2025 Author: Howard Calhoun | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 13:10
SOE (Guaranteed Electricity Supplier) is a government-regulated energy retail company. It is obliged to conclude a contract for the supply of energy with any applied consumer located in its service area. Let us consider further the features of the activities of guaranteeing electricity suppliers.

General information
The activity zones of guaranteeing electricity suppliers do not intersect. This means that companies cannot compete. All companies included in the list of last resort electricity suppliers are participants in the WECM (wholesale electricity and capacity market). The bulk of electricity is purchased in this market. However, the supplier can also buy part of the volume at retail. The presence in the retail market of guaranteeing electricity suppliers is a necessary condition for providing consumers with electricity. It is also worth saying that without SOEs, it would be difficult to maintain a balance between production and consumption.
Activity monitoring
The service area of a particular sales company is determined according to the register of guaranteeing electricity suppliers. This information base includes organizations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The register of last resort suppliers of electricity shall indicate the number of the order and the date the sales company was included in the list. The activities of organizations are controlled by the authorized regional authority and the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation. Regulatory powers include:
- Monitoring the implementation of the SE conditions for doing business and established coefficients.
- Approval of sales surcharge and tariff menu.
Companies included in the list of guaranteeing electricity suppliers purchase power and electricity on the market, conclude agreements with grid companies in their service area, agreements to pay for the losses of these grid companies. SOEs are engaged in the sale of energy and capacity to end consumers under supply contracts, carry out settlements, issue invoices, collect debts, and accept payment for the supply. Electricity suppliers of last resort are companies that actually perform the function of a "single window" for consumers. Many SOEs have additional activities.

In particular, suppliers are doing:
- Sale, installation and maintenance of accounting devices.
- Sale of electrical products.
- Accepting payments from other businesses (for cellular communications, Internet, utilities).
- Energy audit.
- Issue of technical specifications.
- Maintenance of in-house electrical networks of MKD.
Features of work
The legislation establishes certain obligations of the last resort supplier of electricity. As mentioned above, the sales company must conclude an agreement with any consumer who applied, if the latter's power receiving devices are located in the service area of the GP. The establishment of this obligation is aimed at eliminating the refusal of all suppliers to conclude an agreement with the consumer. In addition, in case of bankruptcy of an independent sales company, its customers are automatically transferred to the service of the last resort supplier. Failure to comply with the requirements stipulated by the legislation and industry regulations entails the deprivation of the company of the status of a last resort supplier of electricity.
Energy price
The authorized bodies that control the activities of sales companies set a sales margin for the guaranteeing electricity supplier. This is a kind of guarantee that the costs of customer service will be covered. SOEs provide fundraising for the financing of generating enterprises and infrastructure companies in the WECM, so they must be sure that the costs will be paid. The sales allowance, in fact, allows you to compensate for the costs of servicing end consumers. The price of electricity is limited by the marginal level of unregulated cost. It involves the transmission of the purchase price and the cost of transmission with a fixed surcharge. There is one more thing to be said here. The requirement for the last resort supplier of electricity is informing consumers about the levels of non-regulated cost by price categories. There are only six of them.

Guaranteed electricity suppliers: list
The largest and most efficient SOEs in Russia are OJSCs:
- "Oboronenergosbyt".
- "Petersburg Sales Company".
- Irkutskenergo.
- "Tatenergosbyt".
- "Novosibirskenergosbyt".
The list of large SEs also includes Mosenergosbyt PJSC, Rusenergosbyt LLC.
Features of acquiring status
For the first time, the guaranteeing suppliers are appointed:
- Undivided regional energy and electrification AOs (AO-energos) or energy sales organizations formed as a result of the reorganization of AO-energos.
- WPP (wholesale consumers-resellers) and sales organizations formed on their basis, if they supply electricity to budget-dependent consumers and the population in the amount of at least 50 million kWh / year.
- Energy sales enterprises serving customers connected to the power grids of Russian Railways.
- Economic entities that generate or operate facilities that are not connected to the UES of the Russian Federation and isolated energy systems.
Earlier, enterprises that were appointed by the SOE, but were not participants in the WECM, had to acquire the status of a market entity before 2008. After 2008, the appointment of the SOE is carried out according tocompetition. This procedure is designed to ensure competition, improve the quality of supplies and reduce costs. The frequency of the competition is 3 years. Gross revenue is the main criterion for determining the winner. It is she, taking into account indexation, that is taken into account when establishing a sales allowance. If the winner is not identified in the next competition, the current GP continues its work.

Transfer of functions to the network company
It is allowed for up to six months. Temporary transfer of functions of the SE to the grid company may be subject to:
- Deprivation of the license of the current supplier for the right to sell electricity to the population.
- Taking action against SOEs to deprive them of their right to participate in trading on the WECM.
- Liquidation of the enterprise.
- Start of bankruptcy proceedings.
- Breach of obligations to pay for services and electricity in the retail market.
Change of last resort electricity supplier
This procedure is public. Information about the change of supplier is published in local print media, posted at payment acceptance points, on the Internet (including on the portals of sectoral departments, as well as their regional representative offices). When changing the supplier of last resort, consumers-legal entities must conclude agreements with the new GP. As for citizens, only payment details change for them. Information about them is posted at all collection points, including post offices and Sberbank subdivisions.

Consequences for the consumer when switching to another supply company
In the event of a change in the SOE, the consumer-legal entity must conclude a new contract within two months. It is enough for citizens to pay for the delivery of new details. It should be noted that payment starts from the moment when the consumer became aware of the change in the GP. Even if the agreement with the new supplier is executed later, it will contain a condition on payments for consumption from the date of transition to service to the new SOE. The transition from a supplier of last resort to a sales company is carried out at the request of the consumer. In this case, one nuance should be taken into account. If the supply company does not purchase electricity in the retail or wholesale market, then it can only buy it from the SOE.
Relations of the guaranteeing supplier with HOA and management companies
SE, acting as a retail market entity, sells electricity to UK and HOA under a supply, purchase and sale agreement, in accordance with the Market Rules. In this case, the purchase is measured by a meter located on the border of the networks of the house and the service company. Separately, energy consumption for general house needs and supplies to owners of non-residential premises is taken into account. Payment by citizens is made according to the tariffs established for the population. Payments for other volumes are calculated at the rates provided for the respective legal entities.
Particulars of the contract
The agreement on the supply (purchase and sale) of power / electricity is concluded in writing (simple) form, unless otherwise provided by the Rules approved by the DecreeGovernment No. 442. The supplier of last resort needs to develop forms of contracts in accordance with the categories of prices or consumers, according to which tariffs are differentiated. If it is necessary to make changes to the Rules approved by Decree No. 442, entailing adjustments in the forms of contracts, the GP is obliged to make adjustments to the forms of agreements within a month (from the date the relevant changes come into force). The supplier must place the developed / modified forms of documents in service centers and on the official website, and also send them to the territorial division of the FAS.

Responsibility of the electricity supplier of last resort
It is provided for in the Civil Code and the Rules (OPFRR), approved by government Decree No. 442. The supplier's liability is civil in nature. However, taking into account the specifics of the status of a state enterprise, a company may also be held administratively liable. Regulations provide for 2 grounds on which sanctions can be applied to a supplier. Liability may come for:
- Unreliable power supply and poor quality.
- Unreasonable introduction of restrictions on the consumption regime.
Under the terms of the contract, the guaranteeing supplier is liable to the buyer (consumer) for improper performance or non-performance of obligations under the agreement. He is responsible not only for the quality of his work, but also for the actions of the network company and other persons involved in providingtransmission services, which are an integral part of the supply process.
The supplier of last resort may refuse to conclude an energy supply contract with the consumer if he is unable to supply due to the lack of technological connection of power receivers to power grid facilities. At the same time, there should be no agreement on the connection of these devices to the power grid in accordance with the OPFRR. The supplier is obliged to notify the consumer who applied to him about the refusal. The notice must state the reasons for the decision. Notification is sent within 5 days from the date of the client's request. If the application was sent through a network organization, then the notification is sent to it. The notice period is the same - 5 days. The calculation of the period is carried out from the date of receipt of the application for the conclusion of the contract to the GP.

Participation in the competition
The application must specify:
- Applicant's name.
- Address.
- TIN.
- Number of state registration record.
Applicable to application:
- Extract from the register of WECM participants indicating the direction of activity for which the entity trades power and electricity on the market. The document is issued by the Market Council.
- Equity of equity or bank guarantee agreement with coverage equal to capital required to accept bid.
- Analysis of the financial condition (calculationindicators) for the reporting period preceding the date of application submission.
- Extract from the Bankruptcy Data Registry. With this document, the applicant confirms that during the year prior to the filing of the application, no procedures were carried out in relation to him, related to the recognition of his insolvency.
- Tax, statistical, accounting reports for the last year and the period preceding the date of submission of the application for participation.
- Full list of affiliates and related parties.
In addition, the applicant must provide information about the persons included in the same group with the applicant. The form in which this information is provided is approved by the FAS. The document also indicates the signs by which persons are included in the corresponding group. Additionally, information is provided on the beneficiaries, in whose interests the nominal holders own more than 5% of the applicant's shares. The application indicates the amount of funds that the entity, if declared the winner, undertakes to offer in the offer to be sent to the creditors of the replaced SE. This amount is counted against the assignment of claims for the repayment (partial or complete) of the debt provided for in par. 12, paragraph 207 of the OPFRR, in accordance with the requirements specified in par. 1 and 14 p. 207 of the Rules.
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