"Gazprom - dreams come true!" But people doubt it

"Gazprom - dreams come true!" But people doubt it
"Gazprom - dreams come true!" But people doubt it

"Gazprom - dreams come true!" - Are you familiar with this phrase? Well, of course, like Gazprom itself, the largest gas company in the world that conducts geological exploration, produces, transports, processes and sells oil, natural gas and gas condensate in Russia and beyond.

gazprom dreams come true
gazprom dreams come true

Gazprom owns the richest natural gas reserves in the world (the share of the world reserve is 16.9%, in Russia - 60%). The main gas pipelines that were merged into the UGSS (Unified Gas Supply System) belong to Gazprom. Four hundred thousand people work for the benefit of the company.

Among other things, "Gazprom" is the largest joint-stock company, the number of shareholders of which is more than five hundred thousand people. The most numerous of them is the state. As for the head, that is, the chairman of the board of the company, he is Alexei Miller, who once replaced Viktor Chernomyrdin. "Gazprom - dreams come true!" - this slogan refers to him, according to many workers.

gazprom dreams come true
gazprom dreams come true

As for this capacious phrase, the company approached its creation very competently, and it made almost everyone learn about the existence of Gazprom, and even remember it for a long time. The slogan should distinguish the advertised company from others, and this condition has been successfully fulfilled. The better the slogan, the more chances to get ahead. This sentence is just words, connected by meaning and grammatically (as we remember from the school curriculum), is an important factor for product promotion.

Among other things, the slogan should be associated with something positive. Listen to these words: "Gazprom - dreams come true!" Well, who doesn't want their dreams to come true? Of course everyone wants to! However, the same potential buyers have doubts that it is their dreams that will come true. In principle, everywhere you can see, read or hear statements saying that the phrase: "Gazprom - dreams come true!" - this is not about ordinary people at all, and that these dreams come true only among the leaders of Gazprom itself. However, a negative opinion is also an opinion, and this company is also promoted due to it.

gazprom dreams come true photo
gazprom dreams come true photo

There are many jokes that arose thanks to the creation of the slogan "Gazprom - dreams come true!". It's a joke, an anecdote or a caricature - all these simple and so familiar things add more glory to the company than numerous commercials and other similar "inventions". Even poems about this compose, close to blackhumor. Surely many are familiar with at least one of them about how a representative of an informal movement rested on a pipe and, as a result of the explosion of the latter, ended her short life, as people who are in such a group dream: "An emo girl is sitting on a pipe" - and so on. And in the final: "Gazprom - dreams come true!" Photos on this topic also do not lag behind in their originality. There is also a ghost rider in his "fiery" guise, who was overtaken, apparently, to serve from one devil to another. There are many demotivators on this topic. For example, a boy with a huge bottle of vodka in his hand and a T-shirt from Gazprom. Or you can see pictures showing "incredibly huge help" to people from Gazprom. In general, jokes and jokes for every taste. Just think, just one phrase, but they can’t forget it for a very long time. Either this company really fulfills some dreams, or the gap between the slogan and reality is too great.
