"Belaya Dolina", Engels: address, products, quality, feedback from employees and customers

"Belaya Dolina", Engels: address, products, quality, feedback from employees and customers
"Belaya Dolina", Engels: address, products, quality, feedback from employees and customers

"Belaya Dolina" in Engels is one of a group of enterprises that produce dairy products and meat snacks. Almost all consumers in Russia know this company.


From the company's inception to today, production has gone through many stages of modernization and transformation. The product range is constantly expanding. Belaya Dolina's products are in demand on the food market.

About the group of companies

GK "Belaya Dolina" is the largest industrial enterprise. This industrial complex includes several large developed factories: Miline Invest Group LLC, Engelssky Dairy Plant LLC, 2 trading houses (Belaya Dolina Trade House LLC and Mitek Meat Processing Plant LLC) and the transport company Alex-1 LLC ". All of them are engaged not only in the manufacture of finished products, but also in the purchase of raw materials for it.

"White Valley"(the central office of the company is located in Engels) provides jobs for more than 2,000 people. They all work in the direction of making ice cream and dairy products.

Each enterprise of this group of companies is an important and integral link in the chain of production and delivery of various food products to the consumer. The factories use modern advanced technologies that allow to produce high-quality products.

About Belaya Dolina (Engels)

This company has all the rights of an exclusive distributor. All employees of this enterprise are engaged in the sale of manufactured products in various cities of the country. The company is located in the city of Engels, on Tomskaya street, house 49.


The market for the company's products is constantly growing, as well as its production. Quantity of produced and sold goods increases quarterly. In 2012, the number of customers of this company exceeded 7000.

"Belaya Dolina" cooperates with many large stores in the country. Among them are "Caravan", "Family", "OK", "Magnet", "Bakhetle", "Lenta", "Bunch", "Auchan", "Pyaterochka", "Crossroads", "Minima", "Carousel”, Spar and others.

The company operates on high-quality and technologically advanced equipment. Every year, modernization and improvement of working conditions are carried out, as well as the renewal of devices.


As noted above, the enterprise "Belaya Dolina" (Engels), whose address was indicated above, works not only in the directiondairy products. It also offers sausages and snacks.

Cooked sausage

This type of product is presented in "Belaya Dolina" in 6 varieties: boiled sausage for breakfast, "Prestige", "Economy", "Fileinaya", GOST series and piece products.

Boiled breakfast sausage is available with and without lard. The product is covered with artificial packaging with a bright picture and name. Sausage loaves have a weight of 1 kilogram.


In the reviews, customers say that they buy boiled sausage "Belaya Dolina" all the time. It is great for breakfast and holiday tables. The constant growth in sales is the main proof that the products are popular.


This series of products includes four varieties: "Russian" (GOST category B), "Dairy" (GOST category B), "Amateur" (GOST category A) and "Doctor" (GOST category A). Each type of sausage is packaged in 1.5 kilograms in artificial packaging.

In their reviews, people are satisfied with the products of this variety. They often buy these sausages for their families.


Sausage "Fileinaya" is made with or without lard or bacon. The artificial casing retains the shape and texture of the sausage. The mass of a sausage loaf is 1 kilogram. Yellow and pink cow packaging.

In the reviews, buyers say that they buy thisfood for the holiday table. It's great for salads too. The cost is reasonable.


Economy class boiled sausage is produced in six varieties: "Tender", "Special", "Rustic", "Appetizing", "Table" and "Doctor's Special". All sausages of this variety are packed in an artificial casing. Packed in 3, 3 and 1.5 kilograms.

Reviews from consumers are positive about this product. Reduced cost of goods and good taste is what attracts most people.


This series of sausages includes "Doctor" and "Amateur" category A. The mass of sausage sticks is 1.5 kilograms in an artificial casing.

People praise products of this brand in their reviews. They say that the taste of sausage is as close to natural as possible.

Piece products

"Belaya Dolina" in Engels offers its customers piece products of all categories. Sausages have a mass of 400 grams. This section presents all varieties and varieties of boiled sausages in artificial packaging.

Customers are satisfied with the fact that they can purchase packages of piece products in the retail network. It is convenient and economical.


"Belaya Dolina" offers its customers several varieties. Special ham in artificial packaging of 1500 grams. There is also a product in a natural casing weighing 1200 grams in loaves. It is producedunder the name "For breakfast" ("Prestige", GOST category A). Ham "Viennese" weighing 1600 grams is also produced in artificial packaging.

Piece products at the factory are produced in 400 grams in artificial casings. It can be found on the shelves of stores called "Viennese" and "For Breakfast".

For a holiday, a feast or for every day, Russians choose sausages of this brand. Pleasant and delicate taste, average cost and presentable packaging - all this makes the products in demand.

Smoked products

Smoked meat products are popular with the population. "Belaya Dolina" offers a wide range of smoked sausages of various varieties. Grainy Loin, Servelat Stolichny, Servelat Tsarsky and Stolichnaya Premium are all products of this company. Product weight from 450 to 600 grams in artificial packaging.

In natural casing "Belaya Dolina" (the address in Engels was indicated above) produces several varieties of products: "Don", "Vienna", "Odesskaya" and "Krakow". The weight of sausage sticks of these varieties is from 500 to 700 grams.

smoked sausage
smoked sausage

Piece products of smoked sausages "Belaya Dolina" are so wide and varied that you can get lost in the choice. Sausages "Touristskie" in a package of 100 grams are often bought as snacks for alcoholic beverages. Different grades of servelats by weight350-400 grams in artificial packaging is very convenient to take for a festive table or on the road.

There are also small raw-smoked products weighing 180 grams each ("Ostozhenskaya", "Uspenskaya" and "Sirloin salami"). These options are suitable for meat plates.

In their reviews, customers say that not a single holiday is complete without Belaya Dolina products. Convenient packaging, a wide range and adequate cost make these products indispensable in people's daily lives.

Sausages, wieners and sausages

Moskvoretskie meatballs, Beef sausages, Doctor's and Country sausages are made in natural packages. The weight of packages varies from 500 grams to a kilogram. Breakfast sausages or "Milk" sausages can be purchased in vacuum packaging of 320 or 500 grams. The company also produces a wide range of various sausages, which fall on store shelves in packages of 300-500 grams. Each of them has a name, variety and composition. Also, the labels indicate the expiration date and production.

branded sausages
branded sausages

Reviews of people say that the composition of these products allows them to be used by the whole family. Delicate taste with a minimum amount of spices attracts buyers. The convenient packaging of products cannot be ignored.


This section contains the most delicious meat products that are made in the "White Valley". Among them are "Capital Stolichnaya" (300 grams),Merchant Brisket, Amateur Pork, Tongue in Jelly and Homemade Bacon. In the reviews, employees of the enterprise say that these products are sold out very quickly from store shelves.


LLC "Belaya Dolina" in Engels, reviews of which will be given below, is engaged in the production and supply of dairy products for adults and children. Available in milk, yoghurt, sour cream, cottage cheese and butter.


Milk for school meals is available in packs of 200 ml with a fat content of 2.5 and 3.2%. Bright and colorful packs with delicious contents can be taken with you or drunk at home.

product tasting
product tasting

The factory also produces original fermented milk drinks. Ryazhenka and low-fat kefir in 290 ml plastic bottles.

UHT milk can be stored for up to 6 months. It is bottled in packs of 1000 ml. The fat content of products varies from 6 to 1.5%.

Dairy products "Belaya Dolina" in film packaging are stored much less (7 days). Kefir, fermented baked milk or milk is bottled in 500 or 1000 ml.

Sour cream from selected milk 20% fat goes to stores in cups of 180 and 350 ml. Shelf life - 21 days.

Cottage cheese "Belaya Dolina" (Engels) is packaged in plastic containers of 180 and 350 grams. Fat content of products 2.9% and fat free. The color of the label indicates the fat content.

fat-free cottage cheese
fat-free cottage cheese

Butter 72, 5% fatpacked in foil. Its shelf life reaches 35 days.

Customer reviews of this company's dairy products are varied and contradictory. Many in the reviews say that queues of those wishing to purchase these products gather daily at branded outlets. Many people like the quality and taste of the company's dairy products. Others leave negative reviews because they are dissatisfied with the products (especially butter). They say that the dubious composition of the goods casts doubt on the benefits.

Ice cream

The Belaya Dolina (Engels) enterprise, whose phone number is on the official website, offers several options for frozen milk dessert. BigFamily is ice cream in plastic buckets of 450 and 900 grams. It comes in classic vanilla and pistachio flavors.

Italy is a brand of dessert in waffle cones. Vanilla, chocolate, with blueberries, strawberries or creme brulee - all these are varieties of White Valley ice cream.

girl with ice cream
girl with ice cream

The Belaya Dolina Dairy Plant in Engels offers to try Ice Boom, an original blueberry flavored sorbet that many children love. A real find among delicacies - Love Ice. This is a delicate ice cream with vanilla flavor, which is dressed in grape glaze. A wide range of ice cream in waffle cups with different flavors does not leave anyone indifferent. Dairy desserts of this company are liked by many customers. There are reviews in which customers say that they do not like the dubious compositionproducts. Others are satisfied with the taste and quality of the goods.

"White Valley" in Engels. Employee reviews

Former employees speak mostly negatively about their work at Belaya Dolina. They say that people are forced to work too much for low wages. There is no order on the dots. Strangers come in, and then shortages form. I do not like the former employees and the attitude of the administration towards the staff. The Belaya Dolina company (Engels, Tomskaya 49) promises its staff many opportunities and good wages, but does nothing. Most former employees become disillusioned and quit. That is why this organization is experiencing staff turnover.
