Looking for an example of how to fill in a workday photo?

Looking for an example of how to fill in a workday photo?
Looking for an example of how to fill in a workday photo?

To accurately determine the items of the job description, analyze the workload, as well as the performance of any employee, a photograph of the working day can be used. An example of filling you will find below in this article.

It is known that all labor resources must work with maximum efficiency. To optimize production, each of its mechanisms must work like clockwork. And if ordinary line personnel need to comply with the established time limits, then how to follow the work of the engineering team?

A way to track employee workload

This problem can be solved using photos of the working day.

example of filling in a photo of a working day
example of filling in a photo of a working day

This tool will allow you to understand whether the worker has free time, or whether he is completely devoted to the labor process. But even if he does not have a minute of rest, using the example below of filling out a photo of a working day, you can easily determine what his efficiency is.

How to compile and who should do it?

You can either use your own standardizers, which are available at all large enterprises, or use the services of private companies for standardization and standardization. However, doing some work on your own is always cheaper, especially since understanding this issue using the example of filling out a photo of a working day below is not difficult.

For those who want to ration an accountant, engineer or any other employee, you should familiarize yourself with the job description, work schedule, as well as the main areas of work before taking a photo.

This must be done so that the person to be investigated cannot mislead the rater. After all, there is simply no sense in measurements in which the worker deliberately slows down or stops the workflow.

When drawing up, you can focus on the approved national norms

Before using the example of filling in the photo of the working day below, it is worth getting acquainted with the developed and approved standards for the performance of certain works. Although today there are some rules that have been in force since the days of the Soviet Union. Of course, you don’t need to focus on the total time, but the sequence of actions, the scope of work and the use of auxiliary materials will be very useful when forming new measurements.

photo of the working day filling example
photo of the working day filling example

Let's consider a specific example of filling in a photo of the working day:

Date Name Position
02.11.2015 Angelika Evgenievna Ivanova accountant
Workday Start of the day End of the day
Monday 08:00 17:00
Photo of the working day
n/n Process name Time Duration, min Process index
1 Open an office, turn on the computer, prepare a workplace 07:55-08:00 5 PZP
2 Open the 1C program, upload and print transaction documents 08:00-08:35 35 OP
3 Prepare documents for payroll


165 OP
4 Agree on salary amounts with the chief accountant 11:20-11:30 10 OP
5 Perform payroll in the 1C program 11:30-12:00 30 OP
6 Lunch break 12:00-13:00 60 VO
7 Working with a client-bank (entering information on wages) 13:00-14:45 105 OP
8 Collecting information on services to draw up an advance report 14:45-15:30 45 DP
9 Drafting an advance report 15:30-16:45 75 OP
10 Spread reports and documents into folders, put folders in their places, turn off the computer, clean up the workplace


15 PZP
11 End of the working day 17:00
Minutes %
Total measured, of which: 545 100, 00
PZP 20 3, 68
OP 420 77, 06
VO 60 11, 00
DP 45 8, 26
NTV 0 0, 00

The above is a picture of an accountant's day at work. An example of filling shows how you can skillfully compose timekeeping for an employee of the administrative and managerial level. But to understand time efficiency, you need to understand what is in the process index column.

photo of an accountant's working day example of filling
photo of an accountant's working day example of filling

What is time spent on?

PZP - preparatory and final process. This group includes operations related to the preparation of the workplace for the working day or the completion of labor activity.

OP - operational process. This includes directly all the work that is in the job description and the employee must perform them.

VO - time for rest or personal needs. These are breaks in the production process, which are regulated by the working day.

DP - additional processes. This group contains works that are not included in the EP, but without them it is impossible to start work. For example, for those who work at the machine, this is setting up equipment, preparing work surfaces, etc.

NTV is a non-operational waste of time. This group includes all the time that was not spent on the work process (phone calls with family, going to the store, solving personal issues, etc.).

What does he saythe above picture of a work day?

The filling example above can be used to analyze the workload and labor efficiency of an employee. It can be seen that there is no non-operational waste of time, the minimum time is spent on rest or personal needs. The rest of the time the employee spends on their immediate duties.

photo of a working day sample filling for an engineer
photo of a working day sample filling for an engineer

To understand where the working time goes, you need a photo of the working day. An example of filling out for an engineer will not differ from the above, since the given form is also suitable for engineering and technical personnel. Just the types and names of works may differ.
