Vertical milling machine, its device and purpose

Vertical milling machine, its device and purpose
Vertical milling machine, its device and purpose

To date, it is quite typical to use parts of complex configuration in various branches of mechanical engineering - shaping surfaces of stamps, molds, gears, copiers and many others. The main methods of manufacturing such complex-shaped products are the following: casting, stamping and cutting. But only machining by milling makes it possible to achieve surface parameters close to the specified ones, which significantly reduces the time for finishing.

Vertical milling machine
Vertical milling machine

Vertical milling machine often acts as the optimal and even the only possible equipment for processing flat products of complex configuration. This is especially true in the current conditions of the transition of most machine-building enterprises to small-scale production.

The technological process, in which the vertical milling machine is the main unit for the manufacture of complex profile parts, is also the most economically justified in this aspect. itavoids unnecessary costs of energy resources and production capacities. In our time, in general, there is a steady trend towards the universalization of any industrial production.

Typical process for processing surfaces of complex configuration consists of the following operations: harvesting, milling and finishing. The latter, as a rule, is performed manually, which makes it extremely labor intensive. Therefore, the high class of surface finish, which allows you to achieve a vertical milling machine, greatly facilitates the finishing operation and improves the quality of the product. Thus, this unit minimizes material costs, which is extremely important in a market economy.

Vertical milling machine
Vertical milling machine

The vertical milling machine is designed to perform various, mainly metalworking operations with end, cylindrical, shaped, angular and other multi-cutting tools (milling cutters). On such machines, various planes, grooves of any section, gears, die models, frames, corners and other parts made of non-ferrous metals and their alloys, various grades of steel and cast iron are processed.

CNC Vertical Milling Machine
CNC Vertical Milling Machine

The vertical milling machine is characterized by the presence of a vertically located spindle, which in many models is able to move along its own axis and rotate in a horizontal plane, which greatly expands the technological capabilities of the unit. The spindle head is located in the upper part of the frame, inwhich also houses the gearbox. The main working movement of the machine is the rotation of the spindle.

The main structural units of a vertical milling machine include the following: gearbox, bed, slide, console, spindle and dividing heads. The latter is an extremely important element, since it is she who turns the workpiece to the angle required for processing. In addition, the dividing head ensures continuous rotation of the workpiece when milling helical grooves.

Now the CNC vertical milling machine is increasingly used in the industry. A distinctive feature of such modern equipment is that all types of feeds in them are controlled by signals that are recorded on magnetic tape. Arising in the windings of special coils, these signals are then fed through the traction motors to the feed screws of the machine. Such control provides jewelry precision processing.
