Cottage village "Sea terraces"

Cottage village "Sea terraces"
Cottage village "Sea terraces"

St. Petersburg is a huge city, spread out freely in the immediate vicinity of the bay. This is a metropolis, a city of federal significance of the state. Its residents, just like the residents of the capital, dream of living in the fresh air. The Morskiye Terrasy cottage settlement, founded just over fifty kilometers from the city along the Primorskoye Highway, provides them with such an opportunity.

Image"Sea terraces"
Image"Sea terraces"

A little about St. Petersburg

This is the former Leningrad (Petrograd) - the city founded by Peter I and is a symbol of the Russian state, imperial power and military glory. What the city and its inhabitants have not experienced during its existence: several revolutions, a long-term blockade, the death of residents. But he did not give up, he became even more beautiful. Today it is home to more than seven million people. But only a small number of them were lucky enough to get into the "Sea Terraces" - a cottage village, spread out outside the city right on the shore of the bay.

Location of the village

Only sixty-seven kilometers separate St. Petersburg and the Sea Terraces. The village is located at around 25 km along the Primorskoe highway. There is the village of Sands in the Vyborgsky district. To get to it, you do not need to turn anywhere. Right in the city, take the direction along this highway and move up to the village of Peski. There, on the Big Coastal Passage, almost at the very edge of the water, the Sea Terraces are located, the name of which was invented because of such proximity to the water.

Cottage village: description and device

Image"Sea terraces" village
Image"Sea terraces" village

How to accurately describe "Marine Terraces"? This cottage village is designed for year-round living in conditions of increased comfort. Such conditions are possible, since the developer has fully provided for the laying of engineering infrastructure and asph alted roads. The security service is responsible for the security of the residence. And all communications are serviced by the operational service.

The territory of the village stretches along the coast for six hundred and fifty meters and occupies sixty-five hectares of land. In total, according to the documentation, two hundred and fifty-seven land plots are provided. Each of them occupies an average of fifteen acres. But there are plots suitable for the construction of almost estates. Their area reaches seventy acres.

In addition, almost seven hectares of land will be occupied by public and administrative-technical zones. Also, four hectares are allocated for a walking park area with a lake, a stream, children's and sports grounds. And all this along the coast of the Gulf of Finland, where you can make a leisurely promenade.

Image"Sea terraces" village reviews
Image"Sea terraces" village reviews

Environmental situation

Probably, no other cottage village in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region will be able to offer its owners and residents a more favorable environmental situation, as offered by "Marine Terraces". The cottage village, the photo of which can be seen in the article, actually meets all the requirements for outdoor living.

No other cottage village can boast of being located right on the shore of the Gulf of Finland. Moreover, equipped walking areas where you can walk and listen to the sound of the surf. Only "Sea Terraces", named after its location, provide such comfort.

Internal infrastructure

The developer does not just sell land. He equipped the entire cottage settlement and adapted it for a comfortable life. All roads that lead to the Sea Terraces, the village, have been paved. What area can boast of such? In addition, all roads are illuminated, as well as driveways with pedestrian zones.

Image"Sea terraces" village what area
Image"Sea terraces" village what area

The safety of the residents of the village is provided by three checkpoints with an organized round-the-clock duty service. Also in the village there is an administrative and children's center, playgrounds and sports grounds. Guest parking has been built for owners of their own cars and guests arriving by car. The developer even designed an artificial lake in the center of Sea Terraces to give residents an extra place to relax.

If we talk aboutengineering communications, they are available. This includes electricity up to ten kilowatts per house, and main gas, and central water supply.


All plots of land presented in the cottage settlement are diverse in their shape and area. There is also a strict rectangular shape. There is also an irregular, conical shape. Also, the sites differ in their location: off the coast of the Gulf of Finland or closer to Primorskoye Highway. There are also plots of land in the pine forest. For those who wish to immediately engage in construction, flat areas are offered. In the center of the village, you can buy plots near an artificial lake.

Land after their acquisition are transferred to the property. And to date, almost all of them have already been implemented. All engineering communications are included in the price of the plots.

Price of land

Image"Sea terraces" cottage village
Image"Sea terraces" cottage village

The land plots that the Sea Terraces complex (village) offers to purchase, the reviews of those who have already bought them are excellent, cost from two hundred ninety-eight thousand rubles per one hundred square meters. Thus, the most inexpensive plot of fifteen acres will cost about four and a half million rubles. Naturally, the most expensive plots are in the center of the village, near the lake, their cost per hundred square meters reaches almost a million rubles.

Currently, no more than ten land plots remain free. Moreover, the developer offered until May 31, 2017 a promotion - the purchase of a plot at a discount inten percent, subject to 100% payment.

Advantages of living in the village

St. Petersburg is the second largest city in Russia. It is almost as huge as the capital. Living in a modern metropolis is not easy. Just like in the main city of our country, residents of St. Petersburg strive to improve their living conditions, move from the stuffy city closer to nature.

One of the options for choosing a place of residence are cottage settlements located around the city. Unfortunately, the nature of the Leningrad region does not always allow you to choose the most suitable place for the location of private houses. Too many swamps, lakes. From this point of view, the developer's choice of a place for "Sea Terraces" looks the most successful - in a village called Peski, right on the shore of the Gulf of Finland.

Image"Sea terraces" cottage settlement photo
Image"Sea terraces" cottage settlement photo

The supply of all necessary engineering communications, the flat route of the Primorsky highway will give the residents of the village who have moved here the feeling that they continue to live in urban conditions and with the same comfort. They will hardly have to change anything in their lives.
