Types of personnel assessment. Personnel Management

Types of personnel assessment. Personnel Management
Types of personnel assessment. Personnel Management

Checking personnel today - in the face of fierce competition - business leaders pay increased attention. The success of the company directly depends on the criteria by which the staff is formed and how effectively their potential is used. And good leaders understand this. In connection with the demand, dictated by the realities of the time, higher education institutions began to produce specialists of a new level - personnel managers. Courses in this speci alty are also very popular. They enable mid-level managers to quickly master the new skills necessary for effective work.

At first glance, it may seem that not every enterprise and firm needs HR specialists. However, in reality, they perform a very important job that cannot be entrusted to other employees. Highly qualified management staff ownsa wide arsenal of methods and methods for evaluating professional activity. Moreover, in this process, the experience gained is very important, and often the managers' own achievements also show themselves effective. Today we will describe the process of personnel assessment and cover all its stages.

personnel check
personnel check

Personnel evaluation: some general information

For the first time about the verification of personnel with a scientific approach to this issue, they started talking around the twenties of the last century. The greatest interest in this process was traced among American businessmen who tried to use every opportunity to increase labor productivity.

Thirty or forty years later, specialists appeared who de alt only with personnel issues. They began to be trusted with the recruitment of employees for production and analysis of the level of their qualifications in relation to their position. In this regard, there was a need to form basic knowledge that could become fundamental tools in the activities of HR managers. Thus, types of personnel assessment, methods of analysis and classification of criteria were developed, according to which the professional suitability of employees is determined. Of course, in this period of time they were still, so to speak, "raw", but nevertheless gave good results.

In the nineties, HR courses became more and more in demand. Gradually, the new direction was transformed into a full-fledged scientific discipline, which to this day is systematizing the results obtained over the years of itsexistence of accumulated knowledge. Most successful companies do not skimp on HR specialists, who can either be part of the organization's staff or be civilian employees. Today, large entrepreneurs try to analyze the activities of their employees at least twice a year. Such foresight allows saving working time, wages, making the most effective personnel changes and in other ways increasing labor productivity, and, consequently, the effectiveness of the enterprise itself.

Evaluation of personnel (we will give types and classification a little later) can be represented as a combination of several systems that act as tools. The latter allow you to most effectively perform the functions of personnel management. These include:

  • recruitment;
  • determining a workplace for them;
  • motivational component;
  • employee training;
  • development of individual abilities of staff, contributing to career advancement;
  • formation of reserve personnel base;
  • solving all personnel issues, including the reshuffle in all categories of personnel.

Above, we have listed the main functions of managers, but this does little to reveal their relationship with valuation activities. But this question is very important in the topic we are studying. We will talk about this later.

Functions of personnel management and performance evaluation of employees

Before moving on to evaluation typespersonnel, it is necessary to talk in more detail about the relationship of valuation activities with the main functions of managers, which we have already listed. So let's take a closer look at these processes.

Without personnel planning, it is already extremely difficult to imagine the work of any enterprise. Even small firms try to pay considerable attention to this issue. Based on the results of the assessment, the HR specialist reveals the level of qualification of existing employees, and as a result of the analysis, the company's need for new personnel becomes clear.

Selection of new employees for any manager involved in human resources is not an easy process. Through the use of different types of personnel assessment, specialists determine how effectively the company uses its resources to attract highly qualified workers.

Without training of its staff, any company is doomed. She will not be able to keep up with the times and will quickly lose her positions to business competitors. Therefore, the assessment activity will make it possible to draw correct conclusions about how high the need for employees in training is. Also, with the help of the assessment of the personnel of the enterprise, it turns out whether the existing training programs correspond to the spirit of the times and what results they give in reality.

The personnel reserve can be called without exaggeration the "golden" reserve of the enterprise. This database is updated based on the results of assessing the activities of employees and their effectiveness in various work processes.

Learning and staff development are very close, but still not identicalfunctions. Evaluation activity in this area determines not only the qualification levels of the personnel, but also its undiscovered potential. But for its 100% disclosure, training will be needed, which we already wrote about earlier.

Without motivational and stimulating components, the process of interaction between the employer and employees is impossible. More precisely, it can be effective for only a short period of time. Then the introduction of some motivational systems is required. The assessment will help you choose the most effective tools that encourage employees to deliver higher performance.

The process of personnel assessment at some stages of the organization of work activities is an integral part of it. For example, it is impossible to imagine hiring a new employee without a certain assessment of his personal and professional qualities. Also, when certain employees are promoted, a thorough analysis of their activities and potential, which can be revealed in a new position, is carried out.

verification purposes
verification purposes

Purposes of employee evaluation

Management personnel primarily care about improving the efficiency of each individual employee and the entire enterprise as a whole. But this is a kind of generalized formulation of the goals pursued by the manager, introducing the evaluation procedure into the working days. The scientific substantiation of the goal-setting of this process covers it more widely. It is believed that the main goals in the evaluation activities of employees of the enterprise are three goals:

  • Identifying the benefits of keeping an employee. It is done by determining the ratio of costs for each specific employee and the qualitative amount of work performed by him. After receiving the results of the personnel assessment analysis, the manager can decide whether to continue to keep the employee in his place or to carry out a staff reduction.
  • Identifying the potential of an employee. Evaluation of personnel in this area is important when it comes to searching for a candidate for promotion. The head of the company must clearly understand whether there is a person among his employees who is able to take responsibility and take the vacant seat. Otherwise, the enterprise will have the costs of finding, attracting and training a person from outside.
  • Identification of functional role. Each employee performs a particular role in the company. And often it has no connection with his position and professional skills. A functional role is a consequence of a combination of personal qualities and characteristics. Employee evaluation allows you to determine the categories of personnel: a team player, a bright personality, a potential leader, and so on.

Interestingly, in many Asian countries, staff appraisal is an integral part of the work process. And often it is completely based on it. This is most relevant for Japan. There, HR managers conduct a thorough and multifaceted assessment of the employee, determining his abilities, and only according to the results of the work done, they appoint him to a particular position. Thus, any enterprise makes the most efficient use ofits personnel, which increases its competitiveness and brings it to a new level of development.

Russian companies are still far from their foreign counterparts. However, every year foreign developments are more and more adapted to Russian realities and introduced into practice. But still, very often problems arise due to the lack of a single system that would meet all the requests of the management team at the same time.

development of criteria
development of criteria

Evaluation criteria

How can you evaluate the performance of employees? First of all, according to the set of criteria. Under them, experts understand a number of characteristics: personal, professional, behavioral, and so on. They should individually answer the manager's question about how exactly his duties will be performed by the employee. As a result, it becomes clear whether the employee's capabilities meet the requirements of the employer personally and corporate ethics.

Today we can say that the criteria for evaluating employees are developed taking into account many factors. The specialist studies the specifics of the company's activities, the current state of the company, as well as what exactly the manager wants to receive as the final product. It is very important for a personnel appraiser to understand the purposes for which a personnel assessment is conducted. That is, it is necessary to determine the priority criterion, depending on the type of activity of the employee. For example, when selecting personnel for employment on a production line, the priority is the high quality of work. At the same time, the employee must be executive,loyal, disciplined and capable of high volume work.

The result of the inspections and its effectiveness for the head of the enterprise primarily depends on the evaluation criteria. Today, these criteria are mainly divided into two groups:

  • Revealing the level of competence. This group includes an assessment of the professional qualities of an employee. The specialist evaluates his knowledge, skills acquired at work, as well as fixed skills. In addition, the behavioral model of the employee is studied, which is formed mainly from the totality of his personal qualities. It is most convenient to conduct such an assessment by setting certain tasks for the employee in the form of a number of typical situations that are most often encountered by him in the workplace. And he must solve them, relying on his professional skills. This method is quite effective when it comes to identifying the level of competence of an employee.
  • Revealing the effectiveness of work. In this group, all approaches and methods are associated with comparative analysis. For him, the real results of an individual employee and the indicators planned by management for the same period of time are taken. However, before carrying out an assessment according to such criteria, it is necessary first to very clearly outline the scope of tasks for the employee and notify him of the expected results. However, they must be expressed in certain categories. For example, sales volumes, concluded transactions, the amount of profit and so on.

It is worth noting that the development of evaluation criteriaemployees - this is a very important stage immediately preceding the process of assessing the work of personnel. At the same time, the work is carried out by a group of people: a personnel specialist, a manager, a personnel manager. In the future, they voice all the criteria to employees so that all participants in the process equally understand what is expected of them and how their professional performance will be assessed.

personnel assessment system
personnel assessment system

Basic Requirements

When developing criteria, the internal needs of the company and its management are always taken into account. However, the general requirements applicable in the industry must always be maintained. Usually, at least seven general requirements are applied to the set criteria, which should not contradict individual ones.

First of all, the criteria must be achievable. For example, if a company concludes ten or fifteen contracts a year with major partners through the joint efforts of the entire management team, then it is not worth setting the same ten contracts as the main task for each of them and then assessing performance based on these criteria.

An important condition for the development of criteria is their objectivity. The specialist must first of all take into account the position occupied by the employee and, already focusing on it, lead the development. Bias lies in the focus on a specific employee, which is a fundamentally wrong approach to assessing professional performance.

Don't forget about transparency. After all, the results of the assessment directlydepend on how clear the tasks assigned to them and the requirements presented to them are.

In the process of developing criteria, it is necessary to take into account such requirements as motivation and compliance with job duties. That is, the evaluation activity should be combined with the motivational component. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the requirements cannot be wider than the scope of duties that the employee performs while in his position.

Also, the criteria must match terms such as "understandability" and "dynamic". The last requirement for the criteria is very important, since in modern realities the working conditions of companies are changing very quickly. And this means that employees of the enterprise must also comply with them.

assessment methods
assessment methods

Types of employee performance evaluation

Management personnel of high qualification owns several types or methods of evaluating the work of other employees. The more extensive their set, the higher the likelihood that the results of the assessment will be accurate and useful to the entrepreneur.

Today, there are three types of assessment. They are classified according to their focus:

  1. Descriptive.
  2. Quantitative.
  3. Combined.

Descriptive assessment of employees

HR managers still very often call this type of quality, as it completely excludes the use of quantitative characteristics. It allows you to describe the employee most fully, using several simple techniques in your work:

  • Matrix method. It consists in creating an ideal model of an employee for each position available in the company. In the future, personnel will be compared with this matrix.
  • System of arbitrary characteristics. For such an assessment, it is required to single out the most significant achievements and failures from the entire work activity of an employee. Further, the manager or specialist in charge of personnel management conducts personnel assessment based on the data received.
  • Assessing the performance of tasks. This approach is considered the simplest of all. It is often used by novice specialists when the goals of personnel assessment do not affect the promotion of an employee. In this case, the assessment requires data on the entire work of a particular person, allowing you to understand how well he copes with his direct duties.
  • "Three hundred and sixty degrees." To obtain the material necessary for the analysis of the production activities of an employee, information is required from his colleagues, superiors and subordinates.
  • Discussion in the group. Each employee individually conducts a conversation with his manager and invited experts in the same field in order to find out the effectiveness of his work and further prospects in this industry.

Quantitative evaluation view

This type of assessment is considered the most accurate, as its result is presented in the form of numbers, tables and charts. When using it, the following methods are used:

  • Scores by points. Before checking the work of the personnel, a point system is developed, which is built on assigning a certain point to the employee for each of the possible achievements. After the required time period, the results are summed up, which clearly show the effectiveness of the staff.
  • Ranked. This method requires a very long preparation and a lot of experience. It is based on a rating system. The criteria for its compilation vary in each case, depending on the needs of the manager. Briefly, it can be described as the process of assigning a rating to employees, and those who are in the lowest positions are subject to reduction, dismissal or removal from their position.
  • Free scoring. This approach is a combination of the two previous ones. An employee of the company receives points for his personal and professional qualities. As a result, a rating is compiled, which is used by the leader for his own purposes.

Combined Evaluation

If the manager wants to cover all the qualities and achievements of the staff as widely as possible in order to obtain the most detailed information in the evaluation process, then he must turn to its combined form. It includes two main methods:

  • Summation of points. Each employee is subjected to a thorough analysis, and a score is assigned to their characteristics. As a result, they are summed up and then compared with the ideal indicator, derived using the matrix.
  • Grouping. Here, the result of the assessment excludes individuality, since all personnelto be divided into groups. They may have different purposes and purposes. For example, the manager allocates impeccable employees into one group, into the second - initiative, but without sufficient experience, and into the third - the most hopeless. There are quite a few variations of using this method.

Despite the fact that all of the above types of assessments seem comprehensive, in reality they allow you to evaluate only certain aspects of an employee's performance. Therefore, HR specialists are working on creating more effective methods that would allow obtaining the most accurate results in several parameters.

registration of test results
registration of test results

Format of personnel assessment indicators: possible options

The result of a personnel check usually ends up on the manager's desk in the form of an evaluation sheet. Its most convenient design is a table. Moreover, it can be of different formats.

For example, the quantitative format involves comparing ratings for each employee. In this case, all the criteria declared at the initial stage of verification are important. But an individual format based on an assessment of personal and professional qualities gives the manager information about what types of work an employee can perform and what skills he has.

Human resources management and personnel assessment are very important aspects of the company's activities, contributing to its development and determining the growth prospects.