How he althy is modern chewing gum

How he althy is modern chewing gum
How he althy is modern chewing gum

In the Soviet Union, chewing gum appeared in the second half of the seventies, then it began to be produced at several confectionery factories. The fact that domestic gum is on the shelves completely crossed out all previous assurances about its harmfulness and harmfulness to he alth. Chuving gum consumers are no longer teased with “ruminants.”

chewing gum harm
chewing gum harm

It is impossible to say that this product was not in the country at all, it was brought by sailors and other citizens who were abroad by the nature of their activities, it was the best gift for almost any child growing up behind the Iron Curtain, to besides, it was inexpensive. Speculators also sold chewing gum in all places where it was possible, and in the post-war years, American sailors from ships that came to our ports with a cargo of humanitarian aid from the International Red Cross, most often the ground and photographed children crawling in the dust.

Later chewing gum became a symbol of the Western lifestyle, along with Marlboro cigarettes, jeans and rock band records. Back in the seventies kidscollected entire collections of wrappers from her, in which there were both rare and common items.

chewing gum composition
chewing gum composition

It is logical to assume that the harm of chewing gum was greatly exaggerated, since no people really got sick from using it, but they have been chewing it for a long time. Actually, people have had the habit of grinding something in their mouths for hundreds of years, but the industrial production of an elastic-plastic and stretchy sweet mass began in the 70s of the 19th century in the North American States. And before that they just didn’t occupy their teeth - with tar, and tobacco, and seeds, and all over the world. Sometimes such chewing gum was useful, and sometimes harmful.

Chewing gum, despite the similarity of packaging, smell and taste, has changed in recent decades. Instead of the inscription “Bubble Gum” or “Chewing Gum” familiar to many, the word “Sugarfree” appeared on packs and labels, meaning that the product was produced without the use of sugar. How good this is, time will tell, because both the harm of sugar for teeth and the safety of its substitutes for the whole body are doubtful. Nevertheless, the composition of chewing gum has become different than before, only the main ingredient has been preserved - Gum Base, that is, the rubber base. The requirements for the base are quite strict, it should not stick to the teeth, it should not be too hard, but not too soft, and retain such properties throughout the entire shelf life.

chewing gum
chewing gum

As for the successes of chemical science, they are indisputable, and this fully applies to flavorings. The mint becomes "more minty" and the fruit even "fruitier". How good this is, again, is unknown to the general public.

Numerous commercials ingeniously propagate the idea that chewing gum can become a guarantee of a snow-white smile, just open the treasured pack after drinking a cup of tea or coffee. Mysterious, but the best dentists insist that such teeth and caries are nothing, and to prove their words, they knock on them with a rather weighty dental instrument. However, it should be remembered that chewing gum does not give a therapeutic effect, and it is still better to clean your mouth with a regular brush, the old fashioned way.
