America Latin Estate Incorporated. Claims. Pros and cons

America Latin Estate Incorporated. Claims. Pros and cons
America Latin Estate Incorporated. Claims. Pros and cons

Real estate attracts investors with high returns and minimal risks. Such investments require large investments - this is a significant, but not the only obstacle for potential investors. Often problems arise when additional expenses are required, and scammers have long chosen this niche.

So can America Latin Estate Incorporated be trusted?

America Latin Estate Incorporated
America Latin Estate Incorporated

Trust management is a tool that allows you to successfully bypass the "pitfalls" of direct investment. This investment method is especially convenient for individuals who do not want to delve into the complex process of investment management. After the transfer of funds to the management of a trust company, clients receive passive income that significantly exceeds the interest on bank deposits.

History of America Latin Estate Incorporated

Investment company America Latin Estate Incorporate (ALEI) has been in existence since May 2016. ALEI works legally - all registration documentspresented on the website.

The company's activities are an example of the effective investment of private investors in the growing real estate market in Latin America. Five regional representative offices of ALEI in large cities and hundreds of re altors are actively buying up liquid real estate and selling it profitably to foreign investors aimed at long-term investments. Inexpensive buying and quick sale is the basis of ALEI.

Companies are a little over a year old, but for a dynamically growing market this is a lot. The basis of ALEI's working capital is the money of private investors. The initial period of the investment boom is the most attractive for investors - it is now that speculators earn maximum profits. The market is growing rapidly, and it is profitable to invest now.

Investment risks

Investment risks
Investment risks

Investments are not without minor risks.

No "home" office

Offshore registration is common for companies operating in foreign markets. This is understandable: profitable Russian companies are under constant pressure from fiscal and law enforcement agencies. There are other arguments in favor of such registration - low taxes and liberal economic legislation. An offshore company is easier and calmer to work - this is the main reason for the foreign registration of such companies.

Currency risks

The economy of Latin American countries has significant agricultural and raw material components. The stability of national currencies largely depends on oil prices and weather conditions. Falling oil prices, crop failure andthe global economic crisis can bring down the currencies of these countries and affect the profitability of investments.

Political instability

Slow structural reforms, social inequality and chronic budget deficits threaten political stability. The most difficult situation is in Venezuela, where annual inflation reaches 70%, and President Maduro faces impeachment.

Is it still worth it?

More likely yes than no

The economy of Latin America in terms of GDP is 9% of the world. A third is in Brazil, slightly less in Mexico, followed by Argentina, Colombia, Chile and Venezuela. The recent financial crisis has contributed to the emergence on the market of a huge number of attractive commercial properties of bankrupt small and medium-sized businesses.

The revival of the market instantly attracted investors who are actively buying up fast-growing assets. Brazilian economy performance in 2016 impressive:

  • MSCI Brazil stock index up 60% in 10 months;
  • Government bond rate up 24%;
  • Corporate bonds jump 22%.
  • Brazilian Real up 24% against US Dollar.

Conditions for real estate investment in the region are unique. Mortgage debt here is no more than 10% of GDP, which is 5-8 times less than in the US and the EU. Experts' assessments are unequivocal: housing and commercial real estate will be sold, the market will expand.


Currency and political risks of the Latin American market are offset by the profitability of transactions (average profit fromtransactions is 30-40%). Investments in trust management are protected by insurance and the conditions for a priority return of investments in the event of bankruptcy.
