What is a technology project? Development of a technological project. Example of a technological project

What is a technology project? Development of a technological project. Example of a technological project
What is a technology project? Development of a technological project. Example of a technological project

What is called a technology project (TP)? How is it developed? What structure does it have? Within the framework of the article, not only general information will be given, but together we will consider the preparation of technological projects using an example. Each step will be described in detail.

What is a technology project

technological project
technological project

The named term is understood as one consolidated or whole set of documents. In this way, the result of the design process is usually called. The latter is present to some extent in all serious strategies.

The design process is a reflection of the principle of life: before you do something, you need to think about it. And a technological project is needed in order to fix the results of deliberation.

Why TP is needed

TP is necessary for the performers to create the product that was ordered. Thus, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the technological design of production during the coordination and discussion of key design decisions. After all, in order to ultimately sell your products, it is necessary that they meet certain parameters and requests.

Why canDo you need another technology project? A sample of this document can be of invaluable help to other professionals in solving various problems.


development of a technological project
development of a technological project

Development of a technological project is a time-consuming task. The main requirement for the result is to clearly and clearly reflect how it is necessary to implement the plan. Moreover, in the end, everyone should have an understanding of this:

  • at the manager;
  • analytics;
  • developer;
  • engineer;
  • handyman;
  • customer.

Based on this aspect, the structure of the technological project is described from top to bottom. Initially, you need to focus on the highest level of abstraction and finish on the implementation details of individual elements.

Specialists of various specializations can participate in the work on various parts: lead developer, analyst, architect, administrator and any other personnel whose knowledge may be important.

Now let's look at an example of a technology project. We will develop the process of manufacturing parts for the machine.

Manufacturability analysis

First, it is necessary to conduct a manufacturability analysis. This is understood as the establishment of a set of indicators and properties that will make it possible to manufacture a part at minimal cost. This will maintain the required accuracy specified in the drawing.

Manufacturability is pre-assessed when compared with available analogues. The score is given independing on qualitative and quantitative indicators. The latter include:

  • material consumption;
  • labor intensity;
  • unification of elements;
  • requirements for the quality and accuracy of surfaces.

Quality indicators are not so universal and vary depending on the features of the part.

Selection of workpiece

technological project of production
technological project of production

The next step has a significant impact on the technology project. Indeed, from a correctly selected workpiece, the process, efficiency and laboriousness of processing to obtain the desired part can change.

It is necessary to take into account a number of factors: production volumes, possible materials, designs, dimensions and accuracy of work execution. Depending on what is required, in our case, fit:

  • lost wax casting;
  • stamping;
  • injection molding;
  • profile rolled products;
  • shell casting;
  • periodic rental.

When the method by which the workpiece will be obtained is selected, then its outline must be applied to the drawing of the part with solid thin lines.

Choice of technological base

example of a technological project
example of a technological project

The next question is solved simultaneously with the previous one. It is necessary to choose a basing scheme based on design and technological requirements. It largely predetermines the sequence in which the processing will take place, what is the design of the fixtures,performance and achieving the specified accuracy.

When a technological project is being developed, each operation must have its own initial bases and sizes. It is necessary to adhere to the principle of unity in work. In other words, the technological and design bases must be combined. If the decision is made to retreat from this, then be prepared for the following consequences:

  1. We'll have to tighten the tolerances on the original dimensions;
  2. The position of the workpiece during processing must be constant and not change.

Developing a route technological process

example of a technological project
example of a technological project

This step depends on the design features of the part and the required accuracy. The processing sequence should be as follows:

  1. Change base surfaces.
  2. Roughing in progress, during which the most allowance is removed.
  3. Working with surfaces that will not affect the rigidity of the workpiece.
  4. Machining parts where high precision is not needed.
  5. Toward the end of the process, finishing operations are carried out.
  6. Bringing the part to the required parameters so that it can be used later.

Developing operational technology

The development of an operating technology consists of several processes. It is advisable to coordinate them already with those who will work with the details in practice. The design of this stage depends on the structure of the operation, the selected equipment, variousdevices, certain norms of time and processing modes.

Transitions must be indicated in the content, in the sequence of their execution. They must be arranged in such a way as to provide the highest rates of economy and productivity in the operation.

Also, within the framework of the technological project, it is necessary to determine the allowable allowances. They can be assigned as general or intermediate.

Then you need to devote time to equipment and tooling. So, for small-scale or single-piece production, it is necessary to use universal devices. And to avoid wasting time, roughing and finishing are done in one operation. True, this is only suitable in cases where there is no need to achieve significant accuracy.

Calculation of modes

preparation of technological projects
preparation of technological projects

At the stage of calculating the modes, in our situation, we pay attention to the one that is responsible for processing and the norm of time. The sequence of mechanical actions for the machine in this mode is determined in the following sequence:

  1. Sets the depth of cut.
  2. Tool feed is selected.
  3. Cutting speed is calculated.
  4. Checking the mode of operation and the power of the machine (is it possible to implement in this way).
  5. The main time required for the technological transition is also determined.

Now you need to calculate the machine (or main) time. So, for turning or drilling operations, the formula RDOP / (CHOPOOSH) PE, where:

  • RDPO - the estimated length of the surface that is being processed;
  • CHO - the number of revolutions that the spindle makes per minute;
  • POOSH - feed per revolution;
  • NP - number of passes.

Although, it is worth noting that the author is a little skidded. In general, you have an idea about the technical side of the matter - everything that is related to the object for which the technical project is being drawn up should be indicated here. For completeness of understanding, it remains only to consider what needs to be added to the graphic part.

Designing the graphic part

It is necessary to provide for the possibility of making a copy of any document. It is also desirable to automate the accounting of all information that is entered to them.

Many professions have provided various forms that can be used to provide the necessary information conveniently, quickly and without loss of detail.


technological project structure
technological project structure

When drawing up a technological project, keep in mind that what is provided in the article is just some kind of compilation of what should be. And so that you can understand how complicated everything is, let's take a quick example of the site on which this text is located.

To describe all its possible functions and features of interaction, you will need documents that will take a hundred pages (and not the fact that no more). It would seem, what is so difficult here? But in fact, it is necessary to provide for a number of details, which account for the bulk of allperformance aspects introduced.
