sell balloons and crackers, avoid "funny" slang terms that will significantly reduce the prestige of your decent online store, especially when it comes to selling expensive appliances, jewelry or climate equipment.

Try not to include geographic terms, mentions of the city and region in the domain name. Who knows how your business will unfold in a year or two. Perhaps you will reach a completely new level. The name of your native locality in the address bar will significantly limit your search for new customers.

Down with negativity

Negative and regressive words, as well as prefixes "not" in the title should be avoided, and superstition has nothing to do with it. It is common for human consciousness to "not notice" these prefixes, and the meaning changes to the exact opposite. It is better to focus on positive and cheerful mood.

Lack of originality is also quite a problem. How not to get lost among the many competing stores? Whatever one may say, you will have to break your head. In extremecase, it’s not a sin and go broke on the services of naming specialists.

Check all the selected options according to the above criteria and figure out which one is the most working. Will it be necessary to change it hastily after a certain period of time? Is it possible, ideally, to work under a given name indefinitely? Of course, the domain is subject to change. Technically, this is easy to do. But if you expect to turn your name into a brand, then such a replacement is completely useless to you. It is better to spend some time, money and effort on choosing the most successful and beautiful name for an online store now than to change the logo a year later, reprint business cards and edit contextual advertising ads.
