Fodder dry stillage - description, application features and reviews

Fodder dry stillage - description, application features and reviews
Fodder dry stillage - description, application features and reviews

Any manufacturer seeks to reduce the cost of products that he offers to the buyer. Animal farmers are no exception. The desire to provide their livestock with high-quality and inexpensive feed makes them look for new types of forage. Dried stillage is one such dietary supplement that provides increased production without significant investment.

What is a barda?

Waste of any production in the food industry has always tried to be recycled for additional profit. The production of alcohol based on various raw materials gives a by-product called "dry alcohol stillage". Rather, it becomes dry after processing the liquid fraction.

bard dry
bard dry

In the production of one liter of alcohol, depending on the technology used, up to 15 liters of stillage are obtained along the way. The problem with its implementation in its raw form is very relevant. Transportation over long distances is unprofitable for the manufacturer, and delivery in large quantities isconsumer. Fresh bard remains no more than a day. In addition, there are restrictions on the daily intake of the supplement.

In Soviet times, auxiliary farms were specially created at distilleries if there were no collective farms or state farms nearby interested in using bards. Pipelines were laid, and hot "food" was directly supplied to the feed shops, and free of charge. In the summer, the problem of disposal was especially acute: the animals were mostly at summer camps, and the increase in air temperature accelerated the process of oxidation and, accordingly, spoilage of products.

It's a completely different matter - the bard is dry. It is easy to transport it to any place, if necessary, to the pasture, it retains its qualities for a long time, the free-flowing powdery product can be pressed. Granular and packaged product does not take up much space.


Distilleries use various raw materials in their production. The type of bard also depends on this. The most common in the post-Soviet space:

  1. Potato. Usually fed fresh.
  2. Melasses. The starting material is molasses, due to the high content of potassium, it is used in very limited quantities.
  3. Grain. It is the most nutritious food and contains (when fresh):
  • in barley - up to 3.8 units;
  • in rye - up to 4, 7 units;
  • in oatmeal - up to 6.5 k.u.;
  • in corn - up to 12 units
  • bard dry fodder
    bard dry fodder

Modern production facilities are equipped withspecial equipment for the processing of alcohol production waste. After the powerful dryers, the plant generates an additional source of income by selling dry distillery stillage to farms or animal feed companies.


Developed and approved by GOST 31809-2012. According to its requirements, the product must meet the following physical, chemical and organoleptic characteristics:

  • in appearance it is a loose homogeneous powder without solid inclusions;
  • in granular form: granule diameter - 5-13 mm, length - 10-26 mm (in agreement with the consumer, the size may vary);
  • color is uniform, shades from light yellow to brown are allowed;
  • dry bard has a bread and yeast aroma, without the smell of mold or mustiness;
  • moisture within 10%;
  • feed unit content not less than 0.86 per 1 kg;
  • no pathogens allowed.
dry spirit bard
dry spirit bard

The chemical composition may vary slightly depending on the raw material, it is indicated on the packaging. Bard contains a lot of useful substances:

  • vitamins E, K, group B - niacin, choline, thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid;
  • carbohydrates – starch, cellulose, lignin, sugar;
  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • amino acids – leucine, lysine, phenylalanine, valine, isoleucine, threonine, serine, tyrosine, glycine, alanine, methionine, glutamic and aspartic acids;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • copper.


Natural vitamin-containing and valuable protein food, which is dry bard, is used to prepare compound feed for different types of animals and birds. It is also given as an independent dietary supplement. Experts recommend the following rates as a percentage of the total dry weight of feed:

Animal species

Max quantity

dry distillery stillage (grain)

Cash Cows 30%
High-yielding animals 40%
Young cattle up to 6 months 20%
Young cattle over 6 months old 25%
Fatteners 35%
Dry cows and last third of pregnancy 30%
Young pigs (repair) 25%
Pig fattening 20%
Sucking sows 20%
Idle and pregnant sows 40%
Laying hens 6%
Meat breeds of chickens 8%
Repair chicks 5%
Broilers up to 2 months 4%
Turkeys 8%
Turkey poults up to 3 months 4%

Zootechnical assessment

Demand for dry stillage does not fall, but rather grows for a number of objective reasons. From feedback from livestock farmers, it can be seen that inexpensive and nutritious feed improves the economic performance of farms, guaranteeing sustainable profits. The All-Russian Research and Technological Institute of Poultry Farming conducted research that allowed us to give a zootechnical assessment of the feed:

  • Bird. Egg production increased by 33%, feed costs for every 10 eggs decreased by 1.2-2.6%. The introduction of dry vinasse into mixed fodder instead of fodder yeast reduced its cost to 3.5%. The change in diet did not affect the chemical and morphological composition of the eggs. For tests, from 2 to 8% stillage was introduced into the feed.
  • Cattle. The fattening of young animals was carried out according to the updated diet. 30% of the grain share was replaced by dry stillage. The average daily weight gain increased by an average of 150-195 grams. For dairy cows, the norm was 300-350 grams of stillage per 1 liter of milk produced.
  • Pigs. Experimentally, it was found that for weaned piglets, the optimal addition to the feed composition was 5-7%. The average daily increase increased by an average of 10.5%. For fattening young animals (from 40 to 110 kg), it is recommended to introduce up to 20%dry bards. In animals weighing 40 kg, the average daily gain increased by 9%, with a weight of 110 kg - by 3%.
stillage dry post-alcohol
stillage dry post-alcohol

Studies have proven the effectiveness of introducing bard into the diet of farm animals and poultry.

Everything is good in moderation

Scientists suggest greater use of valuable feed:

  • as the basis for the production of vitamin and mineral premixes;
  • as a basis for the production of feed additives with probiotic preparations (beneficial microorganisms that improve the digestion and assimilation of feed);
  • as an independent type of forage, previously (in the liquid fraction) enriched with various additives.
dry stillage demand
dry stillage demand

Dry vinasse today is used both as a complete feed, and as a mineral and vitamin supplement, and as a component in the production of feed. There are a couple of things to watch out for:

  • Quality. Unscrupulous manufacturers seek to reduce their costs and violate the drying technology. This leads to an irreversible change in some part of the protein, it becomes inaccessible to the animal's body. Experts say that good quality bard is closer to gold in hue. Another “trick” is the addition of carbamide (urea) to the dry product, only 1% increases the protein content to 3%, but the presence of inorganic urea makes the additive toxic to the body of horses, poultry, pigs.
  • Feeding rates matter. Experienced breeders say thatAn unbalanced diet for vitamins and minerals leads to negative consequences: lethargy, impaired mineral metabolism, and a decrease in product quality. Potato bard when fed for a long time can cause red biting biting (skin disease) or solanine poisoning.
