Alfa-bank in Samara: addresses of branches, opening hours

Alfa-bank in Samara: addresses of branches, opening hours
Alfa-bank in Samara: addresses of branches, opening hours

Alfa-Bank is present in almost every major Russian city. The addresses of Alfa-Bank in Samara are presented below. In addition to the addresses of branches serving individuals, branches for legal entities are also presented, as well as work schedules. In addition, the addresses and schedules of ATMs are presented.

Offices for Private clients

Private bank branch is located at 137 Aleksey Tolstoy Street. Free organized parking is open next to the branch. Office hours on weekdays - from 10.00 to 19.00.

bank logo
bank logo

Departments that serve individuals

Addresses of Alfa-Bank offices in Samara, which serve individuals, are presented below. One of the offices, called "Malogvardeisky", is located at 19 Michurina Street, letter B. There is a parking lot next to the office. The opening hours of this branch are from Monday to Saturday - from 9.00 to 20.00.

One of the Alfa-Bank Samara offices is located at 76 Agibalova Street. Individuals are served from Monday to Saturday from 9.00 to 20.00 without a break. The Samara-Molodezhny office is located at 49 Gagarina Street. It is important to note that there is no parking near the branch. Opening hours: weekdays and Saturdays from 9.00 to 20.00.

Branch of Alfa-Bank
Branch of Alfa-Bank

Also, another office of Alfa-Bank has the name "Samara-Sovremennik". The branch is located at st. Owls. Army, house 239. For the convenience of clients using personal transport, there is free parking near the office. Working hours of the Samara-Sovremennik branch on weekdays - from 10.00 to 19.00.

One of the offices of the bank in question is located on Stara Zagora street, house 124, letter A, works according to the schedule 09.00-20.00 from Monday to Saturday. There is free parking nearby.

Offices for small businesses and individual entrepreneurs

Addresses of Alfa-Bank in Samara for small businesses and individual entrepreneurs are presented below, taking into account the availability of parking.

The Agibalovsky Operations Office at 76 Agibalova Street is open on schedule from 9.30 am to 5.30 pm Monday through Friday. Paid parking is located next to the branch. The Zheleznodorozhny office, on the other hand, has no parking at all. Works according to the same schedule.

bank branch
bank branch

The operational office "Street of the Soviet Army" is located on the street of the same name Council. Army, house 239. There is spontaneous free parking near the office. Working hours - from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 19.00.

Medium Business Offices

Address of Alfa-Bank in Samara formedium-sized businesses: Michurina street, 19, letter B. Working hours: Monday to Thursday from 9.00 to 18.00, Friday from 9.00 to 16.45. Also, customers can use the cash service from Monday to Thursday from 9.00 to 17.00 and on Friday from 9.00 to 15.45.

Addresses of Alfa-Bank ATMs in Samara

Alfa-Bank's ATM is located at 45 Democratic Street, letter A. It is open from Monday to Thursday from 8.00 until 19.00 for cash withdrawals in rubles.

Also, the ATM is located on the Southern highway, house 5. It works daily from 9.00 to 22.00 both for issuing and accepting cash. An ATM operates 24/7 at Kurumoch International Airport. Cash withdrawal in rubles, cash receipt in rubles, dollars and euros.

From 10.00 to 22.00, an ATM is open daily at 147, Kirov Avenue. Cash withdrawal in the national currency - rubles, cash in dollars, euros and rubles.

Alfa-Bank clients also have the opportunity to withdraw and deposit funds without commission at ATMs of partner banks. For example, a Gazprombank ATM is located on Utevskaya Street, 46. The ATM operates around the clock to issue cash in rubles. Promsvyazbank ATM is located at 123 Lev Tolstoy Street. Working hours: every weekday from 8.00 to 20.00. Works for cash withdrawal.

The full list of addresses of Alfa-Bank in Samara is presented on the official website of the financial institution. Almost every branch of the bank has free parking for convenience.customers.
