The main types of machine tools in production

The main types of machine tools in production
The main types of machine tools in production

Today, not a single manufacturing enterprise can do without machine tools. Whether it is a small private company or a large factory, in one form or another, processing equipment is used in all industries. Another thing is that there are many classifications of machine tools, functional features, as well as individual optional content. These and other factors make it possible to identify different types of machines according to specific features and characteristics.

machine types
machine types

What are called machines?

The main distinguishing feature of this equipment in the general category of industrial units and construction tools is the presence of a frame on the basis of which a working body or system of bodies is arranged. The processing element can be a small abrasive wheel, a drill, and a diamond crown - it depends on the operation being performed. Most often, the general view of the machine is presented as a massive structure with working equipment, a feed platform, clamps, an engine, etc. But in household and small-scale workshops, installations of modest size are also quite used. Moreover, if earlier only stationary units were necessarily classified as machines, today there are many mobile devices among them. Moreover, the line between manualpower tools and small machines is not always clearly defined even by manufacturers. And yet, the presence of a frame, a power plant and processing organs allows us to classify the equipment as full-fledged machines. Which ones exactly is another question.


types of milling machines
types of milling machines

One of the most popular categories of production machines that cover all operations related to turning parts. The lathe allows you to correct the shape of workpieces that initially have bodies of revolution, to carry out cutting, grooving and, in some cases, drilling. It can be said that the target direction of operation of such equipment is the maintenance of workpieces in the form of bodies of revolution, which, in the process of turning, receive a conical or cylindrical shape. There are different types of lathes that are used in different industries. For example, woodworking factories may use large machines to create rounded lumber. In the furniture industry, turning units are used to form legs, stair balusters, handles, etc. Such machines are also divided according to the type of placement - floor or desktop.

Sawing machines

This category includes units that cut workpieces into two or more parts. Allocate circular, that is, disk machines, and tape. The former carry out cross-cutting of products, as a rule, in line mode. Circular models are also widely used in the household, since such operations are quite in demand. Tape types of machines allow you to perform a longitudinal cut. For example, a single-saw unit can split a long board into two parts that are similar in length. Two-saw, in turn, simultaneously cut in two levels, allowing you to get three from one board. Special modifications also make it possible to form a curved cut or even cut at a certain angle. These are machines with automatic feed control and high precision processing.

Milling machines

types of lathes
types of lathes

This type of operation is focused on the formation of profiles of a certain type. Most often, flat workpieces are processed by milling by removing edges to a certain height. Machines of this type are mainly used in furniture production, where they are used to obtain shaped elements and accessories, which are primarily of a decorative function. They also produce full-fledged building materials with the help of a milling cutter - lining, plinth, spikes, platbands, etc. More modern types of milling machines support template processing. These are copy-milling units, the cutting parameters of which are selected automatically in accordance with the dimensions of the template part.

Hole machines

main types of lathes
main types of lathes

Drilling machines are no less in demand both in private workshops and in large industries. They allow you to create blind and through holes, due to which assembly can be carried out in the future. Unlike electric drills, machines with a drilling function provide a higheraccuracy and different power. The most popular types of vertical machines, because they suggest the top location of the spindle and give freedom in handling the working platform-table. Some models are capable of performing oblique drilling - it is also implemented due to the possibility of changing the position of the table on which the workpiece is fixed. A separate category is represented by drilling and slotting machines. They are capable of, in addition to drilling directly, also to perform milling operations. Milling is not traditional, but narrowly focused. Such models usually perform groove niches, technological sockets and other structural recesses for connection.

Surface Finishing Machines

types of machine tools for metal
types of machine tools for metal

A wide range of machine tools is presented in the segment of models for surface treatment of parts. Such operations are generally positioned as grinding, but this is only the main part of their functions; there are also related tasks. What type of processing a particular machine will perform depends on its design. So, drum machines are focused on grinding boards, panel and sheet materials on the surface. In fact, a shallow cleaning of the material from burrs, protruding irregularities and other defects is implemented. Finer processing is performed by edge grinding models. At first glance, the same function is performed by the main types of lathes, which carefully adjust the surface of the workpieces to the desired shape. However, in this case, the edge processing is not emphasized.only on cylindrical parts. This operation is often used to correct the edge along the length. But there are machines in this group that are also focused on cylindrical parts. These are oscillatory models of grinders, but they are not used for decorative improvement, for example, balusters, but for preparing building materials in the form of logs of a certain size.

Classification by processing material

general view of the machine
general view of the machine

Production machines are often assigned a specific purpose in terms of the material being processed. Wood and metal are the main materials with which such equipment works. For wood blanks, not so high power is laid in the machines, but on the other hand, more flexible settings for work operations are provided. Machine tools for metal parts, obviously, require a higher level of power load, as well as a reliable element base. The most popular types of machine tools for metal are turning, milling, drilling, etc. A special category is formed by screw-cutting machines, which have almost no analogues in the group of woodworking machines. These are units that produce threading. In addition, there are special machines for working with stone, plastic, composite and other less popular building materials and raw materials.

Classification by management type

Mechanized machines with manual control are gradually becoming a thing of the past. Such models are found only in small workshops that work with piece blanks. Large enterprises tend toswitch to semi- or fully automated installations. In this segment, there are also different types of machine tools that differ in the degree of automation. The most advanced CNC and computer controlled machines allow highly precise adjustment of processing settings without constant control by the user. The operator is assigned only the function of loading the initial data into the electronic control panel.


machine tools in production
machine tools in production

Most of the machines that are used today in various industries are units for mechanical processing. Cutting, drilling, trimming, grinding - all these operations are carried out by the action of metal nozzles. But they are gradually being replaced by high-tech alternative machines. In production, the types of traditional mechanical units as such are of no particular importance. The main thing that is taken into account is the ability to maintain the pace of processing with proper quality assurance. Fundamentally new opportunities in this context have been opened up by waterjet, laser and thermal machines with higher performance properties. Their return from various points of view is more than justified, but so far the massive transition to such machines is hindered by the complex organization of their use and the high price.
