Extract from the USRR for a land plot: where and how to get

Extract from the USRR for a land plot: where and how to get
Extract from the USRR for a land plot: where and how to get

Many citizens are thinking about how to get an extract from the USRR for a land plot or for any other property. This document plays an important role in most transactions. What kind of paper is this? Why is she needed? Where can I get an extract of the established form?


What document are we talking about? What does a sample extract from the USRR for a land plot look like?

extract from the USRP for a land plot
extract from the USRP for a land plot

We are dealing with a document describing a property. This means that we are talking about paper, which contains information about the characteristics of the land (in our case) and about its owners.

The statement looks like a standard form, printed on A4 sheet. It, as already mentioned, contains data about the object.


It is important to understand that statements are different. Depending on the type of document, its cost will change.

Today you can encounter the following types of papers:

  • about property rights;
  • about incapacity;
  • with general property features;
  • extended type;
  • with data onencumbrances, arrests, restrictions.

In fact, there are a lot of references. But most often, citizens require an extended type of extract. Maximum - with the characteristics of the object.

get an extract from the USRP
get an extract from the USRP

About Extended Statements

It is on them that we will stop. An extended extract from the USRR for a land plot can only be issued by the owner of the property. Or a citizen with a power of attorney. Third parties cannot request such a certificate, while ordinary statements can be ordered by strangers.

What is contained in extended type help? Usually this document not only gives information about the land, but also shows the full history of the transfer of property rights from person to person. Accordingly, the citizen will be able to find out exactly who and when disposed of the land.

Design Organs

Where can I order an extract from the USRR for a land plot? The answer is definitely not possible. After all, this service is provided by different bodies. And citizens can choose where to go for help.

So, extracts of the established form are issued in the following organizations:

  • MFC;
  • cadastral chambers;
  • Rosreestr;
  • one stop shop service.

But that's not all. In Russia, the mentioned certificates are issued online. To do this, you need to resort to the help of some sites. These include the website of the State Register of the Russian Federation and "Gosuslugi".

extract from the USRP for a land plot sample
extract from the USRP for a land plot sample

Some ownersthey say that extracts from the USRR for a land plot and for other real estate can be ordered on third-party resources. This is true, but it is not recommended to use them. After all, such sites are full of deceit and fraud.

About timing

Getting an extract from the USRR is easier than it seems. How quickly are relevant certificates issued?

In electronic form, they are made from several hours to three days. The same amount of time you need to wait if a citizen decides to apply with a request to Rosreestr. If you want to get a certificate through the MFC, then the waiting period for the document increases to 5 days.

Personal collection

To get an extract from the USRR, the owner will have to follow a certain algorithm of actions. What is it about?

Guidance for obtaining a certificate from the state register of rights looks like this:

  1. Create a package of documents. They will be discussed below.
  2. Write a request for a certificate.
  3. Pay the fee.
  4. Apply to your chosen authority.
  5. Pick up the finished certificate at the appointed time.

As practice shows, there is nothing incomprehensible or difficult in this. And everyone can order an extract from the USRR for a land plot. Especially if a paper certificate and personal receipt are implied.

"Public services" to help

The next trick is the use of "Gosuslug". You will need to register for this service in advance. Otherwise, the service will not work.

order an extract from the USRP for a land plot
order an extract from the USRP for a land plot

As soon asowner, a verified and verified profile will appear, he will need to:

  1. Open gosuslugi.ru.
  2. Login to your account.
  3. Go to "Government Services".
  4. Write in the search bar "Extract from the USRR". Search data.
  5. Select the corresponding item in the search results.
  6. Click on the "Get service" button.
  7. Specify the type of object "Land".
  8. Fill out a request. You can do this with the help of hints.
  9. Select a payment method for the service. To do this, you usually need to click on the bank icon and enter bank plastic data. Or enter information about your e-wallet.
  10. Confirm action.
  11. Specify the form for obtaining an extract.
  12. If necessary, fill in information about the authority where you want to pick up the finished paper.

That's it. Now it remains only to wait for the notification of readiness. If the user has ordered an electronic extract from the USRR for a land plot, the file will be sent by e-mail. It will also be duplicated in the "Personal Account" on "State Services".

State Register website

Almost the same happens when ordering a certificate through the Rosreestr website. The only difference is that in this case there is no need for registration. In addition, the document is paid a little differently.

Otherwise, the algorithm of actions will be similar. Difficulties with ordering a certificate usually do not arise. Indeed, while filling out a request, a citizen will be able to use hints.


How much will an extract from the USRR for a land plot cost? As we have said, it all depends on the type of document and where it is drawn up.

So, an electronic certificate will cost 150 rubles, paper - 200-300 rubles. An extended statement will cost from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles.

Some sources indicate that an extract costs 450 rubles for individuals, and an electronic equivalent - 200. Organizations pay more for the mentioned certificate - 600 and 300 rubles, respectively. More accurate information can be obtained by submitting a relevant request to the registration authority.


A sample extract from the USRR for a land plot is presented to our attention in the photo below. As you can see, this certificate does not have any distinguishing marks. It is simply printed on A4 sheet.

extended extract from the USRP for a land plot
extended extract from the USRP for a land plot

All other extracts from the register of rights look similar. You can issue them if you follow the instructions described above.

About documents

Extracts from the USRR from individuals require a citizen to have:

  • passports;
  • statements;
  • receipts for payment of duty.

For an extended extract, a citizen will have to present title papers for property. And for organizations - constituent documents and a power of attorney issued to the person who submits the request.
