List of non-state pension funds accredited in 2015, reliability rating, reviews

List of non-state pension funds accredited in 2015, reliability rating, reviews
List of non-state pension funds accredited in 2015, reliability rating, reviews

The problem of accreditation of non-state pension funds is quite relevant and significant, especially for those people who are seriously thinking about alternative options for investing the funded part of their future pension. The main function of the NPF is just the same and is to multiply the future pension of people.

Accreditation 2015

In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, by the end of 2015, all non-state pension funds had to pass all the necessary state checks and obtain the proper license from the NPF. Accreditation in 2015 was mandatory. The license is a guarantor of the reliability and safety of the savings of Russian citizens. Which NPFs were accredited in 2015? To date, only dozens out of a hundred applicants have passed such a test. Let's get acquainted with them in more detail.

list of non-state pension funds accredited in 2015
list of non-state pension funds accredited in 2015

What are NPFs

NPF is a companymanaging money without access to people's personal accounts. In fact, this company is engaged in investing material resources in profitable securities and profitable projects, of course, to obtain monetary benefits. For the performance of its activities, the NPF receives commissions.

Fund Benefits

The income that such funds acquire when investing savings is much higher than in the FIU. The fact is that the fund uses a fairly flexible system for working with funds, unlike the PFR, which transfer funds only through VEB. Our state, in turn, firmly controls the types of assets for investment of the fund's resources, which guarantees the safety of citizens' financial savings.

High returns are just one of the features of the funds. Here are other benefits:

  • very fast and convenient service, you can also control your savings online;
  • high reliability and security - all the accumulated funds of citizens are insured in the DIA and in case of bankruptcy or revocation of the license from the NPF will be returned to the legal entity;
  • publicity and honesty - the organization carries out its work in the status of OJSC, therefore it provides financial statements of its activities every year;
  • timely conclusion of contracts.

If clients are not satisfied with the work of the NPF, at any time you can change the fund to another acceptable option without losing a penny from your account.

which NPFs were accredited in 2015
which NPFs were accredited in 2015

Statistical data of NPFs

If you look at the statistics of recent years, you can see that since 1998 the number of organizations with a license has dropped significantly (in fact, from 200 organizations to dozens of them). However, one can note an increasing trend in the number of funds that have declared their desire to carry out activities under the OPS.

What factors are such indications associated with? First, the requirements and attention from the legislation to NPFs have greatly increased. Secondly, NPFs were given the opportunity to conduct activities on compulsory pension insurance. Due to even these few factors, in recent years, the processes of pooling funds can be observed.

Which NPFs were accredited in 2015? Lists of funds are presented below.

Fund classification

According to the forms of activity of funds, the following types of NPFs can be distinguished:

  1. Captive. They develop mainly corporate pension strategies of the parent companies and their similar structures. In the list of assets managed by the organization, pension reserves prevail over pension savings.
  2. Corporate. They are also called conventionally captive. The activity of such companies is also based on servicing the pension programs of employees of their organizers. Every year, part of the pension funds in the NPF portfolio increases. The main modification of the status from captive to corporate takes place to attract pension savings under corporate programs of clients.
  3. Open, or universal. Being largely independent oflarge financial and industrial groups, such funds organize their work for the widest possible range of citizens. Assets tend to be dominated by pension savings.
  4. Territorial funds operate mainly in a particular region or group of regions. Such funds are formed with the assistance and support of the current government.
NPF rating
NPF rating

List of non-state pension funds accredited in 2015

Funds continue their activities, and in their hands is concentrated a grandiose amount of savings of citizens. And in order for clients to be able to figure out and understand whether it is possible to entrust their savings to one or another fund, lists of NFPs that have successfully passed accreditation and received licenses are compiled.

Which NPFs were accredited in 2015? There are currently 47 licensed and accredited organizations on the lists. There were no major transformations in the presented list, except for the fact that some organizations decided to merge.

To begin with, let's designate the ten largest non-state pension funds in terms of reserves. Rating of NPF JSC:

  1. "Gazfond" is the largest fund in our country in 2015, in fact, 40% of the total reserves of funds of the Russian Federation. The disposing company is CJSC MC Lider, one of the largest shareholders of which is GAZFOND. The volume of the fund's pension reserves for 2015 amounted to about 350 billion rubles.
  2. "Welfare". The founders of the fund are TransCreditBank,"Rosprofzhel", OJSC "Trading House of Russian Railways". This fund is the leader of the Russian pension fund market in terms of the number of participants, the number of pension accumulation programs and the number of clients who purchase additional pensions. The personal property fund of the organization is 334 billion rubles.
  3. "Transneft". By the end of 2015, the number of pensioners who received a non-state pension amounted to more than 30 thousand people.
  4. "Power industry". The total number of insured citizens and participants in this pension fund is more than 1.5 million, more than 120 thousand people receive their pensions from the NPF "Electroenergetiki".
  5. "Neftegarant". According to the results of 2015, the Fund signed almost four hundred agreements with depositors in the oil and gas sector. More than 120,000 citizens are partners of the fund in various programs, while more than 71.5 thousand citizens receive pensions from Neftegarant every month.
  6. "Lukoil-Garant". About 233 thousand people organize a non-state pension in the NPF "Lukoil-Garant".
  7. "Telecom-Soyuz". This organization also includes JSC Non-State Pension Fund StalFond and JSC Non-State Pension Fund Future.
  8. Khanty-Mansiysk. The total of pension reserves is 16.82 billion rubles. And every month over 220,000 people receive pensions from this fund.
  9. "Heritage". The personal material accumulation of the fund exceeds 60 billion rubles. About 1million people entrusted this organization with their savings funds and almost 100 thousand of them form an additional non-state pension.
  10. "National APF". Today, the Fund's clients are more than 600 thousand legal entities.
european pension fund npf jsc
european pension fund npf jsc

List of NPFs by amount of pension savings

Now let's briefly introduce the top ten largest NPFs in terms of pension savings. The list of non-state pension funds that have passed accreditation (2015) is presented below. All of them are reliable and have high profitability.

  1. "European Pension Fund" NPF JSC.
  2. "Lukoil-Garant".
  3. "Future".
  4. Sberbank NPF AO.
  5. "Power industry".
  6. RGS.
  7. "VTB Pension Fund".
  8. "KITfinance NPF".
  9. "Gazfond pension savings".
  10. "Promagrofund".

It is worth noting that many funds have merged or changed their abbreviation, for example, Stalfond joined the non-state pension fund Future, and the European Pension Fund NPF JSC, Regionfond and the Education and science” united into one NPF called “Safmar”.

Some non-state pension funds have decided to change their name: NPF WELFARE OPS has now become Future, CJSC Raiffeisen - Safmar, NPF Russian Standard - Our Future.

List of exceptionally high reliability funds

The list of NPFs (accredited for 2015) is presented below. Most funds are distinguished by a high degree of reliability and protection of their clients. NPF Rosgosstrakh is included in the top 10 rating of the most reliable NPF JSC. His estimated income for 2011 was only 3.2%, and by the end of 2015, there is an increase to 8%. This fact, of course, affected the growth of customers, by 2015, in terms of the number of insured persons, Rosgosstrakh NPF had taken the honorable third place.

Sberbank pnf jsc
Sberbank pnf jsc

The list of non-state pension funds that have been accredited (2015) and successfully operating to this day is below. These are the most reliable funds. The list of the most reliable NPF JSC (rating) marked with the A++ code includes:

  • "Atomgarant";
  • "Welfare";
  • "VTB Pension Fund";
  • Gazfond;
  • European NPF JSC;
  • "KIT Finance NPF";
  • National APF;
  • "Safmar";
  • Non-State Pension Fund "RGS";
  • Sberbank NPF JSC;
  • Surgutneftegaz;
  • Vladimir NPF ZAO.

Be very responsible when choosing NPFs

Never blindly trust the advice and recommendations of bank employees or other professionals. As a rule, most of them try by all possible means to bring you to the fund, for which they will be rewarded. By law, an employer cannot impose a fund on you.

List of accredited non-state pension funds (2015),will help you choose several options for investing your pension savings.

When choosing an NPF, focus your attention on criteria such as the life of the fund on the market (work experience is very important, it shows the company's ability to recover or cope with crisis moments as accurately as possible), look at the accumulated income over the past couple of years, of course, you should take care of checking the availability of licenses and the name of the fund in the DIA list.

list of NPF accredited in 2015
list of NPF accredited in 2015

And before a final decision is made, read the terms of the contract in detail and review the documents and licenses received.

How to become a NPF client

To become a PPF client, you should choose an organization to which you can entrust your finances, carefully read the terms and conditions and be sure to visit the company's office to find out all the details and ask questions of interest. The second step is the conclusion of the contract. This can be done remotely via the Internet or by visiting the nearest office of the company. After that, it remains only to submit an application for transfer to the NPF in your branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. You will also need to make an initial contribution, then regularly you will need to deduct some amount towards your future pension. The client can terminate the pension contract early, but depending on when he wants to do this, you can get back 80% of the funds transferred to the fund, 100% of the savings or 100% of the savings + 100% interest from the accruals.

Surgut Neftegaz NPF JSC
Surgut Neftegaz NPF JSC

There is a possibilitydevelopment of an individual pension program so that the scheme for accumulating a future pension fully meets all the requirements of the client. The funds of each client are legally protected, you can control the status of your personal account via the Internet, it is possible to receive tax benefits, monitor profitability, and so on. In general, it is worth taking care of your own well-being after going on a well-deserved rest now. The sooner you start to shape your own well-being, the calmer you can live. The main thing is to choose the NPF correctly and wisely, as well as invest regularly.
