JSC "Arzamas Instrument-Making Plant named after P. I. Plandin": overview, products and reviews

JSC "Arzamas Instrument-Making Plant named after P. I. Plandin": overview, products and reviews
JSC "Arzamas Instrument-Making Plant named after P. I. Plandin": overview, products and reviews

JSC "Arzamas Instrument-Making Plant named after Plandin" is a city-forming enterprise, on the work of which the well-being of the one hundred thousandth city of Arzamas depends. It produces hardware components and devices for the aviation industry, the space industry, and civilian applications.



For more than 60 years, the Arzamas Instrument-Making Plant has been mastering advanced technologies, progressive methods of working on the commodity market, new types of products, and systematically developing production. APZ maintains a leading position in the production of equipment, instruments and systems for air defense and aviation industries, medical equipment, energy metering devices, safety devices for road construction machines, parts for the automotive industry, hydraulic and pneumatic equipment.

The company's products are widely known in the Russian Federation and abroad. Arzamas Instrument-Making Institute is developing dynamically, its subdivisions are being constantly reorganized,new specialized production facilities are being created, which allows increasing volumes and expanding the range of products.

In the spirit of the best traditions, a youth organization is actively working - the Council of Labor Youth. The special pride of the plant is the labor collective. The life and work of thousands of Arzamas residents are inextricably linked with the instrument-making plant, which employs entire dynasties. Social and cultural facilities have been preserved and strengthened:

  • Dispensary Morozovsky.
  • Rhythm House of Culture.
  • Sports club "Znamya".
  • Chernomorskaya recreation center.

Begin production

Arzamas Instrument-Making Plant began producing the first products for aviation already in 1958. First, the production of the combined connector for the pilot's seat in the aircraft (ORK-2) was mastered. Next, the production of angular velocity sensors began. The enterprise was in fact the leading one in this industry, and many factories of the USSR knew the famous Plandin DUSs. Since 1962, the company has been manufacturing sophisticated instruments for the aviation industry.

As the plant matured, the accuracy of the instruments produced increased. Linear acceleration sensors (LLU), three-degree gyroscopy were mastered, on-board systems began to be manufactured using self-made sensors. APZ-produced icing detectors were installed on almost all aircraft.


Aerospace Instruments

Now the Arzamas Instrument-Making Plant named after P. I. Plandin produces more than a hundred typesaviation industry products: angular and linear acceleration sensors, CRS, free gyroscopes, gyrostabilizers, icing detectors, various types of actuator drives, dynamically tuned gyroscopes, test panels, feedback sensors, control systems, on-board computers.

Angular velocity sensors are produced both for direct measurement (DUSTU, DUSU) and more accurate, compensation type (DUSHF, DUS300T). DLUVCH linear acceleration sensors are used in automatic thrust control systems in many aircraft. Small-sized DLUMM sensors and high-frequency DLUHF sensors, due to their ease of use, are used not only in aircraft, but also in construction, road equipment and railway transport.

Production of gyroscopes

The highlight of the enterprise is gyroscopy. Free three-degree gyroscopes are produced for our own needs (used in control systems manufactured by the plant and autonomous liquidation systems), but recently the GSI-T, specially designed as a telemetry device, indispensable for flight tests, has become very popular among developers of control systems.

In the 80s, the Arzamas Instrument-Making Plant made a leap in the production of gyro devices, starting the production of inertial navigation systems:

  • DUS-300T - for medium-precision with a random drift of 18 deg./hour.
  • High-precision GVK-6 with a random drift of 0.03 deg/hr.
  • GVK-6 - it became the first dynamically tuned gyroscope (DNG).


Over the past years, thanks to the technical re-equipment program adopted by the management of the enterprise, a large-scale re-equipment of the machine park has been carried out. The plant uses a large number of machining centers from world manufacturers.

Thanks to the equipping of scientific departments with modern computers and software, the Plandin Arzamas Instrument-Making Plant was able to start developing gyro-devices on its own. The development of DNGDP-3001 has been completed, which, thanks to a patent-protected solution, with small dimensions and a range of 300 deg./s has a random drift "from launch to launch" of 5 deg./hour. The DUS300T was upgraded, which made it possible to reduce the readiness time to 4 seconds while simultaneously lowering the sensitivity threshold. At the same time, the device retained such an advantage of the float gyroscope as high mechanical strength.

The development of a micromechanical accelerometer, which should replace the traditional mechanical ones, has become a new direction of the plant's activity. At present, the idea of a solid-state wave gyroscope is experiencing a rebirth, and the number of dynamically tuned gyroscopes continues to expand. All this will allow updating a number of special-purpose products for the aviation industry produced by APZ JSC.


Devices for anti-aircraft missile systems

In 1965, the Arzamas Instrument-Making Plant mastered the production of the first rocket stabilization system relative to the center of mass. In the late 70s, production was masteredintegrated complex for control and navigation of cruise missiles. Moreover, the gyroscopes, the inertial navigation system and the onboard computer were made on their own. This entailed the development of precision machining, a printed circuit board workshop, assembly production and the formation of highly qualified scientific, technical and production personnel. Until now, control systems for air defense systems and targets remain one of the main products of the enterprise.

These systems have the highest technical level, are created on the most modern element base, using sensor equipment of our own production, including our own developments. The company also completes manufactured drive control systems, and some of them with gyro stabilizers.


Space instruments

Since the end of the 60s, the Arzamas Instrument-Making Plant has been producing actuators for launch vehicles of various types. They control the thrust of space jet engines. The design developed half a century ago turned out to be extremely successful: the IM-25 and IM-16 will be installed on promising starships of future generations.

Only in 2009, the BDG-6 block of damping gyroscopes, designed decades ago, was removed from production. It is being replaced by a more modern BDG-36 designed for Angara and Zenit.


Partners of the Arzamas plant highly appreciate the devices manufactured by the enterprise. Half a century of traditions of production culture, highly qualified personnel, constantlyupgradable equipment allows you to achieve consistently high quality products with best in class performance.
