Protection is Spectrum of definitions

Protection is Spectrum of definitions
Protection is Spectrum of definitions

The word in the title is very common in written and spoken language. Let's find out what protection is. Consider the variety of definitions of the word. And also look at examples of its use.

Definition of concept

So, let's take a look at the variety of meanings that dictionaries offer us. Protection, protection is:

  • Patronage.
  • Support in the accomplishment of any business from an influential person.
  • Promote promotion.
  • Special support given by a more powerful person to a less powerful person, protecting the latter from troubles, enemies, difficulties and other vicissitudes.
  • One of the structural moments of immanent temporal consciousness (besides present and retention) in Husserl's philosophical doctrine.
  • A gap or hole in something through which moisture flows. The formation of the word is comic in a foreign manner. Derived from the verb "to flow".
what is protection
what is protection

Other values

"Protection" is also the name of a number of well-known works. For example:

  • Stories by G. Gorin, M. Zoshchenko, Teffi.
  • Poems by G. Heine (translated by A. N. Pleshcheev), V. Mayakovsky("Citizens' Hide" in three parts).
  • Film by B. Kazachkov.

Origin, synonyms, related words

The term comes from the French. protégé, which means "protected", "protected". Hence the related word in Russian - protégé. This is the name of the person who is protected, taken under protection. More ancient roots are Latin (protectio - "protection", "protection").

It is possible to form adjectives from the word:

  • protective;
  • protected.

Protection is a term that can be replaced by:

  • patronage;
  • refill;
  • favor;
  • protection;
  • "roof";
  • protege;
  • support;
  • hook;
  • guardianship;
  • patronage.
patronage is
patronage is

Examples of usage

Protection is, as we have seen, also a polysemantic word. Let's look at examples of its use:

  • "With the patronage of Ivan Ivanovich, Semyon was not afraid of anything. Competitors were left with a nose."
  • "The state should provide protection to small businesses. This will only benefit the economy."
  • "I got a job in the office under patronage. This determined the attitude of future colleagues towards me."
  • "I read Mayakovsky's "Protection" yesterday. I still can't decide on my attitude to the work."
  • "And your roof is protected! Well, we need to repair it faster,so that everything does not flood here."
  • "Have you figured out what Husserl meant by patronage? I confess, the phenomenology is somewhat incomprehensible to me."

The most common meaning of the word "protection" is support or patronage from someone powerful. However, the term has other definitions.
