2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
In 2014, the Siberian Troika tomato variety was considered one of the best, which was grown mainly in areas with a poor climate and lack of fertile black earth fields. According to reviews, the Siberian Troika tomato is a productive variety that allows you to collect good vegetables not only in greenhouses, but also in open gardens. In the article we will consider a detailed description and features of growing the "Siberian troika".

Pro variety
In the State Register of the Russian Federation, the culture was noted as an agricultural plant in open ground. Laboratory experiments and reviews of Siberian Troika tomatoes showed that it is quite possible to grow a plant in a greenhouse, but under such conditions the yield will be significantly lower. Amateur farmers use both cultivation options.
"Siberian Troika" as oneof the types of nightshade culture is undemanding and easy to care for. Seeds can be extracted from large fruits and good seedlings can be germinated the next year. The tomato variety belongs to the determinants (characterized by undersized bushes), the height of which can reach 55-65 cm. The fruits of the Siberian Secret tomatoes are recognized, according to reviews, by the following properties:
- Bright red tomatoes are pepper-shaped and 12-15 cm long.
- The weight of one fruit reaches 200-250 grams.
- Vegetable growers note excellent taste. The taste of tomatoes is slightly sweet, which does not disappear even with a lack of sunlight and heat during cultivation.
- Fruits are dense, fleshy, do not crack when ripe.
Many selectors classify the variety as mid-ripening, which compares favorably with high yields, that is, it is quite possible to collect up to 6 kg of tomato from one square meter. If you believe the reviews and photos, the Siberian Troika tomato, with good care, “gives” up to 5 kg of fruit from one bush.

"Siberian troika" in most cases is used by housewives for preparations (for example, processing for ketchup), good for table purposes, that is, fresh consumption, without s alting or pickling. Its salad use is preferred due to its palatability. Tomato "Siberian Troika", according to gardeners, is considered a favorite of the plots due to the special sweetness of the fruit. The taste is so sugary that many people eat tomatoes without s alt.
The excellent qualities of the variety make it indispensable for cooking vegetable snacks and sandwiches. Since the taste does not deteriorate during heat treatment, the pulp does not turn into gruel and the skin does not crack, the tomatoes are preserved for the winter as a whole. To prepare tomato juice and puree, tomatoes are crushed without problems with a blender, juicer or even a meat grinder.
Before proceeding to a detailed description of a variety, it is important to evaluate its benefits. Reviews of the Siberian Troika tomato variety show that the culture:
- Grows well in open ground.
- It is cultivated using simple agricultural techniques.
- Vegetables taste good.
- Heat resistant variety.
This agricultural culture has practically no imperfections. One of them: with a high resistance of the plant to most diseases, the Siberian troika tomato suffers from tip rot. This disease is characterized by the appearance of spots on still immature fruits. This pathology prevents the fetus from fully ripening.
The resistance of this variety to high temperatures makes it especially valuable for some regions of the CIS countries. Reviews and photos of the Siberian Troika tomato variety prove that this is one of the best types of vegetables for the Urals (we are talking specifically about the Orenburg region) and other regions with a hot climate.
The subtleties of successful cultivation

The basic rule in growing a crop is to sow it at the right time: from March 1st to March 20th. If you plant a crop significantlylater, it is realistic to get only 1-2 flower brushes in the summer. In larger quantities, the tomato will not have time to start. The best temperature for the germination of vegetable seeds and for the passage of the entire growing season is from 20 to 25 degrees.
Before the bushes are planted at a permanent place of germination, 8-9 young leaves should already appear on the tomatoes. A hybrid was created mainly for open ground, but farmers and amateur gardeners also grow it in greenhouses. However, many do not want to take up space in the greenhouse with low-growing tomatoes, while others plant and harvest good crops. If you grow a vegetable on protected soils, the bushes will be higher, which means that there will be much more fruit clusters on them.
Since the "Siberian troika" differs from other tomato varieties in its high heat resistance, in the southern regions of the country this hybrid is best grown in an open garden, and in the northern regions it is desirable to form temporary light protective shelters for seedlings and already adult plants.
According to the photos and reviews, the yield of the Siberian Troika tomato is achieved through a properly designed planting pattern - 40 × 50 cm. Farmers who do not have a good harvest of this hybrid crop should plant 2 bushes per hole, thanks to to which the efficiency of a square meter of beds increases. To feed tomato seedlings, a handful of humus and a tablespoon of ash are placed in the planting holes. Today, on the shelves of the store you can find ready-made mixtures for tomatoes: "Red Giant", "Gumi-Omi", "BioGumus", etc.
Immediately after landing toyoung bushes took root faster, you can sprinkle their leaves with a growth stimulator.
Growing tomatoes outdoors from seeds

According to the description, photo and reviews of the Siberian Troika tomato, it is quite possible to get a rich harvest, observing all the rules of agricultural technology. Seeds for the formation of seedlings are planted in this way:
- Grains of large tomatoes can be treated with special solutions before planting.
- Planting material is sown at a distance of 2 cm from each other and slightly covered with soil.
- Seedlings begin to dive only after the first leaves appear.
- Before planting seedlings in open areas, they are hardened off: in the first week, containers with seedlings are taken out for 2-3 hours, constantly increasing the time interval.
Growing seedlings in the open field

Let's take a closer look at the features of growing crops without greenhouses and other protective structures:
- The land must be well irrigated and all weeds removed from its surface.
- Dig small holes (it is allowed to pour a small amount of manure into it).
- Young bushes immediately after planting are abundantly watered with warm water.
- At night, small seedlings are covered with warm material.
- Tall shrubs must be tied to a stick or a special holder - this procedure is important to carry out if they are located on open and windy beds.
Features of planting tomatoes
Toto get a good harvest, it is important to follow the basic rules for planting a crop:
- Seedlings should be planted in those places where they have grown before: onions, zucchini, eggplant, greens (parsley and dill), carrots.
- Before placing the seeds in the ground, they must be soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then washed in clean, slightly warmed water.
- To accelerate the growth of seedlings, mineral fertilizers, such as superphosphate, are poured into the soil before planting.
Diseases and pests

It is quite possible to avoid the occurrence of many diseases by observing the correct crop rotation. According to the reviews and description of the Siberian Troika variety, it is important to plant the crop in areas that were occupied by other plants of the nightshade family in the previous year, for example, potatoes, peppers, eggplants.
Carrying out the usual care of tomatoes (weeding, loosening the soil) will help to avoid many diseases and insect damage. It is not necessary to use insecticides when infesting tomatoes with aphids or mites, especially when it comes to fruit ripening.
You can use homemade medicines:
- soap solution (for 1 liter of water - 100 grams of crushed laundry soap);
- aqueous solution of ammonia (50 ml per 10 liters of water);
- tincture of onion peel (10 liters of hot water pour half of one bucket of onion peel and let it brew for a day, the solution must be filtered before use).
Recommended plant processing time - evening, preferably in calm weather, after watering. If necessary, such actions are repeated in a week.
Sifted ash can be used as a prophylaxis against many diseases and damage to bushes by pests. After heavy and prolonged rains in cool weather, tomato leaves are “powdered” with it. In this situation, the ash acts as a mineral fertilizer, as it contains sodium, potassium, calcium and even magnesium.

Today, there are a lot of descriptions and reviews about Siberian troika tomatoes, and positive feedback still prevails. Gardeners appreciate the variety for the taste of the fruit and note the low likelihood of blossom end rot.
Numerous positive reviews about the Siberian Troika tomato basically confirm the high quality of the variety. Both amateur gardeners, summer residents, and farmers note the excellent taste of a tomato - “for 5 points”. Positive feedback comes from gardeners who grow crops in different regions of Russia: Leningrad, Voronezh, Moscow, Kemerovo regions, as well as in the northern parts of Kazakhstan. Farmers in the Orenburg region consider this crop ideal for the climate and land of their region.
However, there are photos, reviews and descriptions of the Siberian Troika tomato variety, which confirm that vegetables can become fresh and watery at low summer temperatures. Depending on the conditions of tomato germination, the harvest may appear later, because someexperts consider it a medium-late variety.
Sometimes you can find responses about the "Siberian troika" tomato, in which amateur vegetable growers and farmers do not agree with the statement about the high yield of the variety, calling it average.
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