Rating of bank cards: an overview of cards with the best conditions

Rating of bank cards: an overview of cards with the best conditions
Rating of bank cards: an overview of cards with the best conditions

Using a bank card, Russians can not only save time, but also receive bonuses from the issuer. In Russia, banks offer cards with cashback, bonus program, free service or VIP privileges. The rating of bank cards allows you to choose the best offer in order to save on purchases every day and receive additional privileges from the issuer.

List of the best credit cards

Credit card - a banking product with a limit of funds in the account. It is in demand among customers in the Russian Federation: every 10th Russian owns a credit card. Credit cards are issued to clients who have a stable official income, so the bank provides certain privileges to product owners.

The main advantage of a credit card: if there is a grace period, it allows you to buy goods at any time without overpaying interest to the bank. The rating of bank credit cards includes offers with a grace period and an attractive interest rate.

List of the best credit cards:

  1. Gold card of Sberbank.
  2. "100 days without %" from Alfa-Bank.
  3. "TinkoffPlatinum.”

One of the conditions for obtaining a credit card is a good credit history. The bank has the right to make a request to the CBI when analyzing the profile of a potential cardholder. If there are delays in issuing a credit card, 9 out of 10 cases will be refused.

The rating of bank cards is based on reviews left by customers on popular banking portals (Banki.ru and Sravni.ru). The list of the best credit cards includes the top 3 products from issuing banks, whose credit cards are most in demand among Russians.

Sberbank credit card review

Visa Gold is the credit card of the largest bank in the country. It is distinguished by an interest-free period of up to 50 days, a limit of up to 600,000 rubles and the presence of the “Thank you from Sberbank” bonus program.

The program allows you to receive a return of up to 20% in the form of points from each purchase. The minimum amount of bonuses is 0.5% when paying for any purchase. Points are not awarded for cash withdrawals or utility payments, as well as for transfers to an account (including other banks).

rating of the best bank cards
rating of the best bank cards

"Golden" credit card is issued to citizens of the Russian Federation from 21 years old with a good credit history. For those who receive a salary to an account with Sberbank, credit cards are issued free of charge with the maximum possible limit for a client, but not less than 10,000 rubles on the balance sheet.

In the ranking of the best bank cards with a limit, Visa Gold takes 1st place. The "gold" product of Sberbank is the most popular credit card in the country, which can be received by everyone who receives a salary through Sberbank.

Benefits of a credit card "100 days without%"

More than 6.1 million citizens became the owners of the Alfa-Bank card in 2018, since the grace period on the card is up to 100 days. During the specified period, the owner must make only the mandatory payment. Interest is charged if the remaining amount of the debt is paid at the end of the period.

For all customers, cash withdrawals without commission are provided for up to 50,000 rubles per month. The maximum limit on an Alfa-Bank credit card is 500,000 rubles.

rating of bank cards in russia
rating of bank cards in russia

It is not necessary to bring certificates to become the owner of a credit card. When applying for "100 days without%" with a limit of up to 50,000 rubles, only a passport is required.

Privileges for Tinkoff Platinum owners

A feature of the product is the minimum interest rate in the Russian Federation on a credit card: from 12% per annum. The maximum limit available to Tinkoff customers is 300,000 rubles.

The client can get a credit card for free, within 1-7 days from the date of application. The card is delivered by courier to a place convenient for the client.

rating of bank cards for travel
rating of bank cards for travel

Return points for purchases are provided, the maximum is charged up to 30%.

Best instant cards

Instant issuance cards, or instant cards, are in demand by citizens because of the low cost of service. They are issued at the office on the day of application, only a passport is required to receive them.

Rating of bank cards in 2019 with instantdispensing:

  1. A joint product of the Pyaterochka and Post Bank chain of stores - a card of the MIR payment system.
  2. Sberbank Momentum.
  3. Offer from Russia's first online wallet - Yandex. Money.”

Bank card with points from Pyaterochka

The product is issued free of charge. This is the best instant issuance card in the rating of bank cards of 2019. The condition for receiving is the opening of a savings account.

The card allows you to receive up to 15 times more bonus points in the Pyaterochka chain of stores and earn 5,000 points in the first year for free. In the first six months of use, for every 555 rubles in the check, the client is additionally credited with 555 points to the Bank Post card. You can pay with points in Pyaterochka stores.

pension bank cards rating
pension bank cards rating

Cashback in the amount of 2 points per 20 rubles spent from the card is credited for payments in other stores. For 20 rubles spent at Pyaterochka, the client receives 4 points if his purchases are made in the amount of more than 555 rubles, and 3 points for a smaller check.

In the first 2 months of using the SMS alert service is free. Further, the client will have to pay 49 rubles to the card monthly in order to use messages from the Bank Post.

Momentum from Sberbank

Issued within 15 minutes. It is obligatory to have a residence permit in the region where the card is issued. Customers can get "Momentum" at any Sberbank office. It is allowed to issue a card with valid personal cards.

Limit - up to 50,000 rubles per month. Up to 20% refund with "Thank you from Sberbank" bonuses. No commission service.

Momentum is the most popular instant product in the rating of bank cards. The information is based on counting the number of reviews from the financial portals Banki.ru and Sravni.ru in 2018 and 2019.

Sberbank provides a free SMS alert service "Mobile Bank" within 2 months from the date of connection. Further, the cost of notifications will cost the cardholder 60 rubles.

Instant card from "Yandex. Money" in the chain of stores "Svyaznoy"

The product is suitable for anyone who uses an online wallet and wants to make purchases not only via the Internet. The cost of the card is 200 rubles for 3 years.

For all purchases on the card, an instant cashback of 1% is charged, every fifth purchase brings the owner 5% in bonus rubles. The issuer provides discounts from partners up to 70%.

The card is linked to an online wallet account: the owner can pay with "virtual money" at any point of sale, including online stores. Payment on the Internet is one of the main advantages of the Yandex. Money instant issuance card. It is not always possible to pay for the products of Sberbank and Post Bank online.

2 ways of registration are allowed: in Svyaznoy mobile phone stores and via the Internet. In the first case, the card is issued on the day of registration, in the second - it is delivered free of chargeby courier. After the expiration date, it is automatically blocked. To use an online wallet account, a new product must be opened.

Best cards for senior citizens

When retiring, Russians want to give preference to the card not only in terms of convenience (withdrawing money without queues at any time of the day), but also benefits. Therefore, pension cards are always distinguished by financial privileges for holders in the form of interest on the balance.

rating of bank cards 2019
rating of bank cards 2019

Rating of pension bank cards:

  1. "Pension" from "Post Bank".
  2. MIR "Social" from Sberbank.
  3. "Pension" from "Rosselkhozbank".

Terms of a pension card at Post Bank

Opening and maintenance of the Post Bank pension card is free of charge. The card is linked to a savings account: when registering a product, the client agrees to open a deposit with the opportunity to receive up to 6% on the account balance.

In the rating of pension bank cards, the best conditions for returning points for purchases are with the Post Bank card. For purchases in pharmacies, cashback is 3%, additional users receive 0.5% for paying for goods at other outlets.

A bonus when opening a card is the absence of a commission for paying utility bills in the amount of up to 10,000 rubles. No commission is charged when transferring funds for utility bills in the network of Post Bank and VTB branches.

Overview of the map MIR "Social"

The most popular bank card for pensioners in Russia. More than 70% of retired citizens trust Sberbank. Until 2016, more than 67% of clients receiving pensions from Sberbank used a passbook. With the advent and popularization of bank cards, the "Social" product has become the most popular way to calculate pension contributions in the country.

The main condition for issuing a pension card is related to the opening period: no more than 3 months before retirement. Product maintenance is free.

3.5% per annum is accrued on the account balance every quarter. Sberbank provides customers with free use of the SMS informing service for the first 2 months after activation. Further, the owners of the "Social" card will pay only 30 rubles per month for SMS from the number 900.

In the rating of debit bank cards for pensioners, the Sberbank product is inferior in terms of capabilities to the Post Bank card. But this does not affect his popularity.

Pension card from Rosselkhozbank

Rosselkhozbank offers citizens to issue one of 2 card options for receiving a pension: instant and classic. An instant card is issued at the branch immediately after the paperwork is completed. The production time for the classic MIR "Pension" card is 1-14 days.

Owners of the Rosselkhozbank card can receive up to 6% per annum on the account balance. The bank's partners are Promsvyazbank, Alfa-Bank, Raiffeisenbank, ROSBANK. At ATMs of these companies, customers can withdraw cash from the Pension card without commission.

The product is included in the rating of the best bank cards of Rosselkhozbank. Issuerdoes not charge for notifications about the receipt of funds to the card account. Product maintenance is provided free of charge.

The disadvantage of issuing a card, in comparison with the conditions of competitors, is the need for the applicant to contact the Pension Fund in order to provide a document on transferring the pension to the bank. Sberbank and Post Bank automatically send information about new pensioners to the territorial offices of the Russian Pension Fund.

Top 3 cashback cards

Cashback cards allow the owner to receive a refund for purchases. The ranking of the best bank cards with cashback includes credit and debit cards:

  1. Alfa-Bank.
  2. "Tinkoff".
  3. VTB.
rating of debit bank cards
rating of debit bank cards

Cashback card from Alfa-Bank

Alfa-Bank's debit product combines the advantages of cards with cashback and accrual of interest on the balance. Therefore, the card tops the rating of bank cards with cashback in 2019.

Maintenance of the card will be free if the client makes purchases in the amount of more than 10,000 rubles per month. Otherwise, the owner will have to pay 100 rubles a month.

rating of bank cards with cashback 2019
rating of bank cards with cashback 2019

The amount of cashback for purchases depends on the amount spent on the card. The maximum cashback of 10% at gas stations is possible if you connect a premium package of services and spend more than 100,000 rubles per month. Minimum client receives 5% cashback at gas stations, 2, 5% - in restaurants and cafes and 1% - for other purchases from the card.

To receive a cashback of up to 10%, you can fulfill an alternative condition of the bank - to keep more than 30,000 rubles on your balance. Alfa-Bank charges up to 6% on the account balance.

Card with a refund for purchases from Tinkoff

The largest online bank in the country offers the Tinkofff Black card. Her terms:

  • Cashback up to 30% from partners.
  • 6% in balance income. Interest is calculated once a month. The maximum balance amount on which Tinkoff Bank accrues interest is 300,000 rubles.
  • 5% cashback on purchases in customer-selected categories. Every quarter, the owner of Tinkofff Black determines where it is more profitable to pay with a card: for example, cafes and restaurants, gas stations.
  • 1% cashback is received for any purchases in multiples of 100 rubles.

The advantage of the product, thanks to which Tinkofff Black is included in the rating of the best bank cards, is free service and delivery. But Tinkoff makes a requirement to the owner of the product: in order not to pay for the card, you need to leave at least 30,000 rubles on the balance sheet. Otherwise, 99 rubles will be charged monthly for the service.

Customers can withdraw cash from the Tinkoff Black debit card without commission anywhere in the world. This condition allows the product to also enter the rating of bank cards for travel. The maximum withdrawal limit per month is limited - no more than 300,000 rubles. Withdrawing money is available not only in devicesTinkoff Bank, but also at ATMs around the world: the minimum transaction amount must be 3,000 rubles.

What is attractive about "Multicard" from VTB Bank?

The advantage of the card from VTB Bank is the accrual of cashback in the amount of up to 10%. Once a month, the owner can select a category of purchases from the list, according to which an increased cashback will be credited for all products of the corresponding category. There are 7 options for the payer to choose from. The client selects the category using the mobile application or Internet banking.

An additional advantage that allowed the product to enter the rating of Russian bank cards with the most attractive conditions was the issuance of up to 5 cards to the main account. VTB does not charge a commission for issuing additional products to Multicard. When making purchases, customers can increase the amount of cashback: bonuses will be credited taking into account expenses on additional cards.

pension bank cards rating best conditions
pension bank cards rating best conditions

But the product has drawbacks: if a customer makes purchases for less than 5,000 rubles a month, the bank charges 249 rubles for Multicard service. Subject to the conditions, in addition to free issuance and maintenance, the client gets the opportunity to withdraw cash from ATMs of other banks for free.

In the rating of bank cards with cashback "Multicard" takes the 3rd place, as the process of accruing bonuses in the bank is different. Refund of bonuses is carried out for a commission, which is charged for spending at ATMs of otherissuers or transfers to accounts of other banks. That is, at first interest for the operation is withheld from the card balance, which VTB then reimburses in the form of a cashback.

The condition does not apply to spending on purchases: here bonuses are awarded depending on the selected option or promotion from partners. In the categories "Auto" and "Restaurants" a refund is possible in the amount of 10% of the purchase.

VTB, like other issuers from the rating of bank cards, charges interest on the balance of the card. The maximum client can receive up to 6% to the account "Multicards". The interest rate depends on the number of purchases made: with an expense of more than 75,000 rubles, the bank sets the best conditions - 6% per annum on the balance. When spending no more than 15,000 rubles, only 1% is available to the client in the form of an incentive from the issuer.
