What is the function of a supply manager?

What is the function of a supply manager?
What is the function of a supply manager?

Practically no enterprise - manufacturing or trading - can do without material resources. They are necessary for the smooth operation of the entire company, and the procurement manager is responsible for ensuring their availability. What are the professional duties of this specialist?

The supply manager must ensure the availability of the necessary goods for sale, raw materials for production, materials for the performance of services.

Purchasing Manager
Purchasing Manager

In part, he can perform the functions of a storekeeper, that is, to know the state of stocks, keep records of receipt and issue. However, in most modern enterprises, the supply manager is responsible not only for availability, but also for deliveries. It is he who must find reliable partners from whom the company will purchase goods or raw materials at affordable prices. He must be aware of the needs and performance of the enterprise. In some companies, the procurement manager also performs the functions of a buyer (buyer). That is, he not only looks for suppliers, but also conducts the entire procedure for materialfrom the calculation of needs to the management of the warehouse.

Procurement manager's instructions are compiled individually depending on the industry and the number of staff. In large enterprises, there are several such specialists, each responsible for a specific group of goods. For example, one deals only with raw materials, the second deals with office materials. The third is responsible for housekeeping: the availability of soap, cleaning products, tea, coffee, and

Purchasing manager's instructions
Purchasing manager's instructions

also household appliances. Accounting, warranty service, depreciation, inventory, write-offs may also be part of his duties.

The Purchasing Manager is also responsible for supplying quality goods. That is, complaint procedures, dealing with marriage, delays, transport may also be part of his duties. In addition, such a specialist must competently execute any of his transactions: accept an invoice, pay (or transfer for payment to the accounting department), issue a request, sign an order. The supply manager, whose responsibilities depend primarily on the industry and the scale of production or volume of trade, must constantly monitor the availability of goods in the warehouse. This feature is especially important for industrial enterprises. Any downtime is a huge loss for the company. The procurement manager must ensure that raw materials are available or uninterrupted, as well as, for example, spare parts or consumables. Such a specialist maintains contacts with all departments - both with accounting and direct management, and withstorekeepers, drivers, freight forwarders. Outside of the enterprise, this is one of the first people who contacts suppliers and contractors, therefore, it is extremely important that he knows how to maintain good relations and negotiate competently.

responsibilities procurement manager
responsibilities procurement manager

If an enterprise is engaged in import, such a specialist may be required to know a foreign language and the principles of international transportation and customs clearance of goods.

Knowledge of computer programs should not be limited to office applications. It is desirable that such a specialist be able to work with both accounting documents and transport documents. Purchasing manager is one of the key positions of the company. This specialist has a huge responsibility to ensure the proper performance of the plant.
