The immediate supervisor is like a father

The immediate supervisor is like a father
The immediate supervisor is like a father

Chief, he is also a leader, commander and boss, boss and manager. Whatever you call it, the sum of significance in the end does not change. But the meanings sometimes differ. Who should I contact directly if an employee has a question? Or skip all the nearby high-ranking ranks and immediately go directly with a report to the director? How would you act in this case in your workplace? So let's take a look at the concepts of who the immediate and direct boss is.

immediate supervisor is
immediate supervisor is

Structural units of management and junior staff

First you need to determine the approximate interaction of the leadership in different teams, starting from the very top. Only in this way will we see the scheme and approximate duties of the immediate supervisor, and also find out which of them are direct officials.

Factory management structure:

  1. Factory Manager.
  2. Deputy directors in different areas.
  3. Chief engineer of the plant.
  4. Chiefenterprise technologist.
  5. Heads of shops.
  6. Shift foremen.
  7. Foremen.
  8. Workers, employees.

Utilities structure:

  1. Director (Head) of the Housing Office.
  2. Chief Engineer.
  3. Head of Planning.
  4. Passport officers (passport department).
  5. Transport shop mechanic.
  6. Masters of house management, carpentry, locksmith and transport shops.
  7. Carpenters, electricians, plumbers, janitors.

The structure of the military unit:

  1. General - division commander.
  2. The colonel is the commander of the regiment.
  3. Lieutenant colonel - battalion commander.
  4. Major - deputy for political affairs.
  5. Captain - company commander.
  6. Lieutenant - platoon leader.
  7. Ensign - head of the household unit and junior commander.
  8. Sergeant major - deputy company commander.
  9. Senior sergeant - platoon leader.
  10. Sergeant - Deputy Platoon Leader.
  11. Junior sergeant - squad leader.
  12. Soldiers, privates.

Project office structure:

  1. Office Manager.
  2. Chief Accountant.
  3. Managers and marketers.
  4. Responsible design team.
  5. Specialists.
  6. Employees.
immediate supervisor of the employee
immediate supervisor of the employee

Immediate supervisor of the employee

Let's start, perhaps, with the most "native", standing next to the boss, the one who every day is in sight at the next table, in the office of your link, department, workshop or office. That chiefwho gives tasks and makes orders, conducts planning meetings with the work team and is an eyesore all day long - this is the immediate supervisor. He is like a father and mother. He is the closest. Your work life and salary depend on it. Returning to the structural divisions above, we can clearly distinguish from the general system and identify such a mentor.

In the military hierarchy of a soldier, the direct commander of the squad is a junior sergeant, who in turn reports directly to the sergeant - deputy platoon commander or senior sergeant - platoon commander, to whom his squad is assigned. And the platoon commander is already the direct superior for the soldier. But his orders must also be carried out strictly and on time

In the housing department for carpenters, the master of the carpentry shop will be the immediate master. He holds planning meetings, writes out tasks and assigns work to subordinates. For janitors, the immediate supervisor is the foreman of house management, who also checks the territories and maintains an action plan for cleaning the streets

At the factory, the foreman is the direct mentor for the workers. He himself is under the supervision of the foreman. And at the master, all the brigade with their cells are directly subordinate. The head of the shop is already on a direct line of command between him and an ordinary worker. That is, a locksmith and a turner can immediately contact him if the foreman and foreman are absent, or they unlawfully perform their duties

In the project office, specialists from different areas report directly to the responsiblea project manager who monitors the progress of the entire project and maintains reports with senior managers and marketing specialists of the enterprise.

responsibilities of direct manager
responsibilities of direct manager

Direct supervisor of employee

Direct boss - he is removed from the employee by official duties and deals with those matters that he solves competently at his level. Receiving orders from his direct manager from above, the direct manager will interact only with him, and give orders to the subordinate who is a step below. Such a rank has great powers in an enterprise or department, but it is practically inaccessible to ordinary employees and not so close to interact with them. But it fully has all the privileges for rewarding employees. All that is needed is a positive review from the immediate supervisor of the junior staff for the conscientious attitude of the hard workers to the matter. And then the bonus to the salary in the form of bonuses will be provided, and the reputation will grow before our eyes, and even the photo will be placed on the Honor Board.

Difference between direct and direct superiors

Above, we put all the bosses in their places. Now let's compare two managers in relation to you:

  • The immediate supervisor is the boss who commands you in the workplace everywhere and always. There is nowhere to go from him. Only through this person do you analyze and complete the tasks and report to him for the completed or overdue actions. With this commander, you lead, so to speak, the entire production cyclefrom start to finish.
  • You are also responsible for your work before your direct superiors, but they can disturb you only at the very last minute. For example, if the plan is on fire, and the immediate supervisor does not cope on time. Or you yourself are hacking and do not hand over the plan or the norm. The direct manager will press on your direct boss, and he is obliged to sort things out with you. But do not forget that direct superiors have the right not only to reward excellently, but also to punish more seriously, up to dismissal from the ranks of the labor collective.
feedback from the immediate supervisor
feedback from the immediate supervisor

Be close to your line manager

Wherever you work, be humane, kind, polite and diligent. And do not forget that your immediate supervisor is not only a person who you have to deal with every day in a working environment, but also a friend who is ready to give his strength and time to make you happy and successful.
