Use pigeon droppings as fertilizer

Use pigeon droppings as fertilizer
Use pigeon droppings as fertilizer

Many gardeners use pigeon droppings as fertilizer in their gardens. It refers to organic fertilizers in which nutrient compounds are of animal or vegetable origin. Using natural substances to feed plants, you can not be afraid for your he alth. In addition, such a fertilizer can be prepared independently without spending money.

pigeon droppings as fertilizer
pigeon droppings as fertilizer

Scientific research

People have long identified the benefits of bird droppings and actively used its properties to increase productivity. Many scientists have tried to investigate this material. It is known that in the 18th century in Germany, the chemist Liebig studied pelicans and cormorants. He found that their litter contains 33 times more nitrogen than horse dung. This trend is typical for all birds. Nitrogen is extremely important for plants.

Unique composition

In pigeon litter, the content of phosphorus is 8 times higher compared to horse manure, and nitrogen - 4 times. On average, one adult pigeon produces three kilograms of waste per year. If we consider that they live in flocks, then after them you can gain an impressive amount of organic matter. Usingpigeon droppings as fertilizer, it is important to follow certain rules.

bird droppings fertilizer
bird droppings fertilizer

How to prepare: drying

The main point is the obligatory drying of the natural substance. In its original state, it does not perform the function of fertilizer, as it can not decompose in the soil for a long time. Due to the chemical composition, fresh manure causes burns of the root and stem of the plant, which leads to decay in the future. Rapid drying is preferred as more nitrogen is retained. It can be carried out in specially dedicated ovens. The resulting concentrate is ground into powder. The resulting one part of the fertilizer is diluted with ten parts of water a few days before watering. It is better to give the mixture time to infuse.

How to store and apply

If for some reason it is impossible to dry, you can apply composting. To preserve dry bird droppings as a fertilizer, it is mixed with sawdust, peat, straw. With a sufficiently warm air temperature, all this rots in a month or two. The compost prepared in this way is scattered on the ground in early spring or late autumn. It is autumn that is recommended, because during the winter the excess nitrogen will go away, besides, the mixture will completely rot. When making compost in early spring, it is quite possible to increase the growth of green mass and slow down the formation of root crops.

dry bird droppings as fertilizer
dry bird droppings as fertilizer

How much

Plants are good at assimilating nitrogen found in bird waste. That is why it is effectivepigeon droppings as fertilizer. When diluting the concentrate with water, it is important to follow the recommended dosage. Too much will do more harm than too little. Basically, top dressing is carried out in early spring, when new buds are laid on the trees. At the very beginning of growth, crops such as cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini are watered with a mixture. Fertilizer with bird droppings has a beneficial effect on garden and indoor flowers. Root crops need more potassium. If you increase the feeding with droppings, then the vegetables will have more nitrates. To prevent this, ash should be used as an additional source of potassium.

Properly using pigeon droppings as a fertilizer, you can grow organic vegetables and fruits.
