LLC "Home capital": types of loans, customer reviews

LLC "Home capital": types of loans, customer reviews
LLC "Home capital": types of loans, customer reviews

Probably, every person has situations when a certain amount of money is immediately needed, but it simply is not there. Unfortunately, relatives also have temporary financial difficulties, and friends who could be borrowed from have gone on vacation abroad and there is no way to contact them. What to do in this case? Take a loan from a well-known bank, which is advertised daily through all channels? But this will take at least 2-3 days, and the money is needed immediately. There is a way out: you just need to contact Domashny Capital LLC. Today, the number of the company's customers is continuously growing.

Domashny Kapital LLC: general information

Home Capital branches operate throughout Russia: in Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Rostov-on-Don, Ulyanovsk, Ufa, etc.

home equity
home equity

According to the company's rules that govern relations between Domashniy Capital LLC and individuals (borrowers/clients), the parties must conclude a loan agreement. Loans are issued in the national currency, that is, in Russianrubles, and the repayment period depends directly on the type of loan, but cannot exceed 1 year from the date of signing the agreement.

The most popular types of loans provided by Home Capital

Customers or borrowers of the company are individuals. When concluding a loan agreement, the client is provided with the amount provided for in the agreement with Domashny Capital LLC. A loan can be obtained immediately after the client's application is approved. Money is issued as quickly as possible. The whole procedure takes from several hours to one day.

Home Capital LLC offers the following types of loans to its potential borrowers:

1. Interest untargeted.

2. "Express loan" - the amount ranges from 1 thousand rubles to 10 thousand rubles with a daily interest rate of 1.7%.

3. "Classic" - the loan amount varies from 1 thousand rubles to 15 thousand rubles, with a daily interest rate of 1.5%.

4. "Affiliate" - the amount is from 15 thousand rubles to 45 thousand rubles with a daily interest rate of 0.7%.

home equity loan
home equity loan

These types of loans are in great demand among the clients of Home Capital LLC. Feedback from grateful customers is the best confirmation of this.

Terms of Service

Of course, just coming to the office of the company and asking for a loan will not work. To do this, the potential client must meet the following requirements:

1. The borrower must have Russian citizenship.

2. There are age restrictionsdepending on each individual branch of the company).

3. The presence of a permanent residence permit in the region in which the application for a loan is submitted.

4. Providing true and correct information about the identity of the borrower.

In addition, to receive money, you will need to submit some documents:

- passport (original + several copies);

- other documents that the company has the right to require at its discretion.

How do customers respond to the company's activities?

As for any commercial company, bank, etc., for Home Capital LLC, customer reviews are not an empty phrase. The opinion of each borrower matters. Negative feedback stimulates the company's management to take action to increase and improve the level of service, develop and implement new programs and the company's activities as a whole. Positive feedback, in turn, is a powerful incentive for the future development of the company and the desire to achieve new heights.

Clients of Home Capital LLC note the following advantages of the company:

- prompt paperwork;

- no bureaucracy;

- minimum package of documents;

- no need to provide proof of income;

- no guarantor required.

home equity reviews
home equity reviews

However, the negative opinions of borrowers cannot be ignored:

- very high interest rate;

- if the loan payment was overdue, you will need to pay a considerable pen alty;

- some customers showdissatisfaction with the behavior of company employees.

Despite all the positive and negative aspects of the company, each person has the right to make the only right decision for himself.
