Tula Machine-Building Plant im. Ryabikov: history, production, products

Tula Machine-Building Plant im. Ryabikov: history, production, products
Tula Machine-Building Plant im. Ryabikov: history, production, products

Tula Machine-Building Plant im. Ryabikov is called a diamond in the structure of the Russian military-industrial complex. The enterprise is a recognized leader among manufacturers of cannon, anti-aircraft and missile weapons for all types of troops. The glorious history of Tula gunsmiths is embodied in products that have no equal in the world. In addition to military equipment, Tulamashzavod produces a wide range of civilian products.

Tula Machine Building Plant
Tula Machine Building Plant

The beginning of glorious deeds

The Tula Engineering Plant grew out of an iron foundry founded in 1879 by Captain N. G. Dmitriev-Baytsurov. It was then that production was laid, which today has turned into a powerful machine-building complex.

In subsequent years, the company changed owners and direction of activity, until in 1912 it merged with the Tula Arms Plant. With the outbreak of World War I, mass production of the legendary Maxim machine guns was launched at the factory.

Tula Machine-Building Plant Tulamashzavod
Tula Machine-Building Plant Tulamashzavod

Soviet period

In troubled revolutionary times, the Tula Machine-Building Plant (“Tulamashzavod”) did not actually work. Only at the end of the 1920s did the restoration of technological capacities begin. In 1931, the production of advanced at that time milling machines of the Dzerzhinets series, so necessary for the resurgent industry, was mastered. In 1939, the enterprise again became independent, leaving the structure of the Tula Arms Plant.

On the eve of the war, the production of easel machine guns designed by V. A. Degtyarev DS-39 began. And with the beginning of the fighting and the rapid approach of the front to the city of Tula, the equipment was transported to the rear, replenishing the production capacities of many enterprises in the Urals and Siberia.

After the war, the Tula Engineering Plant launched the production of high-tech civilian products: scooters, bicycles, equipment for the oil and gas and coal industries. In the mid-60s, the production of weapons began again, which continues in our time. The team was repeatedly awarded state orders, valuable awards and commemorative signs.

Tula Machine-Building Plant named after Ryabikov
Tula Machine-Building Plant named after Ryabikov

Civilian products

The Tula Machine-Building Plant, with its success, has earned the title of the leading enterprise in the country's machine-building sector. All major industries (machine tool building, motor building, machine building for the coal and oil industries, light industry and agriculture) are equipped with moderntechnique and advanced technology.

Production of diesel engines of the TMZ series has been launched, which are designed for installation on light vehicles, minitractors, special installations, small-sized utility vehicles, road and construction vehicles. They can also be used to drive mobile power plants, uninterruptible power supplies, generator sets, pumping units. It is also possible to use them as stationary engines of small-tonnage vessels. Motor cultivators and other agricultural equipment have been produced since the late 90s.

Main product list includes:

  • Small diesel engines, diesel generators.
  • Motor fire pumps, small class fire engines.
  • Electrical units.
  • Screens, perforators, crushers.
  • Motoblocks, snow blowers, cultivators, mowers.
  • Oil and gas equipment.
  • Dosimeters.
Tula Machine-Building Plant vacancies
Tula Machine-Building Plant vacancies

Products for the army

"Tulamashzavod" is one of the leading manufacturers of small arms and cannon weapons for air defense, aircraft, fleet, armored vehicles of 23-73 mm caliber. Military products of the Tula Machine-Building Plant are popular in the Russian armed forces and in international markets.

Among them is the unique Kashtan missile and gun system. For example, it is installed on the newest Russian nuclear-powered missile cruiser Pyotr Veliky. The complex is capable of automatically hitting air targets in any weather conditions at altitudes up to 4 km andrange up to 8 km. The missile component of the complex is a two-stage solid-propellant rocket, the artillery component is two ultra-high-temperature six-barreled guns.

Tulamashzavod's traditional field of activity is the production of artillery weapons. Two 30-mm automatic guns 9A-621 and 2A42 stand out among it. The first one is installed on MiG fighter-bombers. It is designed to destroy air and ground armored targets and has a rate of fire of 4600-5100 rounds per minute. The 2A42 cannon is mounted on armored vehicles (BMP, BTR, BMD), latest generation helicopters (Mi, Ka) and other types of equipment designed to combat lightly armored targets at ranges up to 4000 m and low- altitude air targets at altitudes up to 2000 m.

Shilka and Tunguska self-propelled anti-aircraft guns are equipped with modernized 2A14M, 2A7M and 2A38M automatic guns, which made it possible to increase their service life by 1.7 and 1.3 times, respectively. For ships, 30-mm gun mounts of the AK-630 and AK-306 series are produced. The two-automatic AK-603M1-2 has high firing accuracy, short time to alert and increased rate of fire up to 10,000 rounds per minute, as well as good performance.


Tula Machine-Building Plant needs qualified specialists who can learn how to work on the latest equipment. From time to time there are vacancies for workers (turners and millers are especially in demand), management personnel, laboratory and design bureau workers, engineers(technologists, chemists, analysts, etc.).
