VVST: deciphering the abbreviation of military and technical

VVST: deciphering the abbreviation of military and technical
VVST: deciphering the abbreviation of military and technical

Almost every letter combination has several meanings. Which of them is suitable for a particular case, we understand based on the context. In this article, we suggest that you deal with the decoding of military equipment, which is widely used in the military environment. However, as you will see, it also has a "peaceful" meaning.

What is WWST?

The decoding is as follows: weapons, military and special equipment. Usually, AME is understood as the whole range of weapons, as well as the technical equipment that makes it possible to use them.

So, the decoding of the VVST is a general sample:

  • The weapon itself.
  • Carriers, carriers of his samples of water, land, space, air-based.
  • Combat weapon carriers.
  • Various devices, devices and units that are equipped with military equipment to enable its daily and military operation.
  • VVST decryption
    VVST decryption

What is included in WWST?

We now know the decoding of the abbreviation VVST. Let's take a closer look at what applies to special and military equipment and weapons. These are the following items:

  • Rockets.
  • Different types of ammunition and means capable of delivering them to the target.
  • Starting, guidance, aiming, control systems.
  • Special technical devices and devices that are designed to prepare weapons for a combat mission.
  • Multi-task technical devices of armed struggle: aimed at defeating the enemy, protection from his attack, technical, combat, rear, operational support of military operations, training of troops.
  • Instrument and equipment designed to test and control combat installations.
  • Various support means. They are often part of a military complex.
  • VVST abbreviation decoding
    VVST abbreviation decoding

State armament program

In 2010, the President of the Russian Federation approved the State Armament Program for the next 10 years. Its funding amounted to 20 trillion rubles.

The main goal of the program is the comprehensive development of the military military equipment system (the decoding of the abbreviation is known to the reader). The significance of modern military threats, the current state of the infrastructure of domestic weapons, and the equipment of the troops is also important here. The benchmarks are the needs of the updated Russian aircraft, as well as the requirements of current regulations.

Complete deliveries of modern Russian competitive weapons, special and military equipment will help achieve the intended goal.

Deciphering military abbreviations
Deciphering military abbreviations

Main Resourcestoday focused on the following:

  • Creation of control and information systems that will ensure the use of high-precision types of weapons.
  • Major renewal of the entire AME fleet. Providing it with promising and modern models of equipment, devices, complexes. Maintaining military and military equipment in a state of combat readiness.
  • As a matter of priority, military formations and units of constant readiness, as well as strategic deterrence forces, should be provided with the latest models of military and military equipment.
  • Creation of technological and scientific and technical bases that will be able to implement critical and basic military technologies, as well as develop innovative complexes, systems and weapons.

Plans for 2018

From the decoding of the military and military equipment, let's move on to specific plans to change the fleet of Russian weapons for the current year. In the general account, it is expected to upgrade samples of military and special equipment by 59%.

Now to the specifics. Procurement of specific modernized and modern types of weapons and military equipment:

  • Missile systems related to the ground forces - 100% upgrade.
  • Helicopters - by 79%.
  • Complex of armored fighting vehicles - by 67%.
  • Artillery systems - by 67%.
  • Submarine fleet - by 63%.
  • Multipurpose vehicles - by 60%.
  • Military aircraft - by 59%.
  • Surface warships - by 59%.
  • What is VVST decryption
    What is VVST decryption

Improving the serviceability of operational samples of military military equipment:

  • Complexground forces - by 85%.
  • Navy Complex - by 80%.
  • Air Force Complex - by 80%.

Also for 2018, it is planned to develop a promising model and then put it into service, launch mass production of new destroyers. The project must be completed by December 30, 2018.

From 2012 to the present, 260 formations have already been re-equipped with a modern twist.

And now let's move on from deciphering the military abbreviation to its meaning in a qualitatively different area.

What is WWST yet?

VVST also - vacuum circuit breakers for outdoor installations. They are a three-pole switching device with a spring-motor built-in drive. Their purpose is to switch electrical circuits in normal and emergency modes. VVST is designed for 3-phase AC networks with a rated voltage of 10 kV and a frequency of 50 Hz.

VVST circuit breakers are installed in switchgear (complete switchgear) or in installations that meet their technical requirements.

VVST sample transcript
VVST sample transcript

Scope of application of VVST switches

In the field of operation, these switches are universal. In particular, they are fully suitable for switching:

  • capacitors;
  • transformers;
  • electric arc furnaces;
  • filters;
  • overhead cables and lines;
  • engines;
  • inductive reactors.

More examples of their successful application:

  • Disconnection of short circuit currentsfaults with a high level of recovering voltage at the breaker contacts.
  • Fast sync and switch.
  • AR (Automatic Reclosing) up to 63 kA.

Under the arms and military equipment most often means the entire complex of weapons of the state, military and special equipment of the Armed Forces. As for our country, this area is actively financed and developed today - it is enough to get acquainted with the general State program and plans for the current 2018.
