How to fill the seal with ink correctly

How to fill the seal with ink correctly
How to fill the seal with ink correctly

In the modern office, old-fashioned stamps and pads have replaced ergonomic automatic stamps. Sometimes they are called tradata - after the name of a well-known company that produces equipment for them. With regular use of automatic tradat, the ink on the pad dries out and the stamp prints on the paper become faint and indistinct. Documents with faint prints are difficult to photocopy and scan. The legal departments of many companies may invalidate such papers.

how to refill round stamp with ink
how to refill round stamp with ink

If the office needs to refill the ink pad, then it is not at all necessary to call specialized firms to find out how to refill the stamp with ink. Instructions for refueling are usually available in special boxes in which automatic equipment is sold. The standard recommendation is to buy a new ink pad for printing. But this advice can cost the firm quite a lot. So let's try to find out how to refuelprinting with ink without damaging it or getting dirty.

How to remove the ink pad

In standard automatic printing, the ink pad is in the middle. It is visible when viewed from the side. A photo of automatic printing indicating the position of the ink pad is located below.

how to refill the stamp with ink instructions
how to refill the stamp with ink instructions

To understand how to fill the round seal with ink, you need to pull out this pad. To do this, you need to press two buttons located on the sides of the tray, while slightly pressing the seal down. If everything is done correctly and the automatic equipment has not been damaged, the buttons will lock into a lightly pressed state. After that, using an ordinary pencil, carefully pull the pad out of the side gap.

How to prepare a print for refilling

Before filling the print with ink, you should clean the removed pad and remove adhering lumps of ink, pieces of paper and other possible contaminants from it. It makes sense to smooth out various dents left on a soft surface with a non-sharp object. An ordinary paper clip is perfect for this. With the end of it, carefully level all the prints. A worn pad is not elastic, it practically does not absorb ink, it shows deep dents that cannot be smoothed out. It makes no sense to impregnate such a pad with stamp ink, it is better to order a new one - and then you will not need to learn how to refill the stamp with ink. A photo of the pulled out pillow can be seen below.

howcorrect printing ink
howcorrect printing ink

How to apply stamp ink

Thus, the print pad is prepared for coloring with stamp ink. The required paint is produced by various companies, including in our country. In no case should you refill the print with ink or other liquids - you can quickly and hopelessly ruin it. A standard bottle of stamp ink has a dispenser, which is very convenient to drip ink on stamps.

how to refill ink
how to refill ink

A few drops of stamp paint should be carefully and evenly applied to the surface of the pad. The excess can be removed with a tissue. After painting, it is worth waiting a few minutes until the liquid is absorbed into the surface. Insert the pad into the printing tool with the ink side down. To answer the question of how to fill the print with ink correctly, if two or three colors are used in automatic printing, you just need to sequentially pull out the pads of different colors and fill them with the appropriate stamp ink. The sequence of actions is the same as with one-color seals.

Flash print

Recently, a new type of printing - flash printing - has been widely used. They differ from a conventional stamp in that their working surface, which is used to make an impression, is absolutely smooth. Such printing uses several colors, it is applied more accurately and more evenly on paper. Flash prints are much more durable and have an order of magnitude higher level of protection.

how to fill print with ink photo
how to fill print with ink photo

Refilling single color flash printing

Despite the durability and wear resistance, after some time, the question still arises of how to refill the print with ink. In order to quickly fill the flash print in a simple way, you need to have a syringe and a suitable stamp ink on hand. The cliché is located on a shock-absorbing printing pad. Remove the cliché and place it on a flat surface. We evenly apply the paint several times with a syringe. Between applications, you should wait for some time so that the ink is evenly absorbed into the cliché. The layer of applied liquid should not exceed 2 mm. Let the ink soak completely, wipe off excess ink with a napkin and assemble the print in its original state.

Refilling multicolor flash printing

When refilling multi-color flash printing, you need to get a cliché as described above. This part is filled with syringes, while you need to carefully monitor that the paints do not mix. Paints of different colors have different degrees of fluidity. It is not difficult to remember how to fill the print with ink: first, the ink is applied to one segment of the print, then to the other. When refilling, a separate syringe must be used for each color, otherwise the colors will be dirty and washed out. After the ink filling procedure, the flash print cliché should be set aside. The paint should be evenly distributed over the surface, this takes some time. After that, we insert the cliche in place and try the prints.
