Concept of personnel management. Personnel classification

Concept of personnel management. Personnel classification
Concept of personnel management. Personnel classification

Modern personnel policy is one of the guarantors of the success of any company today. The right concept of personnel management helps to build it. We will talk in more detail about its essence, varieties, and formation later in this material, not forgetting to analyze the classification of personnel.

What is this?

The concept of personnel management is a set of methodological and theoretical views that define the goals, essence, methods, criteria and objectives of influencing company employees. An important addition to it is practical advice on the formation of a mechanism for influencing personnel.

Employers today are successfully applying four modern concepts:

  • Humanistic.
  • Economic.
  • Organizational and administrative.
  • Organizational and legal.

We will analyze each in detail.

concept of personnel management
concept of personnel management

Humanist concept

Its base is Japanese management. An employee here is not just an employee, but the main subject of the organization, which is why his opinion is always important for the company's management.

The main goal of this management conceptpersonnel - to create a set of conditions that will allow the worker to dynamically move up the career ladder and develop in general. It is not enough just to use modern technologies. It is important to review and change the values of the staff.

Economic concept

More typical for companies employing low-class workers engaged in mass production. The main goal of this personnel management system is to "unleash" the potential of each employee. Namely, his discipline, diligence, preparedness.

Companies with this vision tend to have an authoritarian leadership style. Personal interests are always subordinated to the general idea.

personnel classification
personnel classification

Organizational and administrative concept

The main goal here is to maximize the use of the labor and personal potential of each employee. This concept of personnel management can be characterized by the additional introduction of subsystems.

The management here strives to achieve full compliance of the employee with the position held, the required qualifications. The concept is ideal for companies with a clear organizational structure.

Organizational-social concept

What is important in this personnel management system? Competent management of human resources of the company, achievable by creating favorable external conditions.

A person is the most important resource here. But at the same time, its full compliance with the corporate spirit, as well as the position held, is required. The system is typical formedium, large companies.

personnel management system
personnel management system

Forming your own concept

Corporate management doesn't have to dwell on the above concepts. The system can be formed independently, taking into account the current needs of the organization. It can be developed both by your own HR department and by external specialists.

The developed system is based on domestic and foreign experience. The most important thing is to decide on the goals that the concept should help achieve:

  • Providing quality staffing.
  • Organization of the correct use of labor.
  • Social, professional development of staff, etc.

It is important to rely on the current needs of the corporation, the direction of its development, the current state.

When forming the concept of personnel management in an organization, specialists carry out, perform:

  • Comprehensive analysis of the situation on the labor market.
  • Creating a common information system that includes all departments of the company.
  • Organization of mass retraining (training) of personnel, the purpose of which is to increase professionalism and qualifications.
  • Development of motivational programs for personnel.
  • Coordination of work aimed at stabilizing working conditions.
  • Certification, evaluation of human resources.
  • basic concepts of personnel management
    basic concepts of personnel management

Basics of the concept

What are the basic concepts of personnel management that developedyourself without fail include the following:

  • Planning, attracting new highly skilled workers.
  • Evaluation of investments in human capital.
  • Development, staff training.
  • Assessing the contribution of each worker to the achievement of a common goal.
  • Motivation for effective work, its reward.
  • Regulation of psychological, personal resources, development of innovative, creative working approaches.
  • Extension prof. skills through timely staff rotation, managerial modeling.

Development of the concept

The development of the personnel management system has the following features:

  • Possible only with constant analysis of the labor market, the qualifications and competitiveness of personnel, the level of modernization of the company.
  • Applying development methods: changing leadership style, retraining staff, etc.
  • Creation of a comprehensive personnel information database.
  • Accounting for the loy alty of employees, their motivation, readiness for retraining. If the position of the staff is passive, a new corporate culture is being developed, the management style and ways of stimulation are changing.
  • The goals and interests of not only the organization and employees are taken into account.
  • The effectiveness of each employee is monitored, and appropriate measures are selected to influence him.
  • the concept of personnel management in an organization
    the concept of personnel management in an organization

Personnel classification

All personnel can be divided into two large groups:

  • Non-industrial personnel. Social activity area.
  • Production and industrial personnel. Both production and service.

Classification of personnel based on the main task:

  • Workers. Create a product, perform a service. Internal gradation - main (directly employed in production) and auxiliary (maintenance, repair, transportation) workers.
  • Servants. Workers whose element is intellectual work. These are managers (top, middle, lower level), specialists (lawyers, economists, engineers, accountants, etc.) and other personnel - cashiers, technicians, secretaries, etc.

According to the degree of qualification, personnel are graded as:

  • highly skilled;
  • qualified;
  • low-skilled:
  • unqualified.

This concludes the conversation about personnel and the concepts of human resource management. As for the latter, four main ones have been singled out today. However, each company can develop its own concept.
