Small water drilling rig: specifications and photos

Small water drilling rig: specifications and photos
Small water drilling rig: specifications and photos

Besides the fact that people need water, the body is also very picky about the quality of this product. It is for this reason that small-sized drilling rigs are becoming more and more widely used. This is due to the fact that, using this installation, it is possible to extract water from underground sources that have not yet been contaminated.

Installation device

The main advantage of a small-sized drilling rig is that it can be used without hiring specialists. Installation, configuration and further operation of the unit are quite simple, and therefore almost anyone can handle it. The equipment consists of the following main elements:

  • Drill shaft with fork. These two parts are essential for installing the fixture. Due to the fact that this is the only support of the installation, it is necessary to carry out installation only on the terrain that was previously well compacted so that the drill does not sag.
  • Nextthere is a drill head, which is a key element that conducts all drilling operations.
  • An additional device is a conical lock. This item is designed to be able to remove and change the drill bit if the situation requires it.
  • As guiding mechanisms, side drains are used, which set the direction of movement for the drill.
  • The small-sized drilling rig is equipped with a very strong winch, which is responsible for lowering the drill to a depth.
  • The heart of the equipment is an electric motor that converts kinetic energy into rotational and translational motion of the drill.
  • The machine control panel is equipped with only two buttons - on / off. There is moisture protection, and therefore it can not be covered with anything, even if it was left in the open air.
  • drilling device
    drilling device

Additional work

The weight of the small drilling rig never exceeds 30 kg, which makes it possible to transport it using a car. The sale of goods is carried out in an already assembled form, and therefore it is only necessary to prepare a site and install the device. Most often, this takes about an hour. However, if the ground is rather problematic or weak, then much more may be needed.

Elements of a small-sized drilling rig
Elements of a small-sized drilling rig

Setting parameters

It is important to understand that the design of small drilling rigs is a complex of equipment. The choice of a particular complex depends on thethe type of soil will have to work, as well as from such factors as the geological section. The most compact units with low weight lend themselves perfectly to assembly and disassembly. Two workers can cope with this task. The temperature range in which the device is allowed to operate is from -30 to +40 degrees Celsius. It is also important to note here that the design of the device and the power of the electric motor - 2-3 kW - allow you to connect the equipment to a conventional 220 V network. In addition, there is a certain division into classes, depending on the method used for drilling. It can be rotational, impact, complex and several other types.

Small Water Drilling Rig
Small Water Drilling Rig

Models and Specifications

Small drilling rigs of RB-50/220 series. These devices can be supplied with rods of 1, 1, 5 and 1.8 meters. Their diameter is 48 mm, and the main material for production is St40X steel. The drilling depth of such installations is in the range of 50 to 70 meters in the presence of an electric motor with a power of 2.2 kW. Experts recommend additionally supplying the machine with a mud pump. The main purpose of the unit is to work with soil, which contains solid particles up to 20 mm in size.

Small-sized drilling rigs for water of the RB-100/380 series. These units are more powerful representatives of the same class. To power them, a 380 V generator is required. The depth of the well that the equipment can drill is 100 meters. Electric powerengine in cars is 4.4 kW. Another necessary condition for the operation of such an installation is the presence of a mud pump with parameters of 900 l/min.

Small-sized drilling rig
Small-sized drilling rig

The main positive and negative qualities of MGBU

Small-sized water drilling rigs are considered the most popular product among stationary and self-propelled types of machines. The advantage of mini installation over these types is:

  • The possibility of easy and convenient transportation, as well as the small dimensions of the assembled product.
  • The operation process does not require special attention, the repair and maintenance of the machine is quite simple, these works are carried out at the drilling site.
  • Ability to use the unit in places where there is a limited area.
  • Relatively low cost of fixture when compared to stationary or self-propelled types.
  • It is possible to carry out all the work, even having non-professional workers on the site. The number of personnel required is 2 people.
Used Small Borehole Drilling Rig
Used Small Borehole Drilling Rig

Among the shortcomings, it is worth highlighting that the average engine power is quite low, and therefore drilling a well with a depth of more than 100 meters is impossible.

Equipment prices

It is worth noting that the price of a small-sized installation depends not only on the technical parameters and performance characteristics, but also on the model of the device. In addition, the value creation processcarried out on contractual terms.

For example, the RB series model 50/220 V will cost around 59 thousand rubles. And a model of the same series, but powered by a 380 V network, and having the ability to drill a well 100 meters deep, will cost 119 thousand rubles.

If we talk about the installations that belong to the UKB-12/25 series, as well as about all the modifications that these units have, they work not only from electric engines, but also from gasoline ones. This greatly expands the possibility of their application. However, along with this, the cost of the unit also increases greatly. The approximate price of such a model for drilling wells is 215 thousand rubles.

A small used water well drilling rig will naturally cost less. However, when buying a device in this way, it should be understood that it has already served a certain period of time and, most likely, will soon fail.
