NPF "Socium": customer reviews, rating

NPF "Socium": customer reviews, rating
NPF "Socium": customer reviews, rating

Choosing a place to trust your retirement savings is not as easy as it seems. The accumulative system of formation of pensions is progressing in Russia. For her, you need to find a good pension fund that would allow you to safely trust your old-age savings for further storage. Today we have to find out what the NPF "Socium" is. To what extent does the organization please the population? What rating does it have? What are the pros and cons of this company?


What is CJSC NPF "Socium"? This company is a fund that provides pension insurance services to the population of the Russian Federation. No more activity. The corporation has been around for a long time.

NPF society
NPF society

The first branch of the fund was opened in 1994. In 2014 NPF "Socium" became a joint stock company. The sole owner of the shares is Ingosstrakh. The organization has many branches and branches throughout the country.

Distribution in Russia

"Socium" is a non-state type pension fund, which is known in Russia. As already mentioned, the organization has many branches in the country. In almost every locality in Russia, you can find a branch of Sotsium.

This allows you to think about the integrity of the organization. The thing is that NPF "Socium" receives positive reviews for its prevalence. You can not be afraid that we are talking about some small fraudulent office. But is this company really honest? Is it worth investing here your money saved for old age?

Russian rating

Many have doubts. And not just like that. After all, NPF "Socium" is a pension fund that is far from leading positions in the ranking of the best companies in Russia providing pension insurance services.

NPF society reviews
NPF society reviews

This organization is in the TOP-40 NPFs of the country. Approximate position of "Socium" - 36-38 place. Too far from leadership. Therefore, many potential investors begin to doubt further cooperation. As a rule, the further a corporation is from the leading places in the rating of NPFs in Russia, the lower its credibility. And the higher the likelihood of a sudden license revocation.


The NPF reliability rating also plays an important role. In "Socium" this indicator leaves much to be desired. To date, the level of trust (reliability) is kept at the A + mark. This component stands for "High level of reliability". But he still does not suit the population.

The point is that the trustworthy rating of NPFs is A++. It is to organizations with similarThe trust is looking at potential investors. Taking into account the fact that Sotsium has a low rating among similar pension funds, the A+ reliability rating does not have the best effect on the public's interest in the company.

About Service

Service at NPF "Socium" receives mixed opinions. Some customers say that the employees in the branches are conscientious, attentive and responsive. They try to pay attention to each visitor, answer all the questions asked.

NPF social personal account
NPF social personal account

At the same time, there are reviews indicating the negligent and sometimes even rude attitude of employees towards visitors to the "Socium". Some employees are not professional. And the speed of service leaves much to be desired.

What to believe? There are more negative reviews about NPF "Socium". But all of them are not confirmed by anything. There are queues at the pension fund branches, which suggests a long service.

About my account

In other respects, clients are given a variety of options that allow them to work with the pension fund without much difficulty. For example, NPF "Socium" has a "Personal Account" on the official website. It allows you to receive account statements, as well as control funds. Convenient, fast, reliable.

Only often clients talk about failures and other problems when working with the "Personal Account" at "Socium". Sometimes it is not possible to log in, in some casesdoes not come out to order an extract from the personal account. Failures occur frequently, which causes a lot of problems for customers. They have to personally come to the offices of "Socium" to obtain information about the state of the account.

NPF reliability rating
NPF reliability rating


NPF "Socium" receives reviews of the negative plan for payments to clients in periods of need. There are also positive opinions, but they are much less. Most often, you can see information that Sotsium makes payments with huge delays. Some people are unable to receive their money for a long time. NPF "Socium" is sometimes even accused of fraud and misappropriation of depositors' money. All this is very common. Among the confirmations of such negativity, one can single out only news about deceived depositors who go to rallies to attract the attention of the population.

But among the many negative reviews, sometimes there are reviews indicating that NPF "Socium" makes payments in full and without any delay. Some people are surprised by the negative reviews. Therefore, it is difficult to say exactly how "Socium" is a conscientious company.


What conclusions can be drawn from all of the above? The thing is that NPF "Socium" is far from the best place for the formation of the funded part of the pension. The organization has a very dubious reputation, as well as a low rating in the country. The level of reliability also leaves much to be desired.

CJSC NPFsociety
CJSC NPFsociety

Nevertheless, you shouldn't call "Socium" scammers. The organization really exists, it has been operating for a long time. But with some drawbacks. Almost all pension funds have them.

It is recommended not to consider NPF "Socium" as a potential place for saving pensions in the forefront. The company is not reliable. To date, the organization has a license, but given the regularly published negative reviews, it is likely that it will be revoked soon. It is better to find a more reliable and stable corporation for the formation of the funded part of the pension in Russia. There are a lot of them. "Society" is a good, but not very reliable and stable organization.
