Durite sleeves: description, characteristics, types

Durite sleeves: description, characteristics, types
Durite sleeves: description, characteristics, types

Durite sleeve is the common name for a rubberized fabric product. The hallmark of this flexible hose is its increased strength.

General Description

This name comes from the Latin word durus. If we translate it into Russian, we get "hard" or "strong". These qualities are demonstrated by durite sleeves. They are a flexible and at the same time very strong construction, which is a frame type of hose. It is also worth noting that the internal section of the product remains original, even if the product itself is subjected to strong bending or twisting. Because of these characteristics, sleeves have found use in many areas of human activity.

durite sleeves
durite sleeves

The assembly of the durite sleeve structure is carried out in the manner of preparing a sandwich. The outer and inner layer of the product is made of rubber, which is suitable for parameters such as thickness and strength. Between the outer and inner layer of rubber is laid one more, and maybe several layers of rubberized fabric. It is also worth noting that the inclusion of minerals in one of the three layers is allowed. However, the thickness should not exceed0.3 mm. Another important point is that the irregularities on the inner layer should also not exceed 0.3 mm in size, if any.

Application and brief description

Durite hoses are used as flexible pipelines in hydraulic, oil, fuel, air systems. This product is able to perform its functions in a very wide temperature range - from -55 to +100 degrees Celsius. This and other performance characteristics have become the basis for the product to have the most widespread use, from industries such as the military and aviation to general household use.

durite sleeve 40u
durite sleeve 40u

It is worth noting that it is best to store this product in a dark place where the temperature is maintained in the range from +5 to +15 degrees Celsius. If you follow these rules, you can save the hose up to 1.5 years without loss of its performance.

Design fixture

Durite pressure hose consists of three layers: inner, frame and outer. If we talk about what the internal component of the hose is, then this is a rubber tube. Most often, this element is neutral in its chemical composition. The main purpose of this element is the direct transportation of liquid or gas. In other words, it is through it that the substance is transferred. It is important to note that the strength of this layer is so high that it does not allow the appearance of any defects - neither small nor large.

Durite pressure hose
Durite pressure hose

Also, another important part is the reinforcing film that is inside this layer. The main purpose of this film is to provide additional protection against the transported liquid or gas, as well as to protect against mechanical stress that can be created due to too much pressure inside the hose.

Frame and outer layer

After the inner layer comes the frame. The main material for its creation was the fabric. It is important to understand here that the number of these frames varies. The reason for this is that durite sleeve can be used in various environments. In addition, sometimes the design of the hose requires that another layer of reinforcing film be applied on top of all fabric frames.

Last, the upper part is made of a rubber substance with increased strength. However, it is worth noting that various kinds of plastic materials are most often added to the composition of this substance. Among them may be polyurethane, rubber or latex. The main reason for adding these substances is to increase the flexibility of the hose, as well as the ability to withstand dynamic impacts. The quality of this particular layer will determine the quality of the entire hose, as it protects all internal structures from bends, breaks, etc. Also, the tightness of the product will directly depend on it.

durite sleeve diameters
durite sleeve diameters

It is also worth noting that there is such a kind of product as a durite sleeve with a metal cord. In the design of the device, fabricthe frame is replaced with a steel cord - this is the main difference from a conventional hose.

Using a hose

At present, the most common type of such products is the 40y durite sleeve. The main application of the device is as a connecting part in oil, air, hydraulic systems. The main requirement that the hose must meet is the preservation of its performance under temperature and pressure changes. The maximum pressure that can be reached inside the hose without bursting is 0.7 MPa. This parameter allowed the use of this product in an industry such as machine tool building.

durite sleeve design
durite sleeve design

The diameter of the durite sleeve is different in each case. In some situations, it happens that it becomes necessary to install an additional tube or dispenser on the hose. In order to solve this problem, it is best to purchase caprolon products. This material has proven itself quite well, but its most important quality is resistance to various kinds of ethers, weak alkalis or gases that will pass through the hose.

Storage and other applications

This sleeve is also used in such an industry as mechanical engineering. In this area, it is used as a flexible hose in air and fuel systems. The durite sleeve was also widely used in the design of railway transport. The wear resistance of this product is quite high, but do not neglect the rules for storing such products. It is also important to note that when using the hose, it is advisable to ensure that it does not kink or twist.

durite sleeve with metal cord
durite sleeve with metal cord

In addition, another important requirement is to ensure that only those substances are transported through the device that are permitted by its technical documentation. In order for the layers of the sleeve not to dry out, store the product in places where there is no access to direct sunlight, and it is also necessary to create good ventilation.

GOST technical requirements

The manufacture of these devices must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of state documentation. So, according to this document, products suitable for use in such climatic zones as temperate and tropical must retain their performance characteristics and be frost-resistant at temperatures not exceeding -50 degrees Celsius. If we are talking about the use of hoses in a cold climate zone, then the frost resistance index should be increased to -60 degrees Celsius.
