How to return the coupon for "Biglion": methods and recommendations

How to return the coupon for "Biglion": methods and recommendations
How to return the coupon for "Biglion": methods and recommendations

Do you like discounts and sales? If so, then no doubt they paid attention to a site called "Biglion". This is a specialized resource, with a huge list of services and products, as well as tempting discounts. When you visit the site for the first time, there is a strong desire to wait for one of the declared sales and buy something for yourself with a 90% discount. Why, then, on the network you can find a lot of posts on the topic “how to return the coupon for Biglion” and get back the money spent? Let's learn how this resource works. We will also consider whether there is an opportunity not to be a loser by becoming a participant in the proposed promotions.

how to return coupon for biglion
how to return coupon for biglion

Useful information about Biglion

It's worth paying a little attention to how this site functions. Let's take a closer look at the rules and features of the work. The easiest way to do this is with an example. You want, for example, to order flowers as a gift for your mother. To do this, go to the site, choose the service that suits you andfind a discount coupon. Now you need to pay its cost, download and print. And now you are already a happy owner of a discount, the right to which can be provided upon purchase. Problems begin if you did not use the coupon, and the time for the promotion has expired, or the promotional product has ended. How to return the coupon for "Biglion" in such a situation? Let's find out.

Intermediary website

That's exactly what Biglion is. Developers do not sell any goods or services. They only enable entrepreneurs to place interesting offers and find buyers. That is, it is a banal intermediary between the service provider and the buyer.

Your payment is made for the services of a discount site, whose representatives have agreed with the flower shop. When people ask how to return the Biglion coupon, they mean exactly the return of this amount. The coupon remained in their hands, but they could not use it for one reason or another. Thus, your money is the commission of an intermediary, in the role of which this site acts.

how to get a refund for a biglion coupon
how to get a refund for a biglion coupon

Discount up to 100%

Situations often arise when a person was tempted by an incredibly cheap product or service, but could not take advantage of the offer. Of course, he is looking for options on how to return the coupon for Biglion. We'll come back to this, but for now, let's see how the promise of such fantastic discounts becomes possible. People who are skeptical most often just pass by, believing that free cheese is only inmousetraps.

What is the benefit of the manufacturer or service provider if he gives a huge discount? And the thing is that by participating in the discount program, he receives free advertising, the cost of which is very high today. It also provides an influx of customers, which is also important for any business. In reality, the following picture emerges: the buyer receives a discount, the site receives interest, and the manufacturer has a good turnover. Everyone is happy. But this is an ideal situation, which does not always happen. Otherwise, no one would have thought how to return the money for the Biglion coupon.

Customer Forgetfulness

Situations are different. It happens that a person bought a coupon, but remembered it only when the validity period had already expired. In this case, it is almost impossible to return the money spent. The only option is that the company will extend the promotion, and the site representatives will consider it possible to update your coupon. Most likely, this will be denied, because the fault of the site that you did not take advantage of the discount, no.

how to return unused biglion coupon
how to return unused biglion coupon

Forgetful entrepreneur

Sometimes it turns out that not the buyer, but the seller turned out to be forgetful and did not remove the ad from the site, although the promotional product had already been sold. Or he does not have the opportunity to provide a service just for you. Let's say you need flower delivery, and he has problems with transport. In this case, he may offer self-pickup or other ways to solve the problem. Of course, the client will be dissatisfied with the services provided. Who is to blame in this case? How to return unusedBiglion Coupon?

Gathering facts

You will need to confirm that it was not your fault that the coupon was missing. The site employees will not be surprised. Situations where sellers do not fulfill their obligations happen often. Sellers get free advertising, after which they turn off their phones, confuse the time and do everything so that the coupon expires and the service is not provided.

Pay attention to a very important point. Asking the question of whether it is possible to return the coupon for Biglion, it must be remembered that this can only be done until the coupon has expired. After that, it is almost useless to contact the site administration.

Is it possible to return the coupon for biglion
Is it possible to return the coupon for biglion

Hidden payment

Another reason why customers are dissatisfied with the offer and want a refund for the Biglion coupon. Is it possible to do this if the information about the service was incorrectly provided? Let's look at an example: Biglion has a discount on an anti-cellulite program. On sale, it costs only 2100 rubles. At present, the price is very tempting, so there are many who want to participate in such a promotion. After buying a coupon and paying for services, it suddenly turns out that the price of 2,100 rubles includes only the work of a specialist, and you have to pay for everything else on a general basis.

biglion how to return money for an unused coupon
biglion how to return money for an unused coupon

Who is to blame and what to do

In the above example, Biglion provided incorrect information. How to get a refund for an unused coupon? ATfirst check with your service provider why the information about the additional cost of services was not on the site. If this is really an omission of the person who compiled the ad, then you should apologize and return the money. But more often it is different. You may be told that the additional payment for services is written in the corner, in small letters, and you simply have not read the terms of the promotion. There are also more tricky moves, when the size of the discount is indicated in large letters, a jar of cream is drawn next to it, and there are numbers on it. The consumer may think that it comes as a gift, or is advertised separately. But in this case, it will not be possible to prove that the terms of the promotion were submitted incorrectly. After all, all the information is there, nothing is hidden.

can I get a refund for the biglion coupon
can I get a refund for the biglion coupon

Another example

Quite often, the site has discounts for visiting a restaurant. It is supposed to book a table with a pleasant surprise in the form of a discount on the final bill. Imagine a man is planning a romantic dinner, he prints out a coupon and brings his partner to a restaurant. Flowers ordered, grandiose plans. But at the indicated hour, the restaurant representatives refuse to accept the coupon and recommend rescheduling the dinner to another date. At best, you can spend the evening without a discount. At worst, there may simply not be free tables. Who will claim? Of course, to the site "Biglion". How to get a refund for an unused coupon in this case?

Simple rules

Really, you just need to know your rights. One option is to contact support. ForTo do this, follow these steps:

  • Go to the main resource. When you made a purchase of a coupon, you should have paid attention to the support menu.
  • Go down the main page to the very bottom.
  • Now select the second column from the left. It is not difficult to find it, it is called "information".
  • Now you need to go down to the very bottom again and find the "return coupons" tab.

Main Challenges

The procedure doesn't end there. You follow the link and see official information about whether it is possible to return the money for the coupon. There are not many ways. To do this, you need to write a letter to the specified e-mail, in which you explain why you could not use the purchased coupon. Be sure to include the coupon number and how you would like your money back. For example, back to the map. Now it remains only to wait for an official response and the return of your funds. But this is official information. In fact, everything is much more complicated.

The adventure begins

If the coupon has not expired, and the seller refuses to fulfill its obligations, then representatives of the site are obliged to accept your appeal and return the money. Another thing is that you may simply not be answered. But people who have already learned from their own experience whether it is possible to return the money for the Biglion coupon say that you should not give up. Write again, call and contact support.

If your rights have been violated, that is, you have not missed the promotion period andother conditions indicated on the coupon, but the seller has not fulfilled its obligations, it is necessary to seek a refund. Representatives of the site may deliberately pull so that you decide to “give” them this amount. This outcome should not be allowed. Contact various consumer protection agencies.

Can I get a refund for a coupon?
Can I get a refund for a coupon?

Legal advice

Experts recommend that before making a deal, read the rules of the site, carefully read the public offer. It is with these provisions that you agree by purchasing the coupon. If you could not use the coupon for reasons beyond your control, and the support service ignores you, feel free to write an official request to the legal address of Biglion. Send it by certified mail with notification. You must respond within 10 days. This will serve as evidence in court if you decide to assert your rights in this way.
