Theory and Rensis Likert Scale

Theory and Rensis Likert Scale
Theory and Rensis Likert Scale

The effectiveness of the organization's activities is determined by the well-coordinated work of the team, reasoned resource management, rational distribution of goals and prioritization. Rensis Likert in his works revealed the importance of proper leadership in the work process. His scale and other achievements are used in modern companies. You should read and analyze the work of the American scientist in more detail.

Private life

The biography of Rensis Likert begins August 5, 1903 in Cheyenne, Wyoming, United States. Then the guy had no idea what he wanted to connect his own life with and what to devote it to. At school he was a diligent student.

Real understanding and realization of one's life purpose came to Rensis Likert while studying at the university. So, in 1926, the young man defended his thesis and received a bachelor's degree in economics and sociology from the University of Michigan. Decided not to stop there. Six years later, the student received a Ph. D. and a Ph. D. in psychology from Columbia University.

rensis likert biography
rensis likert biography

Byeeveryone diligently studied lectures and other teaching materials, Rensis Likert and his friends investigated social phenomena. The man paid special attention to the behavior of individuals in the organization, the problems of the system and ways to use the maximum of human capabilities.

Scale - Questionnaire

Summary rating scale, created by Likert, is a psychometric measurement that is often used in the formation of questionnaires or questionnaires. When working with it, the respondent evaluates the level of agreement with the given judgments, or vice versa. The approximate structure of the scale consists of five elements (grades):

  1. Definitely disagree.
  2. Disagree.
  3. 50/50.
  4. I agree.
  5. Totally agree.
rensis likert system
rensis likert system

Thus, according to the results of the survey, one can easily determine the attitude of the subjects to the object under study. Everything is based on elementary consistent judgments: from one critical value through a neutral assessment to the opposite.

Features of the method

The main advantages of this Rensis Likert system are:

  • easy to understand and collect information;
  • easy data processing;
  • relative reliability.

As for the shortcomings, here it should be noted:

  • avoiding extreme (tendency towards averages) and averages (tendency towards polarity) estimates;
  • unthinkingly agreeing or refuting statements;
  • desire to make a good impression, whyinsincerity of answers.
leadership styles
leadership styles

Despite its shortcomings, the scale is present in opinion polls. Very rarely used in marketing and economic research.

Leadership styles

The scientist has repeatedly thought about how managers work and motivate employees to complete tasks. Rensis Likert Theory reveals four styles of leadership and is very easy to explain schematically.

likert scale
likert scale
  1. The first model is called exploitative-authoritarian. In this case, the boss does not have confidence in his subordinates, so the employees do not influence the decision-making and only carry out the assigned tasks. The “carrot and stick” method is used, where the stick is threats, fear and punishment, and the carrot is a random reward.
  2. The second option is benevolently authoritarian, in which there is an illusion of trust. Some solutions are discussed and proposed by the lower levels, but only within stipulated boundaries.
  3. The third alternative is consultative-democratic. There is a great interest in subordinates, private issues are resolved locally. The manager trusts employees and often encourages rewards (fear management is carried out in extremely rare cases).
  4. The fourth style is based on participation, where there is complete trust and mutual respect. Communications take place both in vertical and horizontal directions. Performers are motivated by the achievement of goals, and management supports them with external incentives.

RensisLikert interviewed many managers from various companies and came to the conclusion that the fourth model is the most effective. The latter form is focused on creating strong and friendly relations, collegial management and the formation of a favorable psychological climate within the team.
