Several ways to find out the personal account of a Sberbank card

Several ways to find out the personal account of a Sberbank card
Several ways to find out the personal account of a Sberbank card

Banks are all around us… They have firmly and permanently entered our lives. Today, every person, whether he wants it or not, is faced with banking services. Thus, most salaries, pensions, benefits are paid either to an account or to a card. In addition, it is also a very convenient way to transfer money, in which you do not need to pay extra commissions and wait a long time. One of the most common banks is Sberbank. However, many people have not yet fully understood the whole system of its work. There may be several reasons for this: a novice client, his age, and so on. The most common question that arises among clients of a financial institution is: "How to find out the personal account of a Sberbank card?"

how to find out the personal account of a sberbank card
how to find out the personal account of a sberbank card

So, in order to transfer money or replenish an account, you need to know the so-called address, or number, to which you want to deposit money. For many users, it will not be difficult to find out this information, since the personal account is a set of 16 numbers that are printed directly on the card. But there are also such cards where you can see only the last 4 digits of the number or not see them at all for lack of them. Whatdo in this case? How to find out the personal account of a Sberbank card?

There are several ways to get this information:


Sberbank personal account
Sberbank personal account

Carefully study all the papers that Sberbank issued along with the card. The personal account must be included in the package of documents along with the PIN code. But it often happens that these documents are lost, then you can use the following method.

2. Find out the personal account of a bank card by dialing the call center number, which is listed on the official website of the bank. When contacting the center, the operator is obliged to ask you a number of necessary questions so that the number does not fall into the hands of intruders. If all information fully matches and the identity of the owner is established correctly, then the data must be provided immediately.

3. Another option on how to find out the personal account of a Sberbank card is to send a request by e-mail. The request must be written to the address of the regional office.

bank card account
bank card account

Modern technologies have reached such a level that now you can make all payments without leaving your home, using the "Sberbank-online" service. There you can also check your accounts regularly, as well as find out the full number of your bank card.

However, if possible, it is best to go to the very branch of the bank, where the card was received. This method is the most reliable and proven. In addition, the whole process of establishing the identity and the owner of the card will not take very much time. But don't forget to takea bank card and passport. With personal contact, the risk of falling into the hands of scammers is reduced to zero, and the whole procedure becomes much simpler. In addition, personal contact with interlocutors is always better than communication by phone or e-mail.

We hope that now you will not have any difficulties with how to find out the personal account of a Sberbank card. It turns out that there are many ways to get the information you need. It remains only to choose the most convenient, and act.
