AHO specialist - who is this? Administrative and economic department: structure, employees, management

AHO specialist - who is this? Administrative and economic department: structure, employees, management
AHO specialist - who is this? Administrative and economic department: structure, employees, management

Every person who has had work experience understands how important it is when a company properly maintains vital activity and ensures the safety of employees. Find out which employees should be included in the company's staff to make your stay comfortable.

Why AXO is created

First, let's clarify that AHO is an administrative and economic department. Typically, such structural units are created at large enterprises with a branched structure of economic activity. In small companies, the functions of an entire department can be performed by one person. The main function of the employees of this department is to competently organize administrative and economic activities, minimizing the company's costs for ensuring its vital activity and creating comfortable conditions for staying at the workplace.

who is this specialist
who is this specialist

Department structure

As mentioned above, an AHO employee is a position that is more typical for a large organization, where they form an independent structural unit and create a positionabout AXO.

In multi-thousand holdings within the framework of the AHO, plots and groups can be allocated.

So, within the department, sectors can be distinguished:

1. Planning and calculation, the main task of which is to plan expenses and determine their feasibility.

2. Material and resource - controls the acceptance of consumables.

3. Social security - creates conditions for a comfortable existence of the company's employees.

administrative department
administrative department

The main tasks of the department

This unit is assigned quite a lot of tasks, in a large organization one rarely hears the question: “AHO specialist - who is this?”

All members of the team understand that the employees of the department deal with important issues, the solution of which contributes to the efficient operation of the enterprise:

  • housekeeping;
  • maintenance of the interior and building;
  • creating comfortable working conditions.
  • chief aho
    chief aho

Administrative and economic department. Features

Due to the fact that the tasks before this structural unit can be very diverse, but one way or another related to the provision of economic services of the proper level, the following functions can be identified:

  • ensure proper maintenance of the premises of the enterprise;
  • monitoring the proper operation of equipment;
  • planning of reconstruction, repair of buildings;
  • implementation of scheduled repairs, itscontrol and acceptance;
  • beautification of the building and its facade, landscaping;
  • estimating costs;
  • execution of all necessary documentation;
  • providing office workers with everything they need to work effectively.

Based on this, we can conclude that work in the AHO requires compliance with a large number of rules and regulations and is inextricably linked with a high degree of responsibility for the performance of work.

work in aho
work in aho

On rights

Now let's talk about what rights an AXO specialist has (we have already decided who it is). Also in this paragraph it will be indicated who is responsible for the performance of duties by the employees of the department.

As expected, this paragraph includes everything related to the control of compliance with various standards, requirements for the preservation of the property of the company, which is in operational use.

Also, the department can control the proper storage of property in the warehouse, require reports on the use of office consumables.

Of course, the right of this structural unit is to represent the interests of the company in interaction with various institutions (repair, construction organizations) if it is necessary to resolve issues within its area of responsibility.

Based on the results of inspections, the head of the ACS may initiate, through the management, the issuance of an order to impose a disciplinary sanction for damage to property.

employee aho
employee aho

About interaction

AHO Specialist (whowhether it is a manager or an ordinary employee, it doesn’t matter) in the course of his work, he builds official relationships with colleagues from other departments without fail. This is necessary for the quality performance of functions.

From employees of other structural divisions, an employee of the administrative department receives applications for the purchase of things necessary for work (office equipment, stationery, etc.), as well as reports on damage to property, written explanations about the causes of breakdowns.

AHO not only supervises other departments on the execution of the range of issues entrusted to it, but also draws up plans for the implementation of repairs in the premises based on the standards provided by the financial and accounting services.

In addition, the structural unit interacts with the personnel administration department (requesting staffing, obtaining information about employees' business trips) and the legal department (requesting consulting assistance in drafting contracts).

aho engineer
aho engineer

About responsibility

Now it is necessary to touch upon the area of responsibility that the AHO specialist bears. Whoever decides to control this should know that the head of the administrative and economic department is fully responsible for the performance of functions.

His duties include, among other things, organizing the work of employees of the structural unit entrusted to him. The manager ensures high-quality and timely preparation of documentation, document management. It is the head of the AHO that is responsible for the execution by employeesindustrial discipline. The area of responsibility of other employees of the economic department is determined by job descriptions, which will be briefly discussed in this article.

Job description of the head of AHO

Employees who are not involved in the management of personnel documents are unlikely to think that the designated instruction must meet certain requirements.

Nevertheless it is. Without fail, the document must contain an indication of the qualifications of the head of the department and the requirements for work experience. As a rule, specialists with higher education (in our case, education can be technical or economic), work experience (at least three years as a specialist, 1-2 years as a manager) are accepted for the position of manager.

aho structure
aho structure

The head of the department needs to know all the local regulations, orders for the organization that regulate its activities, and also be a conductor of the corporate culture adopted in the company.

In any job description, whether it be a chief, an ACS engineer or another employee, it is necessary to include requirements for knowledge of the norms and rules of OHS, fire safety.

The document must also contain information about who is the immediate supervisor of the employee, who replaces him during illness.

Responsibilities for the position of "Chief of the AHO" in many respects have something in common with the functions of the department, which is not surprising. Nevertheless, let's denote them:

  • ensure quality service and complianceand the rules of SNiP for the condition of the building and internal premises;
  • budgeting, renovation planning;
  • providing the company's employees with the necessary furniture, appliances, inventory, maintaining their accounting for the enterprise, organizing the rational use of materials;
  • execution of management of works on improvement of the territory;
  • organization of service at the appropriate level of meetings, conferences and other events;
  • management of the employees of the unit entrusted to him.

Information about rights is also required in the job description. Here we should talk about submitting projects to improve service for management, getting acquainted with the documents regulating the company's activities, informing management about shortcomings in economic activity. As part of the management of employees, an official can make proposals for the promotion / punishment of their specialists.

The liability section includes information about the need to properly perform your duties and take good care of your employer's property.

Other positions in the department

The structure of the AHO implies the existence of a sufficiently large number of employees in it: these can be engineers, specialists, assistants.

Depending on how complex the organization is, there may be leading, senior, junior specialists, assistants. The job description, of course, in this case is prescribed directly for a specific position and organization,implies a clear division of responsibilities.

Separately, it should be said about the duties of such employees as a janitor, a cleaner who are engaged in bringing the territory and premises into proper condition. Their work is not particularly difficult, but also involves a certain degree of responsibility.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the work of the AHO employees consists in competent planning and providing employees with resources. At the same time, specialists should not allow overspending and emergencies.

Thus, work in the AHO is no less responsible than in other positions.
