Where is it better to insure a car under OSAGO? In what case is a car not insured under OSAGO?

Where is it better to insure a car under OSAGO? In what case is a car not insured under OSAGO?
Where is it better to insure a car under OSAGO? In what case is a car not insured under OSAGO?

Searching for an insurance company to draw up a compulsory OSAGO contract is a responsible choice. Therefore, every motorist wonders where it is better to insure a car under OSAGO in order to receive compensation in case of an accident.

Where is the best place to get car insurance?
Where is the best place to get car insurance?

How to choose an insurance company

Currently, there are many insurance companies on the financial services market that offer to issue an insurance contract. When choosing an insurer, you should pay attention to the following main criteria.

Criteria to look out for

  1. Fame and financial stability. To do this, you just need to study the rating of insurance companies, look at the authorized capital. You can see how many years the company has been present in the financial services market. Also, special attention should be paid to the amount of fees and charges. For a good and stable company, this indicator should be 30 to 80 percent.
  2. Branch network. Drivers who travel frequently should pay attention to the number of offices in other regions. If aSince the company is represented throughout Russia, it is possible with complete confidence to issue OSAGO for a car.
  3. Customer reviews. In this case, you should not believe the reviews on the World Wide Web, you need to talk with relatives and friends who have experienced the issue of an insurance policy and can give valuable advice on where it is better to insure a car under OSAGO.
  4. Contract price. According to the law, uniform tariffs are established for the OSAGO agreement, which are valid in all insurance companies. If a company representative offers to sell you a policy at a reduced price, you should consider how legal it is. In most cases, OSAGO at reduced prices is offered by one-day companies or scammers. Therefore, you need to buy a contract only at the official office of a large company.
Where is the cheapest place to insure your car?
Where is the cheapest place to insure your car?

How to insure a car

OSAGO - compulsory third party liability insurance. According to the law, each driver must purchase a contract, only after that move in his vehicle. To draw up a contract, it is enough to contact the insurance company with a full package of documents.

You will need to have a passport, documents for the car, a driver's license and a diagnostic card with you. Any capable citizen can act as an insured under the contract.

Can't get car insurance
Can't get car insurance

Based on the documents provided, a representative of the insurance company will calculate the premium and draw up a contract. However, before makingcontract, many people think where it is cheaper to insure a car OSAGO.

To find the answer to this question, you need to study the pricing policy of several companies and then choose the one that offers to conclude a contract at the lowest price with official discounts that are set for each accident-free year. Do not forget that many insurers ask to provide a car for inspection.

The whole truth about insurance

Recently, many motorists are faced with such a problem that it is impossible to insure a car under OSAGO. How to be in a similar situation when it is necessary to travel by car, but getting a binding contract is becoming more and more difficult?

OSAGO on the car
OSAGO on the car

In practice, in order to purchase OSAGO, you need to pay for additional services. As a rule, the representative of the insurance company includes life insurance and a diagnostic card in the price. In the event that a diagnostic card is available or not required, insurers replace it with apartment insurance.

As a rule, car owners are simply indignant, but they buy OSAGO with a “load” because they don’t want to break the law and drive on the road without a policy.

But what if there is no desire to buy additional insurance? Everything is very simple, the insurer has no right to refuse, he can only offer two options for registration:

  1. Buy a policy immediately, but with additional services.
  2. Submit an application, wait 30 days and provide a clean car for inspection.

Which option to choose, each policyholder decides for himself. Insurers are counting on the fact that in most cases the policy is needed urgently, so customers will not wait.

Where to insure

OSAGO is a mandatory insurance contract that every vehicle owner must purchase. At the same time, the choice of a company must be approached responsibly. You should not contact small companies, it is better to pay attention to large ones that have been proving their stability for years.

When choosing a company, it is necessary to consider not where it is cheaper to insure an OSAGO car, but how to purchase insurance coverage safely.

Rating of the best insurance companies in 2015

Ranking Insurance company name
1 Rosgosstrakh
3 Ingosstrakh
4 RESO-Guarantee
5 AlphaInsurance
7 VTB Insurance
8 Consent
9 Alliance (ROSNO)
10 Renaissance

Only after the rating has been studied, you can make a choice in whichinsurance company draw up a contract.

Fraud on the World Wide Web

Many car enthusiasts, wanting to save money, apply for an OSAGO policy at Internet receptions, where many promise to sell an OSAGO form at a bargain price. At the same time, the so-called representatives of the insurance company offer not only a policy at a bargain price, but also free delivery to any place and time.

where to insure OSAGO
where to insure OSAGO

It would seem, why not take advantage of profitable services. As practice shows, only scammers sell policies through the World Wide Web. These forms are false, and you will not be able to count on insurance payment in case of an accident. Such forms can only be provided to police officers so as not to receive a fine.

Therefore, if you are looking for the best place to insure your car under OSAGO, you should not believe in attractive prices and attractive delivery services. It is worth checking the form and the company carefully before purchasing it.

Differences between a fake form and a real one

When purchasing a contract, you need to pay attention to the following main points:

  1. The first thing you should pay close attention to is paper. The original policy is dense and slightly rough. The fake one is printed on a normal A4 paper.
  2. This form has been watermarked and has the PCA logo. If you look at the form in the light, you can see the inscription PCA.
  3. Protective metal strip on the back of the policy, which is sewn into the form.
  4. The size of the policy. The fake one is A4 size, the original one is slightlylonger.
  5. The form number is located in the upper right corner. The original letterhead is convex to the touch.
  6. Like banknotes, original forms are protected by red and green villi. Reds can be easily seen through the light on the reverse side of the form. Green villi can only be seen through ultraviolet light.

Checking the license of an insurance company

insure the car
insure the car

If you decide to insure your car OSAGO, you should check the availability of a valid license from the insurance company. You can check the license on the official website of the PCA in a special section. All you need is to drive in the ten-digit OSAGO policy number. After that, a table will appear, which will indicate the date of shipment of the insurance company, the name of the company and the availability of a license.

You can check the availability of a license instantly via a mobile phone when signing an insurance contract.

Policy registration

It turns out that if you do not know where to insure a car under OSAGO, you need to carefully study the rating of insurance companies, choose a large and stable one. When drawing up an agreement, it is imperative to check the company's license and the form for accuracy. Now you know how and where it is better to insure a car under OSAGO.