What is FEA and what are its main types and forms?

What is FEA and what are its main types and forms?
What is FEA and what are its main types and forms?

The development of any modern economy is hard to imagine without the activation of its ties with other countries. Since 1991, Russia has abandoned the state monopoly on foreign trade, which means that all firms now know what foreign economic activity is. Today, every enterprise has the right to enter the world market for goods and services, and the state no longer acts as an intermediary between it and foreign partners.

what is ved
what is ved

Let's figure out what foreign economic activity is. This is the foreign economic activity of any firm or enterprise, which is a separate area of its work, developing in direct relationship with the world market. Now that you know what foreign economic activity is, let's move on to a complex concept - foreign economic activity. Foreign economic relations are the totality of all those relations between national and foreign business entities that exist at the moment. In addition to clarifying the question of what is foreign economic activity and foreign economic activity, let's consider what is MEO. Internationaleconomic relations are a system of economic relations between individual states, which can manifest themselves in a wide variety of forms. It should be noted that the last concept is just the broadest, so it is extremely difficult to understand it without knowing the previous ones.

FEA classification
FEA classification

Classification of foreign economic activity involves the allocation of various types and forms of interaction between residents and non-residents of a given country. Economists identify five main forms of foreign economic activity: foreign trade, international production, scientific, technical and investment cooperation, as well as international credit and monetary and financial relations. Within each of the above forms, there are many types of foreign economic activity.

FEA participants
FEA participants

For example, international scientific and technical cooperation is divided into such types as the sale of patents and licenses for intellectual property; joint research in science and technology; franchising; provision of consulting and engineering services; various kinds of technical assistance. Monetary, financial and credit relations between residents and non-residents of a given country involve the provision of loans and credits to each other, settlements on the international market, the purchase and sale of bonds, shares, derivatives and, of course, currency. International cooperation in the investment plan involves investments with and without the right to participate in management, leasing and the creation of joint ventures with foreign entities. As far as trade is concerned,then everything is simple here - export, import and various types of counter agreements, including barter, which was used by ancient tribes.

FEA participants are a set of legal entities and individuals who carry out foreign economic activity at will in accordance with the legislation of the country. It is they who exchange the products of their intellectual activity, produced goods, and also provide services to each other.
