Meaning and composition of the AIC. Enterprises that are part of the agro-industrial complex

Meaning and composition of the AIC. Enterprises that are part of the agro-industrial complex
Meaning and composition of the AIC. Enterprises that are part of the agro-industrial complex

An efficient economy is one of the conditions for a country's successful performance on the world stage. The country's economy is understood as all the cumulative processes taking place in different areas and aimed at contributing to the growth of the welfare level of both the entire state and each citizen. Organizational, technological, scientific and technical, social and economic activities are combined in the system of the country's economy. In each of them lies a certain potential, which has the ability to accumulate and later used in the implementation of operational functions. The state can use economic resources, as well as cash and production factors for the growth of key indicators that characterize the stability and level of freedom of the financial system and the prospects for the direction of development. The country's economy is created by several complexes, but we will focus on the agro-industrial complex, which is also an agro-industrial complex. From this article you will learn not only its essence and meaning, but also what links are included in the agro-industrial complex and its position in Russia.

The concept of the agro-industrial complex

apk composition
apk composition

Agro-industrial complex, also known as the agro-industrial complex, is one of the largest intersectoralcomplexes, which combines several economic sectors at once, aimed at the production and processing of agricultural raw materials, as well as obtaining agricultural products for final consumption. The agro-industrial complex includes agriculture and those industrial sectors that are most closely related to it - transportation, storage, processing of agricultural raw materials and products and bringing them to retail and wholesale buyers. The chemical, machine-building industries are closely connected with the agricultural sector.

Agribusiness sectors

the composition and significance of the APK
the composition and significance of the APK

The agro-industrial complex is in many ways one of the most complex and difficult to manage. The structure of the agro-industrial complex includes 4 large separate areas of activity, without the joint work of which the effective existence of this complex simply could not be. Let's dwell on each of them.

Agriculture proper

what links are included in the apk
what links are included in the apk

It is the core of its composition and meaning. The agro-industrial complex is based on this area:

  • Crop growing is a branch of agriculture, the main occupation of which is the cultivation of cultivated plants. The resulting products serve as a source of food not only for the ordinary population, but also as feed in animal husbandry, and in the form of raw materials it goes to a large number of industries (food, textile, pharmaceutical, perfumery). In addition, the results of crop production are used in floriculture in decorativepurposes. The scientific part of crop production is engaged in the study of the diversity of varieties, hybrids and forms of plants, the search for new and more advanced methods of cultivation is carried out to ensure high yields while reducing labor and material costs.
  • Cattle breeding is one of the most ancient human trades along with hunting, gathering and fishing. The development of animal husbandry was facilitated by the process of domestication of certain types of wild animals that could live with a person, giving him a specific benefit - for example, being a source of food (meat, milk, eggs), material for making clothing or building shelters. In addition, some animals became workers as pullers or riders. In animal husbandry, the most popular species for breeding in Russia include cows, goats, sheep, pigs, deer, etc. The priority of breeding a certain type of animal is determined by many factors, but one of the main ones is the climate and natural conditions.

Providing activities

enterprises included in the agro-industrial complex
enterprises included in the agro-industrial complex

This group is characterized by the assignment to it of industries and services that provide agriculture with all the necessary production means, as well as supply material resources. In supporting activities, we are talking about tractor and agricultural engineering, the production of various mineral fertilizers and chemicals, etc. - they are part of the composition, and the agro-industrial complex cannot but recognize their importance.

Agricultural raw material processing industries

composition and structure of the agro-industrial complex
composition and structure of the agro-industrial complex

Here there is a great contribution of the food industry, as well as industries whose main purpose is the primary processing of raw materials, then transported to light industry enterprises. It is no coincidence that they are included in the agro-industrial complex. Without them, we would not receive 80% of light industry products. And again it is clear that the importance of the agro-industrial complex is intersectoral and significant.

Infrastructural support

composition of the agro-industrial complex of Russia
composition of the agro-industrial complex of Russia

We attribute this area of activity to the agro-industrial complex, since its production facilities perform such tasks as harvesting agricultural raw materials, transporting, and storing manufactured goods. In addition, it is the infrastructure that is responsible for the training of agricultural personnel and construction in the agro-industrial complex. Without effective management, due to the breadth and complexity of the ties that arise in the agro-industrial complex, we will face a large number of problems. Therefore, the management aspect also needs to be given considerable attention.

And what about in Russia?

The listed areas of activity are typical for the agro-industrial complex of Russia. At the same time, imperfection of this sphere is typical for our country. Analyzing the situation of modern market conditions, it can be argued that there is no single whole economy of enterprises that are part of the agro-industrial complex. Scientists in the agricultural field regularly conduct research work. There are several scientific works on the necessary composition and structure of the agro-industrial complex for the successful development of the economy. The complexity of the functioning of the agro-industrial complex is largely the cause of the problems that arise, as well asaffects inter-industry relations. The incompleteness of the land cadastre largely reduces the potential of the complex in terms of the structure of the country's economy. This problem must be eliminated, since the agro-industrial complex is one of the main consumers of products from other areas, it creates a large number of jobs for citizens.

The boundaries of the agro-industrial complex are interpreted quite broadly and reflect as much as possible all the existing connections that functionally arise between the most diverse branches of human activity. This approach has its well-deserved and practice-proven value. It helps to more effectively predict and plan the movement of material flows, regulate relations between participating industries. In addition, the "broad frontier" approach makes it easier to implement structural policies and achieve research and other goals more quickly.
