Bentonite - what is it? Bentonite production, application

Bentonite - what is it? Bentonite production, application
Bentonite - what is it? Bentonite production, application
what is bentonite
what is bentonite

Mankind has long learned to use minerals from the bowels of the planet to meet its needs.

And if coal, oil and other well-known gifts have been used in industry for a long time, then the beneficial properties of some minerals have only recently been explored.

These include such a substance as bentonite. What is this mineral and what is it used for? Below we will try to understand this issue in more detail.

Concept and origin

Bentonite is a clay-like sedimentary mineral with water-absorbing and adsorbing properties. When moistened, its volume may increase several times from its original size.

The mineral owes its name to the American city of Benton, located in the state of Montana, where deposits of this mineral were first discovered.

The formation of bentonite occurred at the late stages of the geological development of our planet. The reason for its occurrence was the transformation of volcanic sedimentaryrocks under the influence of moisture and high temperature.

Variety of deposits

It should be noted that in addition to the hydrothermal process, many external factors influenced the occurrence of deposits. Therefore, there are a huge number of places in the world where bentonite clays are mined. But at the same time, they have different properties and are used in different industries.

Mine development

In the modern mining industry, the development of bentonite clays is carried out mainly by an open pit method. This is due to the peculiarities of the occurrence of this sedimentary rock, the depth of which usually does not exceed 100 meters. The production of bentonite begins only after the exploration of the deposit.

bentonite application
bentonite application

Analysis and geological exploration assess the economic feasibility of starting development, after which activities are carried out to open deposits. At the same time, the estimated production volume should exceed several million tons. Only in this case, the development of a quarry will be profitable.

Each deposit produces its own special bentonite. What are these varieties and where are they used?

Application industries

The most common uses for this mineral are:

  • Agriculture. Bentonite is widely used in this industry. Its use for land reclamation and as an adsorbing element in field work can hardly be overestimated.
  • Bentonite for winemaking and fruit productionjuices. They did not immediately come up with the idea of using the mineral in this industry. In winemaking, bentonite clarification of various wines and natural drinks is often used.
  • Steel industry. It is indispensable in the foundry for the manufacture of various molding sands. In addition, bentonite clay cleaning is an essential element in the production of ferrous alloys.
cleaning with bentonite
cleaning with bentonite
  • Perfume production and production of household chemicals. Bentonite does not contain any toxic additives and has excellent absorbing properties. It is widely used in the production of cosmetics, eau de toilette, various emulsions and anti-corrosion additives. At the same time, the cost of even the highest quality raw materials is significantly lower than that of plant and animal additives used in the production of household chemicals. Therefore, the use of bentonite can significantly reduce the cost of purchasing raw materials.
  • Light industry. Bentonite is a cheap and high-quality substitute for starch and is widely used in fabrics.
  • Oil refining industry. It requires a separate bentonite. What is this variety? The fact is that the products obtained during oil refining significantly improve their consumer qualities if they were previously cleaned with bentonite. This removes all unnecessary impurities.

Below, consider the use of bentonite in individual industries in more detail.

Wine industry

Clarification with bentonite
Clarification with bentonite

Bentonite for winemaking has recently been almost the main element of the technological process. It's hard to imagine now how they used to do without him.

It is mainly used in the following cases:

  • clarification of wine and fruit juices with bentonite;
  • treatment of wine must to remove various enzymes and protein compounds from it;
  • treatment of wine and juice materials to stabilize them.

Usually bentonite cleaning is used in the wine industry alone. But in some cases, it is possible to use other auxiliary substances that participate in the process as a catalyst.

The benefits of bentonite when used in winemaking

The first benefit. The use of this mineral in the production of wine, in addition to its cheapness, makes it possible to achieve great advantages in the technological process. The mineral can significantly reduce the amount of adhesive waste during processing:

  • Easy glued materials. To do this, bentonite is mixed with a small amount of baking soda.
  • Must in the technological process of making white and champagne wines. To do this, a bentonite solution is prepared without adding soda. This allows you to get a dense precipitate, in which there are absolutely no protein compounds.
bentonite for winemaking
bentonite for winemaking

Second advantage. Bentonite is easy to use in production. The resulting solution does not formlumpy compounds, which makes it easy to combine it with wine semi-finished products. At the same time, it has a high coefficient of clarification and stabilization of the finished product.

Third advantage. The low cost of bentonite clays compared to similar substances. At the same time, the consumption rates of raw materials for clarification of products are in some cases even lower than those of similar sorbents. This reduces production costs, which reduces the cost of finished products and increases the profit margin of the enterprise.

The fourth advantage. Dry bentonite powder makes it easy to prepare a solution of any consistency. This is done by adding the required amount of liquid.

The fifth advantage. It is possible to obtain bentonite of any kind and category. It is enough to contact the supplier of this raw material and get acquainted with the characteristics of this mineral, and then make the necessary choice.

Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) applications

Often used for HDD bentonite. So, when earthworks associated with drilling are carried out, there are cases of shedding of the walls of the drilled hole. Bentonite clay is used to strengthen the bore. In addition, the hydrophobic properties of building materials containing this mineral in their composition make it possible to use them to strengthen the walls of trenches during earthworks that are carried out below the groundwater level in any particular area.

Bentonite for horizontal drilling is used due to its high bindersproperties. Water, coming into contact with this substance, fills the voids in it. The result of this is the swelling of the mixture and its increase in volume several times.

bentonite production
bentonite production

With the correct proportions of dry powder and liquid, a homogeneous viscous substance is obtained, which has thixotropic properties. This means that the bentonite solution easily absorbs water and becomes malleable, making it easier to work with. And in the absence of mechanical action, it hardens, forming a waterproof barrier.

A special solution of bentonite clay is indispensable for drilling in loose and floating soils. It allows you to strengthen the walls of the resulting well, as well as prevent sticking of parts of the soil on the drilling tools.

Use against quicksand

bentonite for drilling
bentonite for drilling

Bentonite is also used in drilling in case of quicksand. As you know, quicksand is soil mixed with water, which acts on the walls of the well and causes them to constantly collapse.

Usually it consists of sand and pieces of clay, which form the so-called "creeping water". When the well reaches the site of formation of quicksand, the violation of the integrity of its shell leads to the filling of this mass of the entire space behind the walls of the well, which does not allow to continue work. At the same time, the volume of liquid can be so significant that even using a pump to pump out the suspension does not solve the problem.

To neutralize the negative impact of quicksandand bentonite clay is used. It is pumped into the annulus. After swelling, this mixture forms a waterproofing mass, which does not allow liquid to fill the well.

Bentonite in modern drilling operations is a magic wand, especially when drilling into water. In addition to hydrophobic properties, it has lubricating properties, which allows you to increase the life of the drilling rig and the cutters themselves.


This article discussed such material as bentonite, what it is, what it is used for, in what areas of industry and for what purpose it is used, how it is mined. You can learn more about its physical properties by contacting specialized publications.
