Perinatal psychologist: training and features of the profession

Perinatal psychologist: training and features of the profession
Perinatal psychologist: training and features of the profession

The subject of psychology is extremely broad. It is not surprising that this science is divided into many areas, each of which analyzes in detail a certain vector in research, practical terms. One of them will be perinatal psychology. We agree that this vector may be new for the reader. Therefore, in the material we will acquaint you with the features of the work of a perinatal psychologist, as well as the training of such specialists.

What direction is this?

Perinatal psychology is one of the branches of psychology that studies the patterns and characteristics of human development in the early stages of life. In particular, in the perinatal period, these are the antenatal, intranatal and neonatal phases. Much attention is paid to the significance of the impact of such development on later life.

This is the area of science that studies the psychological and psychic processes that characterize the early mother-child bond. In other words, everything related to pregnancy, childbirth, the development of the baby until he reaches the age of 3.

perinatal psychologist Moscow
perinatal psychologist Moscow

Who can become a perinatal psychologist?

Having learned about this vector of psychology, many people want to try to develop in this direction. Who is this speci alty for? A perinatal psychologist can become:

  • A person with a mandatory higher education in psychology. As an option - a different (for example, humanitarian) education and a diploma on the successful completion of retraining courses for a psychologist (more than 500 hours of training). There is also an opportunity for obstetricians-gynecologists who want to retrain to provide psychological assistance.
  • Wishing to help future parents in establishing contact "mother-child".
  • Planning to help couples with a number of reproductive problems.
  • Wishing to help expectant mothers, a young family to prepare for childbirth.

It is important that the future specialist finds time for retraining - about 3-6 months. Note that distance learning technologies are available today.

perinatal psychologist training
perinatal psychologist training

Requirements for prospective students

Note that somewhere education is open only to citizens of the Russian Federation, somewhere - in addition to citizens of other states. The general requirements for future students are:

  • Having a diploma of higher professional education - bachelor, specialist, master. In some retraining centers, a diploma of secondary psychological education is sufficient.
  • Identification document (Russian citizenship).
  • Certificate from the place of study(for psychology students who wish to master an additional program in addition to the main course) - from an institution of higher or secondary vocational education.
perinatal psychologist training
perinatal psychologist training

Objectives and learning objectives

The main goal of training here is to train specialists capable of providing psychological assistance to women and their families at the stage of pregnancy planning, during gestation, at the time of childbirth and in the early stages of baby development.

The future psychologist in the perinatal center during training must master the following:

  • Causes of psychological infertility.
  • Overcoming the fear of pregnancy and the upcoming birth.
  • Working with women who have experienced adverse childbirth, miscarriages in the past.
  • Overcoming mother-to-be's fears about the right age to conceive.
  • Working with excessive desire to be a mother.
  • Overcoming insecurity, inability to perform mothering tasks.
  • Fight against childhood psychological trauma, fear of a new social role.
  • Emergency psychological assistance for abortions, miscarriage, loss of a baby during childbirth, the birth of a baby with severe congenital pathology.
perinatal psychologist training
perinatal psychologist training

Questions answered by learning

Quality and comprehensive training to become a perinatal psychologist should answer the following questions:

  • How toorganize psychological support for the gestational and postpartum periods of the patient's life?
  • How to help a client overcome her phobic and anxiety states?
  • How can a specialist psychologist contribute to the harmonious unity of a child and his mother?
  • How does psychosomatics have a beneficial effect on the ability of parents to conceive and bear children?
  • What is the psychological assistance to women, families faced with infertility?

Modern teaching methods

To be able to work as a perinatal psychologist in the future, a specialist needs to complete a full course of proper training. As we have already mentioned, today not only seminars (full-time, part-time, part-time), but also distance programs are available. The latter make home schooling possible. The main condition is the presence of an electronic device with Internet access.

Remote training method includes the following:

  • Introduction to theoretical perinatal psychology - reading electronic textbooks, lecture texts.
  • Participation in webinars with teachers - assignments, consultations, business communication.
  • Communication with other students on the forum, via Skype.
  • Resolution of issues related to the organizational side of the process, also remotely - through emails to the curator, administrator, employees of the relevant department.
psychologist at the perinatal center
psychologist at the perinatal center

Sample Curriculum

As a rule, each preparatory institution hasown training program with specific features. The general plan is as follows:

  1. Introduction to the basics of this area of psychology.
  2. Fundamentals of psychotherapy, counseling in the field of perinatal psychology.
  3. Social and psychological support for the delivery of the patient, the postpartum recovery period.
  4. Psychological support for establishing a mother-child connection.
  5. Work with psychosomatic dysfunctions in the reproductive system.
  6. Tactics, strategies of psychotherapeutic assistance to families faced with infertility.

Learning Outcomes

What does the training of perinatal psychologists give? Scientifically correct organization of training shows the following results:

  • The specialist knows all the features of psychotherapeutic and advisory activities within the framework of perinatology.
  • A psychologist is able to professionally accompany the pregnancy, childbirth of his patient, provide her with appropriate assistance in the postpartum period.
  • Can provide professional psychological help to infertile couples.

Training of perinatal psychologists in Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation should end with the provision of a state diploma. Only an organization licensed to carry out educational activities can issue such an official document. Checking the retraining center is simple: enter its TIN in the search box on the website of the Federal Service for Supervision of Science and Education (Rosobrnadzor). Systemwill give you information about the presence / absence of a license, its validity period.

free psychological consultation
free psychological consultation

Tuition fees

Although work in the perinatal direction implies free consultations with a psychologist, training in this direction is paid. The cost varies depending on the educational institution, region, features and form of the course. The average prices are as follows:

  • Three-month remote course - 10-15 thousand rubles.
  • Semi-annual full-time course - 40-50 thousand rubles.

Career, professional development

A specialist with an official diploma has the following prospects for further professional growth:

  • Employment in antenatal clinics, free psychological consultations.
  • Working at the center of reproduction and family planning.
  • Activities in a perinatal center or maternity hospital.
  • Employment at the social family center.
  • Opening a private psychological/psychotherapy office.
perinatal psychologist
perinatal psychologist

So we got acquainted with the features of a new profession for modern realities - a perinatal psychologist. Training in this direction requires the education of a psychotherapist, psychologist, obstetrician-gynecologist.
