Part-time or flexible schedule?

Part-time or flexible schedule?
Part-time or flexible schedule?

Increasingly, you can see the phrase "part-time" in job advertisements. What is it, what is the essence of a part-time day or week? Let's take it one by one.


According to the materials of the free encyclopedia, such employment is considered part-time, in which a person works less than the time set by the employer (usually less than 30 hours a week). For example, with a five-day work everyone works 8 hours a day, from nine to five, and a part-time person can go home at three or even one in the afternoon.

In addition to part-time work, there is also a part-time work week. Everything is the same, only the number of days decreases, not hours. Instead of five, a worker works four, three, or just two days.

Finally, part-time employment can include both of these situations, and then both the working day and the entire working week are reduced at the same time. In any case, the working hours must be agreed between the employer and the employee. This can happen both when entering a new position, and when being in it for some time.

underemployment inMoscow
underemployment inMoscow

In practice, a situation is common when an employee himself asks to establish or cancel part-time employment for him, taking into account his personal circumstances: due to individual convictions or inability to work on a full schedule. But it can also be prescribed by law. For example, if it is required by a pregnant woman, an employee raising a small child or caring for a sick family member. In some cases, part-time work may be the initiative of the employer - in which case he must notify the employee about this at least eight weeks in advance.

Part-time employment in Moscow or any other city should not restrict human labor rights. Employees working in such a schedule have annual leave, the time of their work is also counted in the length of service. In the work book, this period of work is fixed in the usual way. In addition, they receive bonuses on a general basis and are provided with days off. Payment for such employment is carried out according to the schedule of hours worked or depending on the output.

work in moscow part time
work in moscow part time

The concept of "part-time work" should not be confused with another common form of work - a free schedule. The latter implies the flexibility of working hours, independent regulation of the beginning and end of the working day. With such a schedule, it is only mandatory to work the set number of hours for a specific period - a week, a month or a day.

Part-time or part-time work is often sought by those who do not want to work“from call to call”, build your life in accordance with the work schedule and put all your strength into your career. On my own behalf, I will add that for young mothers, students and everyone else who is interested in working in Moscow, part-time work may not be suitable. You may want to look into a part-time job with a staggered schedule that gives you more time and self-control.
