What is a printed sheet?

What is a printed sheet?
What is a printed sheet?

It's hard to imagine what humanity could be like if paper and the technological process of book printing had not been invented. Works of art are published on paper, scientific works are printed, interesting news are published. However, despite the amazing variety of books, newspapers and magazines, it is easy to see that there are not so many different page sizes of different publications. How can you measure the size of a sheet of a particular format? The basis for considering this issue is a printed sheet.

printed sheet
printed sheet

Here we will try to unbiasedly look at this situation through the eyes of an ordinary person. What paper formats does he see around him in real life? Let's briefly list them. These are standard sheets of writing paper, sheets of newspapers in several versions, several different book formats. How to bring this diversity to one basis? If we took a standard sheet of paper as a basis, then how to express other paper sizes based on it? But here the traditional solution to this issue comes to the rescue. It so happened historically that a printed sheet measuring sixty centimeters by ninety centimeters, which was called a "conditionally printed sheet", was chosen as the base size. Usually books, newspapersand magazines measure their format against it. The standard is a printed sheet filled with text on one side. This concept must be distinguished from the concept of "physical printed sheet", which means the actual printed sheet of the publication.

physical printed sheet
physical printed sheet

Thus, the volume of any printed publication, for example, books, newspapers or magazines, can be estimated in relation to a conditional printed sheet. Let's try to show this with an example. Suppose we are talking about a book whose format is 70cm x 100cm /16, which has 192 pages. In order to calculate the volume of the book, you need to carry out the following calculations. The conditionally printed sheet has an area equal to 60x90=5400 square centimeters, the physical printed sheet - 70 cm x 100 cm=7000 square centimeters. The conversion factor is 7000/5400=1.29. The final calculation looks like this: (192/16)x1, 29=15.48. So, in our case, we can say that the volume of the book in question is 15.48 conditional printed sheets. Thus, it is customary to indicate the volume of the printed publication.

conventionally printed sheet
conventionally printed sheet

For the sake of completeness, it should be noted in this question that two more standard types of printed sheet are common. This is an author's printed sheet and an accounting and publishing sheet. The first of them has several measurement methods (40,000 printed characters with spaces or 700 lines of poetic text or 22-23 ordinary typewritten pages) and is designed to measure the volume of the author's work provided for printing. The second takes the samethe same size as the author's printed sheet, but it does not include the promotional material present in this edition. The printed sheet, as it turned out, comes in different types, which are useful to understand. This concept plays an important role in book publishing. It allows you to realistically assess the amount of typographic work performed when publishing a book.
