Beds for strawberries under agrofibre

Beds for strawberries under agrofibre
Beds for strawberries under agrofibre

Garden strawberry is a very tasty and he althy berry that is in great demand. Growing this crop is a very profitable business. Even from a small plot, with proper care, you can harvest a good harvest of magnificent berries, some of which can be sold on the market.

Strawberry beds
Strawberry beds

Strawberry is a labor-intensive berry crop. It will require certain skills and knowledge from the gardener, without which good harvests cannot be obtained. Strawberry beds are equipped with special methods. The plant is photophilous, does not tolerate waterlogging. Therefore, when choosing a site for strawberries, these features must be taken into account.

It is not difficult to prepare beds for strawberries with your own hands. To do this, you can use one of the existing methods. Modern methods of forming beds for strawberries allow you to solve the problems that arise when growing this fastidious horticultural crop. One of them is the use of agrofibre.

Bed for strawberries
Bed for strawberries

Before starting the formation of beds for strawberries, it is necessarypurchase the necessary materials. You will need agrofibre, wire or metal studs to fix it.

Under this culture, well-lit areas of the garden are allocated. They make markings for a bed for strawberries, the shape and size of which can be different, but one of its sides must be equal to the width of the agrofibre. After the place for the culture is determined, the site is dug up and raked.

Now comes the most crucial moment of the formation of beds for strawberries. Agrofibre is divided into strips corresponding to the size of the markup. They are laid on the prepared soil and fixed with metal brackets. The joints of agrofibre are overlapped with a gap of 20 centimeters. The edges and corners of the flooring are fixed with paving slabs or stones. For the convenience of plant care and harvesting, strawberry beds are located at a distance of 30 centimeters from each other.

Now you can start planting seedlings. Usually planting is planned for the spring. A bed for strawberries is marked out for planting bushes. In certain places, cuts are made in the agrofibre with a sharp knife. Plants are planted here. Care should be taken to ensure that the growing point is not deepened under the soil. The corners of the agrofibre in place of the bush are wrapped inward. Thus, all planting material is planted, which should fill all the beds for strawberries. Seedlings are watered individually. The bed for strawberries is ready.

DIY strawberry beds
DIY strawberry beds

Strawberry beds formed in this way are very convenient forcare. They eliminate the appearance of weeds, facilitate the removal of mustaches and harvesting. Caring for such plantings consists in regular watering and fertilizing. Strawberries do not tolerate waterlogging. Watering is done several times a week. In rainy and cool weather, watering is reduced. Strawberries are fertilized with this method of growing with a solution of special complex fertilizers. When making granular dressings, they are evenly scattered throughout the garden. In the autumn, strawberry beds are filled with mustaches formed over the summer. They are removed and used as seedlings for new plantings.

Strawberry beds
Strawberry beds

Also, as a preventive measure, part of the foliage of plants is removed. Ripe berries are practically not contaminated. Harvesting is pretty easy. The use of agrofibre not only facilitates the care of labor-intensive horticultural crops, but also contributes to obtaining good yields without losses.
