Onion peel as fertilizer: looking for alternatives

Onion peel as fertilizer: looking for alternatives
Onion peel as fertilizer: looking for alternatives

More and more, we began to pay attention not only to the vegetables and fruits themselves, but also to how they are processed and fed, which contributed to the increase in productivity. Therefore, the use of natural remedies for such purposes is experiencing a new life and is widely used by gardeners throughout the country. One of them is onion peel as a fertilizer. The benefits and benefits of this product, which we often send in a bucket, are undeniable.

onion peel as a fertilizer
onion peel as a fertilizer

Onions have been used by man for medicinal purposes since ancient times. So why can't what's good for humans be good for plants? Of course it can. After all, those micro- and macroelements that it contains also have a positive effect on horticultural crops, providing them with protection from diseases, preventing their occurrence and ensuring normal he althy growth. Onion peel (as seedling fertilizer) will help it grow already hardened, strong and survive the stress of planting in open ground. To do this, add dry husks to the bottom of the dishes before filling the ground for sowing.material. It contains calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, silicon, iron. In the process of watering, it will rot and saturate the earth with these useful chemical elements. Thus, onion peel as a fertilizer will help seedlings grow strong and he althy, hardened from possible diseases that are in the ground and transmitted through it both during cultivation and during subsequent growth.

onion peel fertilizer
onion peel fertilizer

If we talk about the usefulness of onion peel, it should be noted that this particular part of the plant is rich in such an element as quercetin, which belongs to the group of flavonoids of plant origin. It is found in the greatest quantities not in the bulb itself, but in the husk, especially in the red one. In addition to onions, this antioxidant is found in buckwheat, apples, lingonberries, raspberries, broccoli, olive oil, green tea and other products. For humans, this component is useful for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the endocrine system, vision and internal organs. Onion peel fertilizer has a beneficial effect on plants - it strengthens the root system, repels pests, improves soil structure and provides good nutrition.

infusion of onion peel
infusion of onion peel

Alternative products to improve the composition of the earth, its structure and ensure he althy plant growth, in addition to onions, can be eggshells, banana skins, tea leaves, coffee grounds, orange peels - everything that goes into your trash can. But all this can be an excellent top dressing for yourplants, both in the garden and in the garden, and for indoor plants. If you can simply build a compost pit for household plots and send all this waste, which in fact is not waste, to rot, then at home you can prepare an infusion of onion peel.

It is necessary to take 2 handfuls of husks, steam with 2 liters of boiling water, bring to a boil and leave for 2 hours. Cold method: the volume of ingredients is the same, but the water temperature is room temperature, you need to insist 1-2 days. Strain the solution, pour (without diluting) into a spray bottle and spray the plants.

Onion peel as a fertilizer is a great alternative to "chemistry". It's eco-friendly, he althy and completely free.
