Center for Exchange Technology: reviews, training, work

Center for Exchange Technology: reviews, training, work
Center for Exchange Technology: reviews, training, work

The article talks about the Exchange Technology Central Network in Ukraine, which helps to get a modern profession, reduce the level of illiteracy in managing your finances and increase capital through exchange technology training courses.


For the first time the prototype of the exchange of raw materials appeared in Belgium at the beginning of the 15th century. Worldwide virtual e-commerce using computers appeared in 1997. In various parts of the world today there are already their own trading exchanges. And, as you know, demand creates supply, so along with the development of a network of trading exchanges, there is an urgent need to learn how to trade on them in order to attract new customers.

There is an erroneous opinion that the price of assets on the exchange depends on traders, supposedly only they are responsible for the rise and fall of prices. Actually it is not. By and large, along with the shares, the "opinion" of traders on the position of this company at the current moment and the "hopes" of other investors for its stability are acquired.

During one transaction on the exchange, traders, the so-called blue collars, can earn or, conversely, lose twenty to thirty thousanddollars or more. Thanks to the opening of new information and consulting centers, such as the Center for Exchange Technologies (Odessa) and the like, specializing in financial education and exchange investment technologies, students have access to world-class educational programs of high quality. They have the potential to launch their own successful careers in finance.


The All-Ukrainian network of information and consulting centers is a focus through which people get acquainted with the technology of the trading exchange. It brings together firms that develop the implementation of classical financial and economic investment instruments generally accepted by the world community. The mission of such a network is to conduct research on the principles of the emerging financial trading market, popularize speci alties focused on exchange activity, in the analysis and forecasting of markets.

exchange technology center reviews
exchange technology center reviews

The Center for Exchange Technologies, located in Ukraine, has a wide range of offers. Here are some of them:

  • investing - an independent choice for investing your own funds in the investment products of network partners is widely practiced by the Center for Exchange Technologies (Kyiv);
  • education - learning the trading principles of financial markets to master all the nuances of trading.
  • job vacancies - continuous staff expansion due to new employees and the opening of more and more consultation centers in various Ukrainian regions; one ofA good example is the Center for Exchange Technologies (Kharkiv).

Training courses

In order to successfully trade on the stock exchange, continuous study and improvement of the acquired knowledge and skills are required. The developed courses are aimed mainly at beginners to give them the basics in trading.

center of exchange technologies odessa
center of exchange technologies odessa

Training courses include trading on a demo account using the MetaTrader-4 trading terminal, the study of fundamental and computer analysis, trading psychology, the practice of applying trading strategies and tactics.

center of exchange technologies kharkiv
center of exchange technologies kharkiv

At the end of each course, students receive a certificate for 10 lessons of 60 minutes each (10 hours in total). The Center for Exchange Technologies receives feedback from grateful course participants from all over the country.

Tuition fees

All important and useful information on its official portal is posted by the Center for Exchange Technologies, how much it costs to study in different programs, you can see on its web pages. There are several options for getting an education at the financial trading center:

  • self-study course programs – $250;
  • training with a teacher - $100;
  • remote format based on the basic materials of the center (online) - free of charge.
center of exchange technologies kyiv
center of exchange technologies kyiv

A Brief Overview of Teaching Trading Strategies

This center examines the work in the market on various trading strategies that teachcompetent disciplined conduct of trade. This information is provided by the Center for Exchange Technologies (Kharkiv).

Various course programs include the theory and practice of using a variety of trading strategies, for example:

  • Cornflower strategy focused on trading currency pairs;
  • a PAR + Moving Averages + ADX strategy based on indicators;
  • Striving for Excellence strategy, which makes analysis of false market movements.
  • Puria Method strategy, which allows you to set maximum take profit values.

Tools used in the work of the exchange

The name of the service comes from the historical concept of "Archimedes' lever". For example, a potential buyer has one million rubles, then, purely with his own money, he is able to purchase only 22 tons of the volume of raw materials sold. With a leverage equal to 1/7 of the cost, such a buyer could immediately purchase 153 tons of raw materials from a professional stock broker. This seventh part of the cost is paid by the buyer immediately in advance, as it is a security deposit for the transaction. Such a mechanism is used to manage risks and earn money for exchange employees.

It's hard to imagine a trader planning to enter the market to lose his hard-earned money there. However, this is exactly what happens - having failed to cope with the information volume of the exchange, out of ten new traders, literally in a year, nine leave market trading. Is trading a kind of business? and should be taken very seriously. Necessarydraw up a clear business plan and strictly disciplined to adhere to it. This business, with a skillful approach, is close to an ideal model, because it has the following worthy qualities:

  • self-sufficiency;
  • mobility;
  • reliability;
  • scalability.

The trading market has existed for more than one hundred years and will continue to exist for a long time. Trading is a game of probabilities and the correct result can only be obtained with a statistically significant number of trades. Any trade transaction is either at a premium or at a discount.

Any force majeure, any threat to the traditional business in the speculative market, on the contrary, are sources of trading opportunities. All this, on the contrary, becomes a new opportunity to earn money.

This business does not require a separate office, additional staff, meetings with firefighters, sanitary-epidemiological and other government services.

Trading is a very isolated "lonely" profession, but at the same time the most democratic speci alty. There is even a saying that anyone who arrives at a Wall Street job in an expensive, fashionable Rolls-Royce can easily ask someone who got to work by subway for advice.

Basic concepts of the financial market

One of the basic concepts in the currency market is a quote, which is the rate of one currency in relation to another, expressed in its units. For example: eur is the original base currency, it is planned to be sold orbuy; usd is the quoted currency for which they are going to sell or buy the base currency, then the current rate (quote) is the ratio eur / usd=1, 3276, while the last, fourth, digit in the least significant digit is called a point and is denoted by pip.

The term "figure" in the stock trading market, currency pairs is usually called the movement of price changes by one hundred points. For example, if the eur/usd currency pair quote was (1.3276) and then corrected to (1.3376), then such a change corresponds to one "figure".

Tick means a one-time price change up or down. The concepts of BID, ASK, spread are widely used in stock trading.

These and similar concepts, technological methods, tools and mechanisms are studied and promoted in courses provided by the Center for Exchange Technologies (Kyiv).


Similar centers of Ukraine employed, according to official statistics, about three hundred people. New employees have excellent prospects for future career growth.

exchange technology center how much does training cost
exchange technology center how much does training cost

Network partners, with whom the Center for Exchange Technologies (Odessa) has an agreement, are offered free education, opportunities to improve their skills in the following vacancies:

  • FX market trader;
  • stock market trader;
  • financial analyst;
  • financial consultant;
  • regional curator;
  • office manager.

Opinion of employees

Peopleemployed in the Center for Exchange Technologies, only positive reviews leave about the opportunities that this organization provides. Employees enthusiastically write about the huge information and consulting exchange network throughout Ukraine, which provides many opportunities for career growth and personal potential, comfortable working conditions. For example, you can contact the organization Center for Exchange Technologies, Odessa. Employee reviews contain, in addition to positive comments about the employer, an emphasis on the difficult path in this field of activity, because work depends on international exchanges.

exchange technology center odessa employee reviews
exchange technology center odessa employee reviews

Customer Reviews

Today one can realistically assess the level to which the Center for Exchange Technologies corresponds. Feedback from CBT users is the surest indicator of the quality of the company's work. It is worth noting that among the many opinions of various people who share their impressions, there is no negative one.

all-Ukrainian network of information and consulting centers
all-Ukrainian network of information and consulting centers

The Center for Exchange Technologies receives positive reviews quite deservedly, as it gives great prospects for career growth, interesting training and stable earnings.