Free space: description, classification

Free space: description, classification
Free space: description, classification

Each property has a specific purpose. This characteristic also determines the method of its operation. If the premises do not correspond to the type of activity of the enterprise, it is unprofitable, the tenant or owner changes, it becomes necessary to change the functional purpose of the area.

free space
free space

Target groups

There are quite a lot of them. Target groups include non-residential and residential facilities, commercial centers, warehouse terminals, shopping malls, educational, medical institutions, public buildings, etc. The intended use can be assigned not only to the building as a whole, but also to individual areas within it.


The conduct of this or that type of activity in the premises is regulated by the relevant legislation. So, there are certain requirements for the construction, operation,fire safety, sanitary and hygienic standards. The process of re-profiling an object involves both external changes and internal re-equipment of the area for a specific type of activity. This task is implemented in accordance with the developed design and technical and inventory documentation. The main problems in determining the legal status of parts of the structure and non-residential areas are the architectural diversity and the lack of specific rules for the circulation of this property.

what does free space mean
what does free space mean

Real Estate Market

At the end of the twentieth century, there was a fairly rapid development of commercial activity. In this regard, there was a problem of shortage of free non-residential areas. At that time, the market for commercial properties was in its infancy. Subsequently, its development took place in two directions. In particular, the redemption of private residential premises, which were located on the first floors of buildings, was carried out. At the same time, new buildings were erected. The first option was considered quite simple, cheap and fast. New buildings also required large investments. The time factor was also important. Nevertheless, practice has shown that it was new buildings that began to bring significant profits to the owners. Today, there is an intensive development of the commercial real estate market, despite the fact that apartment buildings are being built more often. A fairly large segment of the market today is occupied by non-residential premises for free use. Next, find out what these objects are.

What does it mean"vacant premises"?

This term is used in the professional speech of re altors. What does "free space" mean? This characteristic indicates the multifunctionality of the object. The purpose of the building, as a rule, becomes known already at the design stage. However, for the owner, the option of building a universal structure will be more profitable and expedient in the economic sense. In the future, it can be redesigned in accordance with the requirements of tenants. So, a free-use premises can become an office or a shopping center. Often such areas are occupied by household or social enterprises.

vacant premises in moscow
vacant premises in moscow


There are a number of features that distinguish such a free-use premises from others. Based on these characteristics, a conditional classification was formed. So, they distinguish:

  • Premises for free appointment of "premium" class. It is a new modern building, which is located within walking distance from administrative buildings, a transport interchange or a metro station. The ceiling height of such premises is 4-6 m. They have large windows, modern security and fire alarm systems, an underground garage and an open parking lot. This kind of free-use premises in Moscow is usually intended for offices of commercial banks and holdings. Their rent is quite expensive.
  • A free-use luxury room. Such squares are located in buildings located in the historical part of the city. In this regard, the appearance of the building is maintained in accordance with the style and architecture of the objects present nearby. High-quality and modern repairs have been made in such premises, video surveillance and fire alarms have been installed.
  • what does free space mean
    what does free space mean
  • Square class "standard". They are in the buildings of the Soviet era. They have been well renovated. The height of the ceilings in these rooms is no more than 3.5 m. However, even if there are signs of modernity, the features of the Soviet era are visible in them. These are, in particular, a cramped elevator, a low ceiling, a non-functional layout, inactive balconies, and so on. The buildings of such a plan, as a rule, house small offices. Leasing is carried out on separate areas.
  • Economy class room. It is located in a residential building, has a separate entrance. As a rule, such areas are rented by owners of small shops, enterprises engaged in social activities - hairdressers, small workshops, dry cleaners.
  • non-residential premises for free use
    non-residential premises for free use

Rent and sale: some nuances

As you know, any commercial premises must generate income. A stable and constant income is considered to be the receipt of funds from the lease. As a rule, delivery is carried out for a long period. When carrying out a transaction for the sale of premises, it is necessary to carefullystudy the documentation on the transfer of the area from residential to non-residential fund. If the building is an old mansion, you should additionally familiarize yourself with the opinions of experts on the possibility of arranging it. Undoubtedly, among other things, it is necessary to verify the legal purity of title papers.
