DSAGO: what is it and how is it different from OSAGO and CASCO?

DSAGO: what is it and how is it different from OSAGO and CASCO?
DSAGO: what is it and how is it different from OSAGO and CASCO?

Few people have questions about the difference between OSAGO and CASCO. But there is also DSAGO. What it is? How is it related to OSAGO and how does it differ from CASCO? Let's find out.

What is it and why is it needed?

So, DSAGO: what is it and what is it for? Let's start with a reminder of a well-known fact: OSAGO insurance does not always fully cover the damage. Prices for parts and repairs, as well as the cost of medical services, change faster and more often than insurance ceilings are revised. At the same time, no driver, even the most experienced, can be one hundred percent safe from accidents.

CASCO allows you to guarantee payments in the right amount, but this service is expensive, and not every car owner can afford such expenses. In this case, it is worth considering the type of insurance we are considering.

DSAGO insurance is otherwise called extended OSAGO. The advantage lies in a significant increase in the amount insured compared to the “auto-citizenship”. If the payment due under OSAGO is not enough to fully compensate for the damage, then the difference can be paid in addition under the DSAGO.

Thus, we are talking about voluntary third party liability insurance in addition to the mandatory one. Instead of the abbreviation DSAGO, they canapply DAGO, DoSAGO, DGO, DSGO.

dsago what is it
dsago what is it

How to apply?

As already mentioned, DSAGO is a voluntary matter. Therefore, each insurer sets its own rates for it. First of all, the cost depends on the amount insured, however, the driver's experience, type, power and age of the vehicle, as well as the term of the policy also matter.

Do not forget that OSAGO is a mandatory document for a driver. You cannot replace it with DSAGO. Essentially, you will have two insurances. But they will cost less than CASCO, which, by the way, also does not exempt from OSAGO.

To apply for a DSAGO policy, prepare:

  1. Driver's license.
  2. OSAGO policy.
  3. Vehicle registration document.
  4. Passport.
  5. Data on persons admitted to management.

The easiest way is to contact the same company that issued you OSAGO to avoid problems with determining the amount of payments in the event of an accident.

As a rule, when purchasing an extension to the "autocitizen", insurers do not inspect the car. But if the car owner asks for a too high amount of compensation (over 2 million rubles), this may cause the insurer to be suspicious. Then the inspection will still take place.

You do not need to carry an extended insurance form with you.

DSAGO policy
DSAGO policy

Who needs DSAGO?

No matter what insurance agents tell you about the benefits of a voluntary policy, no matter how they scare you with the risk of crashing into an expensive foreign car, their words must be divided into two or even three. Probability of seriousaccidents, in which the amount of damage far exceeds the standard limit for OSAGO - 400 thousand rubles, is not so high. Even an expensive car is difficult to damage to a higher amount in the conditions of driving on city streets.

And yet DSAGO will not interfere with young, inexperienced car owners with little driving experience, as well as those who prefer an aggressive driving style and high speeds.

How is DSAGO different from CASCO AND OSAGO?

Speaking of voluntary "car citizenship", it would be nice to draw a parallel with other types of car insurance in order to better understand the essence of DSAGO. What is it, we figured it out, but how does it differ from the same voluntary CASCO?

CASCO is the protection of the policyholder's car, while OSAGO and DSAGO are the protection of the car owner's liability. If you have become the culprit of an accident, then if you have CASCO, you can count on reimbursement for the repair of your car. If you only have OSAGO or DSAGO, then only the injured party will receive compensation.

The difference with OSAGO is the cost of the policy and the amount of compensation. Tariffs for OSAGO are set by the Central Bank, and with the price of DSAGO, insurers are free to “experiment” as much as they like. As for the sum insured, the DSAGO payment is the difference between the OSAGO compensation and the actual amount of damage.

DSAGO insurance
DSAGO insurance

So we found out everything about DSAGO: what it is, how to apply and whether it can replace other insurances. Be careful on the roads!
