Sample typical job description for an archivist

Sample typical job description for an archivist
Sample typical job description for an archivist

The position of an archive employee is called an archivist. The main task of a specialist in this field is to establish the work of the archive itself and the circulation of documentation in it. Such professionals are needed wherever there is a large turnover of official papers, especially in organizations related to insurance, finance, and in particular in state enterprises. The main document that a new employee must refer to is the job description of the archivist.

General provisions

Only the head of an enterprise can accept or dismiss an archivist. And first of all, he must refer to the current legislation of the country. The instructions must indicate the person who is the immediate supervisor of the specialist holding this position.

archivist job description
archivist job description

To work as an archivist, a person must receive an initial professional education, and then he can be accepted for a position even without experience in this field. There is an option thata person with a secondary or general education will get a job, but then he must receive special training in this direction. Experience is not required for this position.

What you need to know

The job description of an enterprise archivist suggests that the employee must have certain knowledge: he is obliged to study the regulations, instructions and the entire list of legal documents related to the management of archives in this organization. In addition, he must know how to store and use documents, as well as by what standards they are accepted and handed over. His knowledge should include a unified state system of office work. In addition, he must understand how the descriptions of the preserved documents are compiled, which of them need to be stored permanently, and which only temporarily, and also draw up acts regarding their destruction.

job description of an enterprise archivist
job description of an enterprise archivist

The job description of an assistant archivist implies that he must know how files are filed, according to what rules they are prepared for subsequent use and preservation, how records are kept and reports are prepared at the enterprise. This person must understand the structure of the company where he works, as well as the rules for the use of equipment and all technical means necessary to carry out work in the archive. In addition, he must know all the internal rules and laws of the organization, including labor protection, fire safety, routine, and so on.


Job description of an archivist of a budgetary institutionassumes that he must perform certain functions: the implementation of work related to the archival business, the preservation of documentation that enters the archive, the registration of incoming documents, the development of the nomenclature and the verification of the correctness of filing cases before being submitted to the archive. If there is such a need, then he encrypts the storage units, organizes the placement of cases and enters them into the register.

medical archivist job description
medical archivist job description

The job description of the archivist of a medical institution suggests that he must prepare summary descriptions of the stored documentation, distribute it into temporary and perpetual units. It must keep records and promptly destroy documents that have already expired, and develop a system by which it will be possible to quickly and easily find the desired document.

Other functions

Besides, his official duties require his presence during examinations for the value of documents for science and not only. He must ensure that the documents remain intact, if necessary, carry out restoration work with them. This specialist also ensures that the archive has all the necessary conditions for the normal storage of documents.

archivist assistant job description
archivist assistant job description

The archivist must monitor the implementation of fire protection rules, as well as use modern technical means for working with documents. He is obliged at the request of employees and visitors of the organizationissue copies or originals of archival documentation, draw up certificates using the information available in the archive, and prepare reports on their work.


The job description of a medical archivist suggests that he has certain rights. He can request and receive documents that relate to his work activities. If necessary, he can cooperate with specialists from other departments of the enterprise or from other organizations, if this will help him in solving his competent issues. If there is such a need, he can represent the interests of his company in other organizations on any issues that directly relate to the work of the archive.


The job description of an archivist assumes that he is responsible for failure to fulfill his duties and poor quality work, for providing false or distorted information about the tasks done, for refusing to fulfill orders from his superiors.

job description of an archivist of a medical institution
job description of an archivist of a medical institution

In addition, he is responsible for situations where offenses, safety violations or other actions that threaten the normal operation of the enterprise were identified, and the employee did not report them and did not take any measures to eliminate the problem. The archivist is responsible for violating the norms of labor discipline.

Working conditions

The job description of an archivist suggests that the management of the organization should determine the hours of his work in accordance with the laborlegislation. If necessary, the company must provide him with a workplace that takes into account all norms and standards, as well as everything necessary for business trips, including local ones. He also has the right to sign documents within his competence.


The main document that a specialist accepted for this position should rely on is the job description of an archivist. Regardless of which organization he works in, the rights, responsibilities, functions and knowledge are practically the same and may vary depending on the needs of a particular enterprise and what tasks the management staff assigns to their employees.

job description of an archivist of a budgetary institution
job description of an archivist of a budgetary institution

Such work requires attentiveness, perseverance, knowledge of the rules for the safety of important papers, knowledge of assessing the value of certain documents, as well as the ability to systematize, quickly find and encrypt documents. Also an important factor is working with people, because the profession of an archivist involves the issuance and receipt of various documentation, checking the correctness of its compilation and authenticity. Only an attentive person who is ready to work with a large amount of information and represent the interests of the company in other organizations will be able to correctly and reliably perform labor duties in this position.
