What are timpani: a musical instrument, features, application in the work of composers

What are timpani: a musical instrument, features, application in the work of composers
What are timpani: a musical instrument, features, application in the work of composers

The variety of percussion instruments is amazing! A percussionist is a real human orchestra, in his arsenal are a variety of drums, triangles, bells, cymbals, timpani and many others. If most of the instruments are familiar to everyone, then what the timpani is is not very clear. There is a misconception that this is a cymbal-like instrument. There is such an expression as "timpani ringing". Like it or not, we will try to understand this issue.

Percussion instruments
Percussion instruments

Classification of percussion instruments

Percussion instruments - the oldest type of musical instruments, the first available to mankind. The variety of forms and sounds allows them to be divided into groups according to different criteria.

By pitch:

  • With a certain pitch. That is, tools for which you can accurately determinesounding note. These include, for example, xylophone, glockenspiel, bells.
  • With indefinite pitch. The exact pitch of the sound cannot be fixed. These instruments include bass and snare drums, cymbals, tambourine, tam-tam.

According to sound production:

  • Membranophones. Instruments whose sound is produced by a stretched plastic or leather membrane. Tambourine, drums, for example, belong to this group.
  • Idiophones. The sound is emitted by the entire body of the instrument. Such, for example, are the triangle, xylophone, marimba.

Idiophones are divided into:

  • Metal: metallophones, triangles, bells.
  • Wooden: xylophones, box.

Surprisingly, the piano also belongs to percussion instruments. After all, the sound production of this instrument is based on hammering the strings with hammers, therefore, such a common instrument is percussion.

What are timpani in terms of classification? The answer will surprise many. The timpani instrument is a membranophone with a certain pitch. This unequivocally dispels the myth about the similarity of the instrument with cymbals, and also shows the meaninglessness of the expression "timpani ringing", it is outdated (initially ringing was not necessarily associated with metal). Now a metal idiophone can ring, but not timpani.

Timpani different
Timpani different

Timpani device

As an instrument, it is a bowl on which a leather or plastic membrane is stretched. Depending on size, timpanihave different pitches, the instrument is tuned to a specific tone.

Diagram of the timpani
Diagram of the timpani

Often a system is used that includes from 2 to 7 tools. You can get acquainted with the sound of the instrument in this video. That is why the word "timpani" is more often used in the plural.

V. Shinstin Timpolero


By the 15th century, the modern look of the instrument was formed, a permanent system was formed. And already from the 17th century, timpani began to be part of the orchestra. Technique of playing the instrument - single strokes and tremolo.

Use of the instrument in the work of composers

What is a timpani for a composer? This is a bright, spectacular instrument, which often emphasizes the special showiness of the moment. A variety of dynamics from pianissimo to fortissimo also provides rich opportunities for composing music. Sometimes there are even solo episodes for timpani, for example, Richard Strauss wrote Burlesque for piano and orchestra, which just begins with a solo of this amazing instrument.

Richard Strauss, Burlesque for piano and orchestra, performed by Denis Matsuev.


Symphony No. 103 by Joseph Haydn

The timpani tremolo resembles thunder. As a rule, the sound is associated with anxiety, which often occurs during a thunderstorm.

One of the most famous works that begins with the sound of timpani is Haydn's London Symphony with timpani tremolo.

Joseph Haydn
Joseph Haydn

Brilliant composer, father of the symphony (J. Haydn"record holder" in this genre. He wrote 104 symphonies, and it was in the work of the Viennese classic that this genre was formed) created this brilliant work that expresses a deep philosophical meaning.

The timpani tremolo, as well as the introduction in the lower register, personify the gloomy beginning of a person's life. After all, hardly anyone can have an absolutely cloudless, peaceful life. But already at the very beginning of the symphony, its idea is laid down: whatever the conflict, it must be removed, which happens with the appearance of the main party.

Part I


The second part of the symphony reveals the idea a little differently: it shows that life is beautiful in its diversity. And, written in the form of double variations, during which the mysterious, gloomy and solemn themes converge, it is a vivid confirmation of this. Especially when you consider that the topics are written on the same folk basis.

Part II


The third part reveals another amazing facet of the optimistic worldview. A clumsy, humorous minuet shows that many situations in life can be taken with humor.

The finale of the symphony, solemn and life-affirming, sums up. He confirms that optimism must prevail, and only by such principles one must live. This is certainly a worthy conclusion to the tremolo timpani symphony.

To sum up, what are timpani? So, this is an amazing tool. It has a certain pitch of sound, which is created thanks to the membrane stretched over the bowl. It must be part of the symphonyorchestra, expanding its capabilities to create unique images.
